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required, than they themselves furnish against thofe extravagancies of theory, which confounded all the established maxims of reafon, wisdom, and experience: which alarmed the whole civilized world with the dread of barbarism, convulfion, and diffolution."

To finish the work which the philofophers of France had principally in view, and to confummate that happy æra, when heathenism should ride triumphant over the ruins of Christianity, and by fo doing, completely verify the prediction of Voltaire, the prince of infidelity; the Calendar was changed, the fabbath was abolithed, many of the churches were shut up, others were transformed to civil ufes; and toleration given to all religions, for the purpose, by an oblique method, of degrading Christianity.

"Such was the mild fpirit of philofophy, as it was ftyled by fome of their writers, who reproached Chriftianity with intolerance and perfecution. Yet, if they will enter upon the argument, we will prove that more blood was fhed in France during feven years under the mild dominion of philosophy than in the last seven hundred years of Christianity."

But the Doctor allows, and very properly too, that a whole nation ought not to be reproached for the crimes of individuals; he, however, takes occafion to obferve, for the instruction of this country, that every principle by which thofe exceffes have been excited and continued, has been abandoned. The French overturned monarchy, and fubftituted anarchy in its place; they have fubdued anarchy, and submitted to the government of a fingle perfon.

They endeavoured to fupprefs a fense of moral and religious fentiment, and for a time, unfortunately for themselves, were fuccessful. The confequences of this depravity they have, however, feverely felt, without being able to accomplish the bleffed purpose, which was the object of their anxious defires.

"The people, however corrupt in morals, were not without a sense of God, without reverence for the religion of their fathers; the government faw and felt this, and has acknowledged it; and the government faw likewife, that fociety cannot exift without religion."

Religion has been adopted again, the experiment of rejecting it has been tried and failed: and what is the conclufion we must now draw? but that all the imagination of man has been exerted in vain to find a substitute for the Gofpel, and that if a nation cannot fubfift without virtue and morals, as well as law, it is to the Gospel they must revert; for those who have once feen the light of the Gospel, cannot difcover God in any other fyftem, and will never fubmit to the invention of


Having taken a view of the old government of France, and contrafted it with what it might have been made by a temperate amelioration; and having glanced at the prefent fyftem of imperial fway in that country, and happily drawn a juft and admirable portrait of our own conftitution, government, and laws, he concludes the whole with the following animated, eloquent, and impreffive language.

"Such is the condition of France, and fuch is the fituation of England at the termination of a war, which has ended on our fide with victory, and the undoubted fovereignty of the fea. On theirs, with the acceffion of territory, and the aggrandizement of their empire. Both have caufe to exult, and both have wounds to heal. May they be healed! and may the God of peace heal all the animofities which they have caufed! We have upon many occafions had reafon to be perfuaded, that the Special interpofition of Providence had been visible in the preservation of this kingdom, but never more than in the prefent inftance. Open war is a calamity; but


the diffolution of fociety, the perverfion of the human mind, the delufion of the people, the abolition of religion, the destruction of moral principles, are evils which the world knew not how to combat; but if thefe notions have been exploded, if those who have renounced all religion, have been compelled to acknowledge "that there is a God who judgeth the world;" if thofe who denied the Gospel, have been obliged to affume it once more as the only true foundation of morality; if those who diffolved monarchy, have again taken refuge under the dominion of a fingle perfon; if we have efcaped the contagion of their example; if the example itfelf has perifhed in the folly that conceived it, then have we more reason to thank God at the prefent inftant, than at the iffue of any war in which this nation was ever engaged. Thine O Lord, is the praise, and the glory, and the victory, and the majefty; in Thy hand is the power and the might, it is Thou that giveft strength, and makeft us to ftand alone among the nations; it is Thou that faveft us, and not we ourselves; to Thy name be the praife, now and evermore, world without end." Of this fermon we say in a few words, that it is worthy of Dr. Vincent, was well adapted to the occafion for which it was compofed, and highly deferving of that honour which the honourable the House of Commons, before whom it was preached, conferred upon it, by defiring its publication.

The text (Pfalm lviii. v. 10.) is exceedingly appofite, and the subject difcuffed with great force of reafoning, and ftrength of argument.

A Sermon preached on the day appointed for a public Thanksgiving for the
Reftoration of Peace, 1ft of June, 1802, by the Rev. JOHN CLARKE,
L.L.B. 4to. pp. 19.

HIS is an excellent discourse from 2 Chronicles xx. 29, 30.


the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries, when they had heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Ifrael. So the realm of Jehofaphat was quiet, for his God gave him reft round about."

With much address, and yet with perfect ease, the preacher draws a parallel between the circumstances of Judea in the time alluded to in the text, and those of Great Britain. The piety of both monarchs certainly forms no small portion of the picture: but Mr. Clarke dwells principally upon the great national events; he goes back to the origin of the late arduous conteft, and he proves clearly enough to every honeft mind, that this was an infulted country, menaced in the moft barefaced manner by a proud and fanguinary foe.

The following remarks with respect to the due improvement of national bleffings, will afford a favourable specimen of the author's manner.

