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fition of Ruffia towards Great Britain, especially fince it has been reported that Ruffia, Pruffia, and France have entered into an alliance, offentive and defenfive.

The Prench papers contain feveral Senatus Confulta; but the molt remarkable is one declaring the island of Elba united to the territory of the French Republic, with the right of fending a deputy to the Legislative Body, making the number of that body 301. Though this acceffion is but fmall, being, as we may fuppofe, in the proportion of 1 to 301 to the exifting territory of France, it is yet worthy of notice, inafmuch as it fhews the continued fyftem of France always to add to its dominions. Its fituation abreast of the new kingdom of Etruria, and its fortreffes, the strength which was known by the difficulty which the French themselves found in reducing them, render it a station from which nothing but a combination of the greateft naval and military power can difpoffefs the French, while it affords every facility to any plans of aggran. difement which the French Government may form, or may have already formed, on the fide of Italy.

To the obedient and tractable government of Genoa, the First Conful has addreffed a note, in which the following remarkable paffages occur.

"Genoa and its rivieras have been the theatre of a bloody war. It is with pleasure I remember that, in the midst of the moft dreadful viciflitudes, you have been faithful, and have always made your cause the caufe of the Great People. You have destroyed the oligarchy that nourished different fentiments. Factions have fince disturbed your repofe, compromifed your credit, and endangered your liberty:-it is true even that great powers will, perhaps, preferve fome refentment at your conduct; but the French People will always confider your caufe as their own. A Conftitution founded upon equality, that firft of bleffings, confolidates your existence, and great provinces round and increase your

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your religion, and bring up your gene ration in the love of the Great People. Let your wretched gallies be replaced by good fhips of war, which protect your trade in the Levant; that country is ftill full of the recollections of your anceftors."

"Tell them often, that every thing that fhail occur to make them happy, will be a fubject of joy and fatisfaction to me; and that their mifery will be subjects of forrow and regret.

The Moniteur of the 14th contains an account of the inftallation of the new Republic of the Valais. The only point worthy of notice in this ceremony is, that the Republic has been declared equally independent of France and Switzerland. In the Addrefs to the People of the Valais, the French Government takes credit to itfelf for reftoring peace to Europe, and observes, that it devoted the firit moments of tranquillity to confidering of the means of enabling them to enjoy the beneficial effects of this event, by terminating their ftate of indecifion. It then continues to fate, that the French, Italian, and Helvetic Republics have concluded a folemn treaty, by which the independence of the Valais is eftablished under the guarantee and protection of thofe three Republics. The Addrefs concludes with the nomination of feveral individuals to the pofts of Grand Baillie, Counsellors of State, Vice-Baillie, &c.

The new Government was inftalled with pomp, and the people were gratified with a proceffion, Te Deum, illuminations, fireworks, &c.

Upon the fubject of religion, very little novelty has lately occurred in France; the First Conful, we hear, has prefented an epifcopal ring to the Prelates of Amiens, Autun, Avignon, Arras, Coutances, Evreux, Ghent, Limoges, Meaux, Metz, Mans, Namur, Nancy, Orleans, Soiffons, St. Brieux, Troyes, Verfailles, and Vannes. The gift is in teftimony of his fatisfaction for the reftoration of harmony among the priests of their respective diocefes, and for the annihilation of all the feeds of clerical fchifm.

When the Proteftant Clergy of France paid their refpects to BONAPARTE upon his election for life, he received them with very particular diftinction, and de

tained them near him for an hour and a half. He queftioned them very seriously as to the mode which could be adopted to prevent begging; and obferved that their religion was the only one which administered charitable donations and pecuniary affiftance to the poor in a fuitable and useful manner. He faid, that on his journey to St. Quintin he had lodged at the house of a Proteftant, who gave him excellent notions upon the subject, which he fhould not easily forget.His converfation with M. Marron upon the ufages of Proteftant countries refpe&ting the poor was long and interefting; he very attentively liftened to this worthy Clergyman's obfervations and informations, and, upon their conclufion, he faid, "Very well, give me a statement of thefe matters this evening?"-" This evening, General Conful! it is impoffible !" Does it require then fo much time?" He then asked M. Marron how he had escaped the ftorms of the revolution? “That is very simple,” replied Marron ;

our religion teaches us to obey the authority which governs; we faithfully obeyed all thofe which fo rapidly fucceeded each other, and we were never molefted."-"Thefe "faid the Conful) are the fentiments of a truly peace. able religion-you may leave mehope that every year you may have to folicit more churches from me, and you may be perfuaded they fhall be granted to you.'

