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God, the tendereft love to his parent, ftill greater to him who had taken her to himself.

His other caufe of trouble, was the little reformation wrought by the divine judgments. So melancholy a prospect did much move him, raised many fad reflections in his mind, and made him conclude, that the time of complete deliverance was not yet come. He very pathetically represents his feelings in feveral meditations on the occafion.

In thort, thefe apprehenfions of the decay of piety ftirred up anew, in Mr. Bonnell's mind, his former defires of dedicating himfelf entirely to God, and quitting all fecular bufinefs. For this purpose he refolved to part with his prefent employment. This he at length effected to his fatisfaction, after a variety of delays, and much time spent in negotiating a matter, which he judged of the laft importance.

In the year 1693, [the fortieth of his age] while this tedious affair was tranfacting, Mr. Bonnell entered into the marriage ftate. The lady he made choice of was Jane, daughter of Sir Albert Conyngham; with whom he had for fome years before entertained the strictest friendship; as finding her temper and manner of life well fuited to his own; and that the poffeffed all thofe amiable qualities moft to be defired and prized in the conjugal alliance. In this happy choice he begged God's direction, that every thought of his mind, and every ftep he thould take, might be over-ruled by his providence that providence, to whofe conduct and difpofal he had long before refigned up himself and all his concerns, and whose motions he was determined, without the least reluctancy, to follow.

He continued in the married ftate for five years and five months: but the latter part of the time it pleafed God to allow him but little health; the laft year especially, when his diforders returned more frequently, and with greater violence than before; fo as to ftagger his refolutions of entering into holy orders, thus far at least, that if he took upon him the facred function, he would apply himself to the duties of it only fo far as he was able, but without undertaking a parochial cure.

But all his defires in this refpect were at length interrupted by that fatal fickness which brought him to his end. In April 1699, he was feized with a malignant fever, which then reigned very much in Dublin; his head was fo much affected by it that he had not the conftant command of his thoughts, fo defirable in thofe extremities: he had, however, at his laft moments, fome intervals of reafon; and they were spent in those heavenly exercifes wherein every good man would breathe out the fervours of a faithful foul and which, no doubt, were to his, the blissful beginnings of endless praifes above.

He died April 28, 1699, in the forty-fixth year of his age, and his body lies interred in St. John's church, Dublin: he left only one child, a daughter, fince deceased.

He was mafter of all the accomplishing as well as neceffary parts of learning had thoroughly digefted the Greek and Roman authors; underftood the French language perfectly, and had made good progress in the Hebrew. In philofophy and oratory he exceeded moft of his contempora ries of the univerfity; and applied himfelf, with great fuccefs, to the mathematics and mufic. In the courfe of his ftudies he read feveral of the fathers among his private papers fome parts of the Greek fathers were found, particularly Synefius, tranflated by him into English. He read books of devotion with a very fenfible pleasure: but the Holy Scriptures


were his conftant, unremitted ftudy. He read them, he thought of them; nay, he prayed over them; abundance of his meditations taking their immediate rife from thofe paffages of fcripture which he then read. Few better underflood or practifed the arts of genteel converfation, and none more induftriously avoided all difcourfe that looked affected and vain, or any way feemed to tend to the enhancing his own merit: he feldom talked with any but he gained upon them: and had a peculiar art of obliging. His abilities for bufinefs rendered him univerfally efteemed: thofe who were obliged to attend him, were fo received as if it had been his duty to wait on them. It was his great ftudy to give every one eafe and difpatch; and none knew what delays meant where he was concerned or had power to remove them.

But thefe, though excellent in themselves, are things of an inferior nature, when compared with his piety towards God, his juftice and charity his fobriety and temperance with refpect to himself.

to man,

The love of God was the first and greatest law of his foul. He had noble thoughts of chriftianity; and never reflected on the wonderful compaffion of God in fending his Son to die for us, without the strongest emotions of thankfulness.


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His humility was most exemplary, and as it took the earliest root in his heart, it appeared in all his words, his actions, and his very countenance. He was meek and patient in an high degree, and juftly esteemed pride both the parent of moft of our diforders, particularly of anger, impatience, and revenge; and the fting of all affliction which can befal human creatures. He conftantly laboured after an unconcerned indifference to the world: he had conftant prayers in his family, and was a regular attendant at those of the church where the unfeasonable falutations, wherein too many allow themselves, in time of divine fervice were always a trouble to him. He had an high esteem for the liturgy of our church, not in the leaft abated by the great fervour of his private prayers. His charity, like that of heaven, rejoiced in doing good to all. He had a true concern both for the bodies and fouls of men; and by his bounty to the one, he often made way for fuccefs to his charitable endeavours on the other. He was continually difperfing good books among young people, his clerks, fervants, and poor families, which he feconded with fuch inftructions delivered with kindness and concern, as could not fail of leaving lafting impreffions upon many of them. By the exacteft computation, that his most intimate friends could make, he gave away the eighth part of his income to the poor; and fome years, when objects were numerous, faved nothing at all. When he heard that any had spoken reflectingly of him, he was hardly ever known to refent it: fo much had grace in him got the mastery of nature, that the fole ufe he made of flanders and reflections, was, to examine himfelf-If he had never been guilty of detraction towards others; or, at leaft, heard them cenfured without ftriving to juftify them: if he had, then he hoped what he then fuffered, was all the punishment which God defigned him for it: and if fo, he cheerfully embraced it.