"It is truly observed, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: if we be deterred from the breach of duties by that fear, the exercise of the virtues will foon win our judgment to approve their excellency; and what was no more than a negative virtue through fear, will be kindled into the most active one through eftimation. The fear of the Lord will be fucceeded by the deepest love and veneration. The obfervance of integrity, one of the earliest of the divine commands, will illuftrate the infeperable connexion between juftice and utility. The habits of obedience and restraint necessary to society, and best to be cultivated and confirmed by the precepts of religion, and the forbearance which the impoles upon the paffions, will give conviction of their expediency, ftrength to the mind, and moderation to the defires. The excitements to benevolence from the fame principle will gradually be enlarged, by the growing feelings of humanity. In fine, it is the religion of Chriit, adding irrefiftible motives to virtue, by bringing life and inmortality to light; and fecuring thefe inexpreffible bleffings, by the confummation of ineftimable love; which in the highest degree will effect whatever is most excellent in fenti



ment and practice; which has already brought the sword to the anvil; and in the courfe of time will complete its converfion. But this cannot take place till the fhall be profeffed in deed, as well as in word. When faith shall have accomplished this fublime work, then will commence the reign of piety and benevolence; then will glory be given to GOD in the highest ;-then will peace and good will be established on the earth."

A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of St. Andrew, in the City of Norwich, upon June 1, being the Day of General Thanksgiving for Peace. By the Rev. LANCASTER ADKIN, A. M. and published at the Request of the Parishioners. 4to. pp. 16.


HIS is an animated discourse, from that appropriate paffage, Pfalm cxlvii. 14. "He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the flour of wheat."

The following just encomium upon the late minifters, particularly the "Pilot who weathered the storm," does credit to the integrity and boldnefs* of the preacher, as the request to have the fermon printed, does to the good fenfe and virtuous principles of the parishioners,

"We have not only been protected from well concerted affaults, but the attention of the foe has been directed from ourselves to other objects, to other quarters from whence the true religion has been long fince banished; from whence the feeds of infidelity ripened in the hot-bed of modern philofophy and earthly wisdom, of vain conceit and human pride, have been dispersed over the civilized world, to confound and punish the apoftatizing nations. Here, after bowing with reverence to the all-directing Power above us, let us pay the tribute of grateful refpect fo juftly due to THAT ASTONISHING MAN, that perfevering Statefman, and to his ABLE ASSISTANTS, who, having guided the helm with fo much steadiness and skill when the veffel was in danger, (even to the fight of the haven whither she was bound,) refigned the fruit of their hard labours with a virtuous felf denial, and from a difinterested attachment to their country's wishes, that there might be no obftacle to the defired rett from bloodshed, and from increasing burthens. The revengeful enemy, prodigal alike of human life, as farting from his powerful exertions, acknowledged his merit, by refusing seriously to negociate till his oftenfible influence was removed."

One extract more, and we will close our report of this energetic compofition, in the perufal of which we have been greatly delighted.

"Religion! what a glorious theme to dwell upon! What an opportunity to celebrate! Thou haft been trampled upon and defpifed, but retaineft still thy lovelinefs and perfection! Gigantic have been the efforts to root thee out of the land, but the gates of hell have not prevailed, and shall NEVER prevail against thee! Thy ministers have been reviled, infulted, and oppreffed, but they have been fupported by their gracious Mafter, and have proved themselves to be the trueft friends of those whom they are appointed to inftruct. Look at bleeding France, and ask (the inhabitants) how they have fucceeded;-without a revealed God-without the acknowledgment of a Saviour-without the declaration of an eternal sleep after death! Have they been happy? Have they received the promised REWARDS from their REFORMS and ALTERATIONS? I will not attempt to describe the miseries which they have endured-they are fufficiently known. But fee how joyfully they return to the GOD OF CHRISTIANS! How eagerly they fill his opened temples! In vain did the all-deftroying sword cut down the ranks of mankind-IT COULD NOT MURDER RELIGION. In vain they fought for obligations to bind man one to another, to unite their jarring interefts! They could not do it without RELIGION. * We use this word in reference to the place where the difcourfe was delivered.


From her they trace the strongest cement of fociety-its advantages and comforts; and rejoice at her return. May he return to that lately fuffering people more free from error, and feel them more difpofed to embrace THE TRUTH.

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Divine Authority, conferred by Epifcopal Ordination, neceffury to a legitimate Difcharge of the Christian Miniftry; a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, May 16, 1802. By GEORGE STANLEY FABER, A. M. Fellow of Lincoln College. 8vo. pp. 37.


