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A large circle of readers will be gratified to hear that the author of "Frank Fairlegh" has undertaken to furnish, for the forthcoming Volume, a continuation of the adventures of that general favourite. The series of beautiful and affecting sketches, bearing the title of "The Maiden Aunt," is also to be continued in the Volume. And the other papers which are either prepared, or in preparation, will, we think we can promise, not merely sustain the character of the Magazine up to the point it has already reached, but also show that we have not been inattentive to, or unwilling to profit by, the criticisms and suggestions of a public whom we have hitherto found so favourable and indulgent.

While on this subject, let us return our respectful thanks for a great variety of interesting and able communications and contributions, which we have found it altogether impossible to acknowledge separately. The necessity under which we have been placed of declining to avail ourselves of a great number of these, has been frequently a cause of deep regret to ourselves. It has been, indeed, a necessity, arising, in a considerable proportion of cases, not from our having formed an unfavourable opinion of the literary merits of the offered contributions, or even of their suitableness for this Magazine, but simply from the physical impossibility of including more than a limited quantity of letter-press within our weekly sixteen pages. In order to prevent, for the future, as far as lies in our power, any persons from subjecting themselves unnecessarily to the risk of disappointment, we beg now to announce that our arrangements for the regular supply of such papers as we require are completed, and that, therefore, we do not solicit contributions from the writing public generally. Such as may continue to be sent will be respectfully received; as carefully read as may be consistent with our other arrangements; and replied to without any unnecessary delay. But the authors of such papers will be so good as keep in view, that, without at all fettering our freedom of choice, we must, cæteris paribus, give a preference to those upon whom we can rely for our regular supply of such papers as we need, and that we cannot, in common fairness, suffer them to be elbowed aside by casual contributions, except when these are of such manifest excellence, as that their rejection or postponement would be a positive injustice to the Magazine.

After this intimation, which we trust will be received in the spirit in which it is given, it is only reasonable that we should request to be allowed our own time in replying to unsolicited communications. Those only who have had experience of similar publications can form any idea, how serious an encroachment upon the time of both Editor and Publisher is occasioned by having to examine and reply to communications of no value whatever to the Magazine. We shall treat no person with intentional discourtesy; but, as we do not ask for contributions, those who voluntarily send any, must feel that they can have no right to complain, if we postpone the consideration of them to such matters as have a more legitimate claim upon our attention. Importunate urgency, such as we have sometimes been subjected to, will undoubtedly succeed in extracting a reply from us out of the regular course; but it is as well that those who may be disposed to have recourse to it should be aware, that the answer in that case is always of one kind-the rejection of the paper offered.

LONDON, October, 1846.


ABBOTSFORD, Mrs. Coutts's Visit to, 64.

A'Becket, Thomas, Parentage of, 352.

Account of a Jewish Wedding, 393.

Advantages of a numerous Family, 144.

Adventure in the Three Kings, 100, 139.

Against hasty Opinion, 272.
Alnwick Castle, 209.

America, the little Owl of, 170.

Amusement of a Prisoner in the Bastile,

Andersen, Translation from, 157, 184.
Anecdote of Lord Elienborough, 400.
Anecdote of the Chinese, 16.
Anerdote, Persian, 159.

Anger, Advice to restrain, by Lord Col-
lingwood, 224.

Anger in arguing, how accounted for, 96.

Animals, supposed power of, to see in the

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bothwell Castle, 375.

Breton Tradition, 26.

Brilliant Reputation, Inconvenient con-
sequence of, 64.

Britain, The Romans in, 290.
Brother's Death, A, 238.

Brown Owl, The, 169.

Bruce's Heart, The, 401.

Bruce, The Death of, 384.

Buonaroti, Michael Angelo, Biographical
Sketch of, 293.
Burrowing Owl, The, 171.
Butcher Birds. 171.

Buzzard, The Common, 62.

Child, Poem to a, 272.

Chimney Swallow, The, 313.

Chinese, Anecdote of the, 16.

Chinese Exhibition, Farewell Visit to the

Chronicle, Portuguese, 83.

Chuck-Will's Widow, 375.

Churches, Round, in England, 326.

Church, Lines on a ruined, 112

Church, Our Mother, 416.

Church, The, in the Catacombs. 355, 371.

Cinque Ports, The, 225, 337, 369.

City, The Holy, 9. 39.

City, The, of Chester, 193.

Clever People, Mistakes in judging of others,
committed by, 64.