The Senate of Etruria feems to be filled with alarm at the idea of the King and Queen of Etruria's intended departure for Barcelona, to be prefent at the celebration of the Infanta of Spain's marriage. with the Hereditary Prince of the Two Sicilies. We know not what has occafioned thefe alarms. The King, in anfwer to the Senate's addrefs, has replied, that he will deliberate upon it, and that the only object of his journey was to gratify the parental fondnefs of their Catholic Majefties.

From the rigour which is ufed against English veffels carrying any thing deemed contraband, to France, no favourable conclufions can be drawn for a speedy conclufion of a commercial treaty and among the late prohibitions is mentioned that of the tranfit of coffee and refined fugar. This is of greater confequence than many people may be aware of at

first fight. All nations must come to England for coffee and fugar, which it is the object of the French to, prevent.-Great part of Germany, all Switzerland, and other countries, receive their goods from England by way of France. The French are jealous of our trade, and with to force all nations to come to France for Weft-India produce, by forbidding them to go tranfit through France.

The attention which the First Conful has lately fhewn to Mr. Fox, has juftly been the caufe of much speculation, if it be true that the former addreffed him with the common place cant of the Revolution, "That there were in the world but two nations, the one of the Eaft, the other of the Weft; the latter, Europe, comprehending France, England, Italy, Germany, &c." Perhaps the old project of reducing all Europe under one Monarchy was in Bonaparte's head. Surely this fort of philanthropy in the Firth Conful, borrowed from Anacharfis Cloots, must have excited derifion in Mr. Fox, had any reply on the subject been prudent on fuch an occafion.


On the 14th of Auguft was executed at Swabmunchen, near Augsburg, a woman, aged 38, whofe crime is of a nature calculated to fix the attention of thofe who ftudy mankind. Between the 15th of January, 1798, and the 2d of November, 1801, this woman fet fire to the town of Swabmunchen fifteen times, in confequence of which fifty houfes became a prey to the flames. Several individuals on whom fufpicion fell, were fent to prifon; but at length, happily for them, the real criminal was difcovered by a labourer, who caught her in the fact. Her name is Maria Frankin; after feven examinations, in which the denied the crime, fhe at length confeffed her guilt, and pleaded in her juftification, that from her youth fhe had been tormented with a violent propenfity to fet houses on fire; that the had refifted this defire for a long time; but at length, overcome by her paffion, he had burnt the houses alluded to, without any end in view, and without any remorfe. This woman, in other refpects, conducted herself with great propriety, and did not appear to be deranged in her mind. She was beheaded, and her body burnt.

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An article from Vienna, dated the 26th ult. fays, that the Queen of England, to whom a warm compliment is paid, has required Mr. Paget, the ambaffador, to fend her a Treatife upon the Education of Princeffes, written fome years ago by the Duchefs of Geovani, Jady of the Palace to the Empreís.

The frontiers of European Turkey have been in a state of agitation for fome time paft, in confequence of a fingular incident, which feems to turn the heads not only of the Chriftians, but even of the Turks. Three females who call themselves the Meffengers of three Saints, St. Gregory, St. Nicholas, and St. Lazarus, travel about through the country preaching to the inhabitants, reproaching them with their vices and depraved habits, and threatening them with divine vengeance unless they change their courfe of life. They confider the drought which has prevailed for fome time paft, as a punishment, the forerunner of the greatest evils, unless the people return to the paths of virtue and the practice of religion. They fummon the inhabitants in the name of the Moft High to renounce their evil ways, among which they include the fmoaking of tobacco, and to throw away or burn every thing that ferves for luxury, fuch as rich clothes, articles of gold and filver, to affume the fimpleft dress, and to carry no kind of arms. They recommend fafting in particular, and they have already gained a great number of partizans. The Carnival began eight days before the fixed time, and fill continues. One of these Propheteffes is now travelling through that district, next to the Austrian cordon fhe is followed by more than 400 perfons bare-footed and bare-headed, who continually recite prayers. The inhabitants of Bofnia, who, according to cuftom, have pieces of gold and filver attached to their clothes, tear them off, and deliver them to the Propheteffes, who have already a large collection of thefe fpoils.


The latest accounts from Vienna fay, that the illuminations for the peace with France, which were to have been extremely fplendid, have again been put off, at leaft till the final arrangement of the bufinefs of the indemnities at Ratifbon, to which the dictating powers had pre fcribed a period of about two months.