E are glad to fee the divine right of Epifcopacy frequently brought forwards and defended from the pulpit and prefs. For many years it was feldom, or ever touched upon, though the clergy faw fchifm fpreading its poisonous and diftracting ftreams in every direction. The common people, and indeed many pious and tolerably-well informed perfons too, had no clear or correct notions of Ecclefiaftical Unity, or of Apoftolical Authority. They were led to think, that mere Spiritual Religion was all that God required, and that an obedience of his pofitive inftitutions, with refpect to the order and difcipline of the Church, was a matter of indifference. The fectaries, cunningly enough, reprefented SCHISM as an Ecclefiaftical bug-bear, and a word of no meaning, unless connected with bigotry and fuperftition. But the fame fectaries have been always free enough to inveigh against any breach in their own congregations as a 66 rending of the body of Chrift;" that is, in plain terms, as a "Schifmatical Divifion." It is neceffary, therefore, that men fhould frequently be reminded, that it is their duty to obey Chrift IN THE CHURCH, as well as in their private relations, or in their peaceful deportment, as fubjects of the state. In other words it feems, that the only effectual means of ftopping the alarming progrefs of fchifm and enthufiafm is, to convince the people, at large, that the Almighty requires obedience to the Apoftolical Inftitution of the Chriftian Ministry, as much as he does to the Ĉivil Magistracy, and that as refiftance to the latter is REBELLION, fo a difregard of the former is SCHISM. We thank Mr. Faber for this found defence of EPISCOPACY (from Ephef. vi. 19, 20.) which well deferves the perufal of every one who has any regard for Christianity, or the flightest wish to follow the precepts of Christ in all things. We never saw the vain pretenfions of felf-created teachers more powerfully, and yet with more gravity, exposed, than in this truly argumentative and Chriftian discourse.

An Effuy on the Method of Illuftrating Scripture, from the Relations of Modern Travellers in Palestine and the neighbouring Countries. Publifhed, in purfuance of the Will of the late Mr. NORRIS, as having gained the Annual Prize, inftituted by him in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN FOSTER, A. B. Scholar of Trinity College. 8vo. THE firft perfon, we believe, who properly took the hint of comparing

the language and defcriptions of the fcripture, with the exifting fcenery and cufoms of the eastern nations, was Mr. Maundrell, whole very entertaining and faithful "Journey from Aleppo to Jerufalem," is, in many refpects, an excellent guide to the understanding of the Bible. The late Mr. Harmer, in his " Obfervations on the Scripture," has followed up the idea to a ftill greater extent, and with more variety; and


the author of an "Effay towards a New Tranflation of the Bible,” judiciously availed himself of all that information which the accounts of travellers into thofe countries, down to his time, afforded him. Mr. Norris's trustees, we think, could not have adopted a fitter subject, to exercise the ingenuity of ftudents, than that which is difcuffed in this compendious, but really excellent Effay. To the elaborate works of Mr. Maurice and Sir William Jones, Mr. Fofter makes frequent reference; and he very happily illuftrates many obfcure paffages of Sacred Writ, by ftriking quotations from fome modern travellers. We fhall quote the following as a fpecimen :

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Surely the ferpent will bite without enchantment, and a babbler is no better. They are like the deaf adder that ftoppeth her ear, which will not hearken to the voice of the charmer, charming ever fo wifely."† "Who will pity a charmer, that is bitten with a ferpent?"‡ It is an established fact, that ferpents may be charmed, and rendered perfectly harmless by mufical founds. § But our two laft quotations seem to allude to certain perfons, who made a profeffion of charming ferpents, not by mufic particularly, but by words. "The charmers of ferpents," fays Mr. Browne, "feem worthy of remark, their powers appearing extraordinary. The ferpent most common at Kahira, is of the viper clafs, and undoubtedly poifonous. If one of them enters a houfe, they fend for a charmer, who uses a certain form of words. I have seen three ferpents enticed out of the cabin of a ship, lying near the fhore. The operator handled them, and then put them into a bag. At other times I have feen the serpents twift round the bodies of thefe pfylli, in all directions, without having their fangs extracted or broken, and without doing them any injury."

We fhould be glad to fee a much larger work on the fame plan, convinced that it would prove of great utility.

* Ecclef. x. 11.

Palm lviii. 4, 5. and Jer. viii. 17.

Ecclef. xii. 13.

§ Compare Shaw's Supplem. to his Travels, p. 64, with the authorities in Parkhurt's Heb. Lex. at the word wn Art. 2.

|| Browne's Travels, p. 84.

LIST OF BOOKS THE Triumphs of Christianity over Infidelity difplayed; being a full Answer to the Objection of Mr. Gibbon, that our Lord and his Apoltles foretold the near Approach of the End of the World in their own Time, by N. Nifbett, A. M. 8vo. pp. 276.

A Sermon, preached at the Parish Church of St. Andrew, in the City of Norwich, on the 1ft of June, being the day of General Thank giving for the Peace, by the Rev. Lancaster Adkin, A. M. and published at the request of the Parishioners, pp.

Performance of Vows, the True Thanksgiving. A Sermon preached at


Chrift Church, Surry, on Tuesday, the ift of June, 1802, the day of General Thanksgiving for the Peace, by Thomas Ackland, M. A. rector of Chrift Church, Surry, and Chaplain to the Fishmonger's Company. 4to. pp. 19.

A Thanksgiving Sermon for the Peace, preached in the Parish Church of Stockton upon Tees, June 1, 1802, by John Brewster, M. A. Vicar of that place; published by request, pp. 8vo. 27.

Natural Theology; or Evidences of the Existence of the Attributes of the Deity, collected from the Appearances of Nature. By W. Paley, D. D. Archdeacon of Carlisle.


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