Cold, Curiosities of, 361.

[blocks in formation]

Description of a Summer's Eve, 399.

Desert Island, The, 76.

Detached Thoughts from Jean Paul

Richter, 79

Dilemma, A, (Anecdote of the Chinese,) 16.
Disappointments, How to bear, 272.
Discoveries in Australia, 295.

Discovery o Madeira, 83.

Discovery of Wine, 128.

Dog Days, 156.

Don Carlos, (Schiller's,) Extract from, 53.
Dreams, youthful, Pain of awakening from,


Druidical Monuments. 14.

Duncombe Park, 145, 164, 198.

Duty, No man's feelings hurt by doing his,

[blocks in formation]

Glimpses of Village Life, 2.

Goatsucker, the, 373.
Goshawk, the, 61.
Governess, the, 335.

Government, Wise, Criterion of, 16.
Grassmere, Custom at, 187.
Great Fire of London, 300.
Great Horned Owl, the, 170.
Groac'h, the, of the Isle of Lok, 26.
Ground Ice of Siberia, 263.
Guernsey, a Legend of, 364, 380.


Halloween Observances. 408.

Hall's, (Mr. and Mrs.) Week at Killarney,

Harvest Home, 234.

Hasty Opinion, Against, 272.
Hawks, 61.

Heart, the Bruce's, 401.

Heir, the Spinster's, 230, 250.

Helstone, Account of "the Furry" at, 31.
Heroism, Filial, 332.

Hirundinidæ, the, 312, 312.

Historical Notice of St. Katherine's Hos-
pital, 257.

Historical Sketch of the Isle of Thanet,
337, 69.

History, Natural, of Birds, 56, 59, 168, 217,
265, 312, 342, 373, 412.

History of Gardening, 149.

Hobby, the, 61.

Holstein, the Dairies of, 6.

Holy City, the, 9, 39.

Holy Thursday, 46.

Home, the Cottage, 15.

Hooded Crow, the, 220.

Hospital, St. Katherine's, Historical Notice

of, 257.

Hour, the, of Sorrow, 144.
House Martin, the, 342.

Hudson River, Description of an Island on,

Humility, Importance of, 48.

Humility, True, 265.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kate, My Cousin, 284.

Katharine Penfold, 2.
Kestrel, the, 61.

Kidderminster, Singular Usage at, 347.
Killarney, the Lakes of, 182.

Kings, Adventure in the Three, 100, 139,
King, the, and the Bird-catcher, 16.
Kitchen of the Reform Club-House, 402.
Kite, the, 62.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


The Little Errand Runner, 238.
The Old Water-Cress Man, 62.
The Painter's Travelling Song, 144.
The Past, 368.

The Story of Sir Tudor-ap-Grono, 319.
The Suicide, 160.

The Village Smithy, 47.
The Youthful Warrior, 112.
Thomas the Rhymer, 271.
To a little Girl, 143.

To the Nautilus, 336.

Polar Seas, Dangers of, 107.
Pont du Gard, the, 70.
Poor, Rich and, 395.

Popocapeteth-Narrative of an Expedition
to the Summit of, 161.

Popular Year Book, 11, 29, 45, 75, 94, 111,
121, 143, 156, 174, 186, 206, 221, 234, 252,
299, 317, 325, 347, 36, 383, 394, 414.
Portincross Castle, 273.

Ports, the Cinque, 225, 337, 369.
Portuguese Chronicle, 83.
Portuguese Superstition, 298.

Potatoes, Introduction of, into Persia, 176.
Power of Animals to see in the dark, 245.
Praise and Blame, Use of, 16.
Presence of Mind, 172.

Preservation of Eight Sailors on the Coast
of Spitzbergen, 214.

Priest, Comparison of a Soldier with a, 159.
Printing, Wonderful accuracy of, 288.
Proteus Anguineus, the, 308.
Public Baths and Wash-houses, 321.
Pupil, private-Scenes from the Life of a,
3, 22, 41, 56, 71, 87, 103, 123, 132.


Queen (the) and the Quakeress, 96.
Queen (the) at Bonn, 336.
Quiz, Origin of the word, 128.


Railways, A Ramble upon, 385.
Railway through the Wilderness, 16.
Rambling Rhymes, Notice of, 2.6.
Raphael, Biographical Sketch of, 360.
Raven, The, 217.

Reading without Reflection, evil effect
of, 192.

Real Character when discerned, 288.
Records (old) of New Roads, 152, 242.
Red-backed Butcher Bird, 171.
Red-legged Crow, 220.