The French and Ruffian Minifters at the Diet of Ratisbon have presented Notes, in answer to the Refcript of the Auftrian Government, complaining of the intervention of their refpective Courts in regard to the affairs of Germany. All explanation is avoided in the reply, which merely ftates-that the Declarations communicated by the two Powers prove their conftant folicitude for the good of the Empire, and that it is unneceffary to enter into detailed obfervations upon the ftate of affairs, which is fo generally known. In another Paper, the fame Minifters teftify their difcontent at the flow proceedings of the Deputation of the Empire, and have again invited that body to difcufs the Plan of Indemnities en masse.

Letters from Augsburg, Dillengen2 and Ulm, announce, that the Bavarian troops have taken poffeffion of all the towns and territories which the Plan of Indemnities gives to Bavaria.

Advices from Eichfeld announce that the Pruffian Commiffaries, having taken poffeffion of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, belonging to Eichfeld, and fituated at Noerton, in the territory of Hanover, in the neighbourhood of Gottingen; and having placed the Pruffian arms there, the Regency of Hanover, informed of the circumftance, ordered, after the departure of the Pruffian Commiffaries, the arms to be taken down and replaced by Georgius Rex, which was done.

Bonaparte is expected at Strasburg; and, it is confidently faid, he will, in the courfe of next month, have an interview with the King of Pruffia, at Duffeldorf. The prefence of thofe Sovereigns on the Rhine may be neceffary to fupport the execution of the Plan of Indemnities.

Another account, by a late Dutch mail, fays, orders have been received at Bruffels, to prepare lodgings for 200 men of the Confular Guard, against the middle of the prefent month; about which period, the First Conful will, it is understood, vifit that capital, from whence he will proceed to Antwerp to open the Scheldt."

Letters from the Hague, of the 22d of Auguft, ftate, that the Amnesty had been publifhed there in a Proclamation dated the 16th of Auguft. The Emigrants who were in English pay, in the

Ile of Wight, have been armed, and embarked for North Holland. Previous to their arrival, every precaution had been taken at the different ports to prevent any disturbance.

The fame letters fay, that 40,000 French troops will affemble on the Rhine, as well to make an impreffion on the Diet of Ratisbon, and halten its decifions on the Plan of Indemnities, as to be ready to go through their manœuvres when the Firft Conful makes his vifit to Belgium and the Rhine.


August 14. A Treaty of Commerce is at this moment negotiating with the French Republic, by which ours will renounce all its rights to the Iflands of Corfica and Capraja; a renunciation which our old Government never made but with a refervation, and we shall have in lieu of them Oneille, Loano, and their dependencies.


St. Petersburgh, July 25.-The Ruffian American Company continue to give more and more extent to the branch of commerce they have undertaken, which, in time, will undoubtedly become of high importance to Ruffia. It is now employed in a plan which is of the greateft confequence, not only to the trade, but alfo to the honour of Ruffia. It is going to fit out two ships, which are to fail from this place with a cargo of provifions, anchors, cables, rigging, &c. to fail round the fouthern extremity of America, across the South Sea, to the North West Coast of America, and the Aleufian Islands, to fupply the Ruffian eftablishments there with thefe neceffaries, take in a cargo of furs, to be bartered in China for Chinefe goods, to make by the way an establishment at Urup, one of the most foutherly of the Kurile Inlands, for the greater convenience of the trade to Japan; and then to return from China by the Cape of Good Hope. The fhips will be wholly manned by Ruffians, and the Emperor, who highly approves of the plan, has ordered that the best officers and failors of the

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As this is the firft voyage round the world undertaken by Ruffians, no pains are fpared to affure to the expedition a happy refult. The command of the ships is given to Captain Krurnftern, who has been long in the Eaft-Indies, and was the first proposer of the plan. For the formation of the establishment at Urup, the Company have engaged an Englishman refiding here, at an annual falary of 15,000 rubles for three years, and a douceur of 20,000 rubles; he is also to fuperintend there the building of the neceflary ships. Hitherto all the above neceffaries have been tranfported a vast way by land carriage, at an enormous expence to the Company. That no time may be loft, thefe two fhips will be purchafed at Hamburgh, and will fail on their voyage from that port in Oc tober.

Aug. 17. Our Monarch has refufed the guarantee of Malta, demanded by England.

Lord St. Helens had his audience of leave of the Emperor of Ruffia on the 15th of Auguft. Mr. Garlick delivered his credentials as Chargé d'Affaires, on the fame day. His Imperial Majefty made Lord St. Helens a prefent of a diamond ring of great value.