He was a moft fincere, faithful, and zealous friend, and had all thofe qualities which could render friendthip defirable; firmnefs and refolution, integrity and opennefs, prudence and candour, generofity and love. declined no trouble or hazard to ferve his friends; he affifted, he advifed them in all their difficulties and doubts. He had one property of a true friend very rarely to be met with, which was, always to deal plainly with


thofe he loved, and tell them what he difliked in their conduct. But this he did in fuch a manner, with fuch tenderness, as by his reproofs to oblige the reproved, and fix them the faster to his friendship. In a word, all his friends and relations, all who defired or needed his help, he studied to affft and relieve; treating them with the most obliging civility; comforting them when in affliction or trouble; reproving them when in fin: fupplying them when in want; and all this with the fingle view to the confcientious discharge of his own duty; and that by all the services he was able to do them, he might engage them in the fervice of his great mafter, and make them his fellow candidates for everlasting blessedness.

Thus we have given a fketch, though very imperfect, of this truly great man. We doubt not it will be fufficient to convince every rational mind, that his piety and goodness were of a strain rarely to be met with; and that the more we make him our rule and pattern, both in religious and civil life, the nearer we fhall come to perfection. Let us then endeavour to live the life of the righteous, as we hope like him to meet with an happy end.


YEAR 1608 8 ;

Being a Character and History of the Bishops during the Reigns of Queen ELIZABETH, and King JAMES; and an additional Supply to Dr. GODWIN'S Catalogue. By Sir JOHN HARRINGTON, Kt. Written for the private Ufe of Prince Henry.



(Continued from page 13.)


THE HE next I am to write of is Bishop Barlow, of whom my authour in this booke faith little; in the Latin Treatife there is fomewhat more; and I will add a word to both. Bath (as I have noted before) is but a title in this Bishoprick, fo as for many yeeres Bath had the name, but Wells had the game: but yet that one may know they be fifters, your Highneffe fhall understand that this game I speak of which was one of the faireft of England, by certain booty play between a Protector and a Bishop (I fuppofe it was a Tictak) was like to have been loft with a why not, and to ufe rather another mans word than mine own to explain this metaphor: thus faith the latine relation of him. He was a man no lefs godly then learned, but not fo remarkable in any thing as in his fortunate offfpring, for which Niobe and Latona might envy them, happy in his own children, more in their matches (to let paffe his fonnes, of whom one is now Prebend in Wells, and esteemed most worthy of fuch a father). He had five daughters whom he bestowed on five moft worthy men, of which three are Bishops at this hour, the other for their merit are in mens expectation defigned to the like dignity hereafter. Howbeit (faith' he) in one thing this Prelate is to be deemed unfortunate, that while he was Bishop his Sea received fo great a blow, lofing at one clap, all the` rents and revenues belonging to it. Thus he, and foon after he tells that for his marriage, he was deprived, and lived as a man banitht in Germany. Here is his praife, here is his difpraife. If he were deprived for

a lawfull

a lawfull act, no marvel if he be deprived for an unlawful: fith then my authour compares his felicity with that of Niobe, I will alfo compare his misfortune with Peleus, making Ovids verse to serve my turn in changing but a word or two.

Felix & Natis fælix et conjuge Barlow,
Et cui fi demas fpoliati crimina templi
Omnia contigerant; hoc tanto crimine fontem
Accepit profugum patria Germanica tellus.

But God would not fuffer this morfell to be quite fwallowed, but that it choaked the feeders; to say nothing in this place, but how the Protector was foretold by a poet, that he fhould lofe his head.

Aftatis fedes qui facras diruis ædes,

Pro certo credes quod Cephas perdere debes.