Louis XVIII, who ftill keeps his Court at Warfaw, it is ftated, in a letter received by the mail, has refused to accept the annual alimony offered him by the Courts of Pruffia and Ruffia, from a notion, that if he really confented to receive fuch a fum in the fhape of a pension, he would, by fo doing, forfeit his title of fucceffion to the crown and kingdom of France, which his Majefty does not defpair of obtaining fome day or other.This unhappy Prince, whofe mind is much depreffed, has written letters both to Frederick and Alexander, thanking them for their magnanimous offer, but informing them, that he begged leave to decline any ftipulated fum, but would appeal to them, on proper occafions, for what little exigencies might require, in the proud hope of repaying all on the day of his restoration.



Sept. 14. Whitworth, and Her H TIS Excellency Lord Grace of Dorfet, are now perfectly prepared for their journey to Paris, and only wait the arrival of M. Andreoffi at Dover, which may be expected in the course of a few days, as it was intended that he should leave Paris as yefterday.

Lord Whitworth will be accompanied by the following gentlemen:

Mr. Talbot, Secretary of Legation; Mr. Benjafield, Private Secretary to the Ambaffador;

Mr.Hudfon, Chaplain to the Embaffy; Mr. Maciaurin, Phyfician to ditto. Part of his Lordfhip's retinue is arrived at Calais; and his furniture, which is English, and very elegant, is arrived at Paris.

The Private Secretary of General Andreoffi is in London, and has engaged for the embafly a magnificent houfe, viz. the Earl of Shaftesbury's, No. 50, in Portland-place, at roool. per annum, ready furnished. The furniture is very fuperb, and belongs to the Earl of Shaftesbury, who, with the Countefs, intends paffing fome time abroad. General Andreoffi is allowed Soool. per annum. The General intends making his public entry into London on the ift Vendemiare, the first day of the French year, which is the 23d of September. He brings with him a number of Agents of Commerce, or, as they have been hitherto called, Confuls, who are to be ftationed at our different commercial ports. They muft no longer be called Confuls, there being only one Conful, the Great Conful. Lord Whitworth will fet off about the fame time, Wedncfday next.

Two veffels have been engaged at Dover to carry over Lord Whitworth's carriages and horfes, and they were to fail from thence yefterday. Mr. Hunter, jun. the Meffenger, was at Dover, fuperintending the embarkation.

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 14. Downing Street, Sept. 14. A difpatch has been received from Alexander Straton, Efq. His Majefty's Charge D'AFfaires at the Ottoman Porte, tranfmitting an Official Note delivered to him by the Reis Effendi, on the 29th of July laft, relative to the Navigation of the Black Sca, of which the following is a Copy :


Official Note delivered ly the Reis Effendi to
Alexander Straton, Efq. at a Conference

in his Excellency's Houfe, on the Canal, the 26th July, 1802.

It behoves the character of true friendfhip and fincere regard to promote with chearfulness all fuch affairs and objects as may be reciprocally ufeful, and may have a rank among the falutary fruits of thofe fteady bonds of alliance and perfect good harmony which happily fubfift between the Sublime Porte and the Court of Great Britain; and as permiflion has heretofore been granted for the English merchant fhips to navigate in the Black Sea for the purposes of trade, the fame having been a voluntary trait of his Imperial Majefty's own gracious heart, as more amply appears by an Official Note prefented to our friend the English Minifter refiding at the Sublime Porte, dated 3 Gemaziel Ahir 1214-this prefent Takrir" (Official Note) is iffued; the Imperial Ottoman Court, hereby engaging that the fame treatment fhall be obferved towards the English, merchant fhips coming to that Sea, as is offered to the fhips of powers most favoured by the Sublime Porté, on the fcore of that Navigation.

The 23 Rebiul Evvel 1217 (23d July 1802).


Monday, Sept. 20. William Ganer food indicted for publishing two obfcene prints, with intent to excite lewd and filthy paffions in the beholders.

The defendant in this cafe was an Italian, and profeffedly a maker of barometers and candle fhades. The tranfaction, as detailed by Robert Gray, the informer, was as follows:-He faid that he was employed as an agent by the Society for the Suppreflion of Vice and Immorality, to detect thofe perfons who were in the habits of felling obscene books and pictures. That in confequence of this employ, he had feen a man of the name of Revor, who was a partner of the defendant's, and by his appointment he went to their lodgings in Turnmill-ftreet, Clerkenwell, on the 7th of September laft. He then enquired after fome pictures: but they faid they had none left, for they had fuch a great demand for them they could not fupply them faft enough. He then stated fome. further converfation, in which they informed him, that there was a fociety of them in that trade, and that upwards of eighty perfons were employed in diftri

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