I fpeak now onely of the spoile made under this Bifhop: fcarce were five yeeres paft after Baths ruines, but as faft went the axes and hammers to work at Wells. The goodly hall covered with lead (because the roof might feem too low for fo large a room) was uncovered, and now this roofe reaches to the fkie. The chapel of our lady late repaired by Stillington a place of great reverence and antiquity, was likewife defaced, and fuch was their thirst after lead (I would they had drunk it fcalding) that they took the dead bodies of bithops out of their leaden coffins, and caft abroad the carcases scarce throughly putrified. The ftatues of braffe, and all the ancient monuments of kings, benefactors to that goodly Cathedral Church, went all the fame way, fold as my authour writes to an Alderman of London, who being then rich, and by this great bargain, thinking to have increaft it, found it like aurum Tholonofum; for he fo decayed after, no man knew how, that he brake in his majoralty. The ftatues for kings were fhipt for Bristoll, but difdaining to be banisht out of their own country, chofe rather to lie in St. Georges Channel, where the fhip was drown'd. Let Atheists laugh at fuch loffes, and call them mischances; but all that truly fear God will count them terrible judge


These things were, I will not fay done, I will fay at least fuffered by this Bishop; but I doubt not but he repented hereof, and did pennance alfo in his banifhment in facco & cinere. But fome will fay to me, why did he not fue to be reftored to his Bishoprick at his return, finding it vacant, but rather accepted of Chichefter: I have asked this queftion, and I have received this anfwer, by which I am half perfwaded, that Wells alfo had their prophecies as well as Bath, and that this Bishop was premonftated (that I may not fay predeftinate) to give this great wound to this Bishoprick. There remain yet in the body of Wells Church, about 30 feet high, two eminent images of ftone fet there as is thought by Bishop Burnel that built the great hall there in the raigne of Ed. 1. but moft certainly long before the raigne of H. 8. One of these images is a king crowned, the other is of a bithop mitred. This king in all proportions refembling H. 8. holdeth in his hand a child falling, the bishop hath a woman and children about him. Now the old men of Wells had a tradition, that when there fhould be fuch a king, and fuch a bifhop, then the Church thould be in danger of ruine. This falling child they fay was King Edward; the fruitfull bishop, they affirmed was Doctor Barlow, the Vol. III. Churchm. Mag. Oct. 1802. Ç C first

first maried Bishop of Wells, and perhaps of England. This talk being rife in Wells in Queen Maries time, made him rather affect Chichester at his return than Wells, where not onely the things that were ruined, but thofe that remained ferv'd for records and remembrances of his facriledge.



Of Bishop Gilbert Bourn I can add nothing, and of the other Gilbert but a word, that he was a good jufticer, as faith the fame author, nifi quantenus homo uxoris conjugis importunitate impulfus a veri ac recti tramite aberravit, faving that fometimes being ruled by his wife, by her importunity he fwerved from the rule of juftice and fincerity, especially in perfecuting the kindred of Bourn his predeceffor. The fame went that he died very rich, but the fame importunate woman caried it all away, that neither Church nor poore were the better for it. But for Doctor Godwin of whom I am to speak, I muft with my authors leave add a word of mine own knowledge. He came to the place as well qualified for a Bifhop as might be, unreprovably without fimonie, given to good hofpitality, quiet, kind, affable, a widdower, and in the Queen's very good opinion, Non minor eft virtus quam querere parta tueri, if he had held on as clear as he entred, I fhould have highly extold him but see his misfortune that first lost him the Queen's favour, and after forc't him to another mifchief. Being as I faid, aged, and difeafed, and lame of the gout, le maried (as fome thought for opinion of wealth) a widdow of London. A chief favourite of that time (whom I am forry to have occafion to name again in this kind) had laboured to get the mannor of Banwell from this Bishoprick, and difdaining the repulfe, now hearing this intempeftive mariage, took advantage thereof, caufed it to be told the Queen (knowing how much the mifliked fuch matches) and inftantly purfued the Bishop with letters and mandats for the mannor of Banwell for 100 yeeres. The good Bishop not expecting fuch a fudden tempeft, was greatly perplext, yet a while he held out and indured many sharp metfages from the Queen, of which my felf carried him one, delivered me by my Lord of Leicester, who seemed to favour the Bishop, and miflike with the Knight for molefting him, but they were foon agreed like Pilat and Herod to condemn Chrift. Never was harmless man fo traduced to his foveraign, that he had maried a girle of twenty years old, with a great portion, that he had conveyed half the Bishoprick to her, that (because he had the gout) he could not stand to his mariage, with fuch fcoffs to make him ridiculous to the vulgar, and odious to the Queen.

The good Earl of Bedford happening to be present when these tales were told, and knowing the Londoners widdow the Bishop had maried, faid merrily to the Queen after his dry manner, Madam, I know not how much the woman is above twenty, but I know a fonne of hers is but little under forty; but this rather mar'd then mended the matter. One faid, Majus peccatum habet. Another told of three forts of mariage, of God's making, as when Adam and Eve two young folks were coupled, of man's making, when one is old, and the other young, as Jofeph's mariage, and of the Devill's making, when two old folks marry not for comfort, but for covetoufnefs, and fuch they faid was this. The conclufion to the premiffes was this, that to pacifie his perfecutors, and to fave Banwell, he was fain with Wilfcombe for 99 yeeres (I would it had been

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