Red-breast, Sonnet to the, 144.

Reflections on having left a place of Re-
tirement, 160.

Reform Club-house, Kitchen of the, 402.
Relics, 320.

Religious principles only to be depended on
in distress, 304.

Remarkable Volcanic Phenomena, 129,

Reminiscences of the Court of Caroline
Matilda, 274.

Reputation, Brilliant, inconvenient con-
sequence of, 61.

Revolutions, by what generally produced,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mary Stuart, 54.

William Tell, 55.

Schiller, Life and Writings of, 17, 52.

Scenes from the life of a Private Pupil, 3,

22, 41, 56, 71, 87, 103, 123, 132.
Sea-side Visitor, The, 213.

Seas, Polar, Dangers of, 107.
Seiks, The, and The Singhs, 49, 66.
Self-Cultivation, 33.

Self-Respect-Eudosia; or, 300, 314.
September, Character of the Month of, 299.
Seven Sleepers, The Legend of the, 206.
Shepherd, The, 253.

Shepherds, The, of Les Bas Landes, 239.
Shopping, 179, 202.

Short-horned Owl, The, 169.

Shrikes, 171.

Siberia, Frozen Subsoil or Ground Ice of,

Silk Weaver of Lyons, The, 228.
Singhs, The Seiks and the, 49, 66.
Sketch from Life, 207.

Sketches, Biographical, of eminent Paint-
ers, 293, 324, 360, 415.

Sketches, Roadside, of Germany and the
Germans, 261, 278, 378, 411.

Sketch, Historical, of the isle of Thanet,
337, 369.

Slander, 256.

Slight incidents, Triumph of, over the

Mind, 288.

Small Birds, Use and Value of, 238.

Smart, Alexander, Notice of Rambling
Rhymes by, 236.

Smithy, The Village, 47.

Snowdonia, 97.

Snowy Owl, The, 170.

Soldier, Comparison of, with a Priest, 159.

Song, The Painter's travelling, 144.

Sonnets illustrating the development of

Poetical Talent in a Working Man, 48.
Sonnet to the Redbreast, 144.

Sorrow, Childhood's, 400.
Sorrow, The hour of, 144.

Sparrow-hawk, The, 61.

Spinster's Heir, The. 230, 250
Spitzbergen, Preservation of Eight Sailors
at, 214.

Stanzas, 288.

St. Anne's day, 206.

St. Bartholomew, Feast of, 253.

St. Crispin's day, 395.

St. Declan, Feast of, 187.

St. Ethelreda, 394.

St. Ferrol, Festival of, 325.
St. Giles's day, 300.

St. James, Feast of, 12, 206.
St. John the Baptist, Feast of, 143.
St. Katherine's Hospital, Historical Notice
of, 257.

St. Luke, Feast of, 394.
St. Margaret's day, 186.
St. Matthew, Feast of, 347.
St. Michael, Feast of, 347.
St. Peter's Eve. 143.
St. Peter, Feast of, 143.
St. Philip, Feast of, 12.

St. Roch's day, 234.

St. Serf's day, 156.

St. Simon and St. Jude, Feast of, 414.

St. Swithin's day, 174.

St. Urban's day, 75.

St. Victor of Marseilles, 187.

St. Wilfrid, Festival of, 223.
Stile, The, 21.

Story of Sir Tudor ap Grono, 319.

Stuart, Mary (Schiller's), Extract from, 54.
Style, Correctness of, 224.

Suffering bravely superior to enterprising
greatly, 208.

Suicide, Remarks by Sir Thomas Brown

on, 224.

Suicide, The, 160.

Summer's Eve, Description of, 399.

Sunday, Trinity, 111.

Subsoil, Frozen, of Siberia, 263.

Superstition, A Portuguese, 298.

Suspicion, 208.

Swallow Family, The, 312, 342.
Swift, The, 344.



Adventure in the Three Kings, 100, 139.
Ellise, 157, 184.

Eudosia, 300, 314.

Frank Fairlegh, 3, 22, 41, 56, 71, 87,
103, 123, 132.

Gautier de la Salle, 364, 380.

Isabella Morgan, or Rich and Poor, 395.
My Cousin Kate, 284.

Pierre Pitos, 73.
Shopping, 179, 202.
Telesile of Nanci, 332.

The Maiden Aunt, 145, 164, 198.

The Spinster's Heir, 230, 250.

The White Rock, 318.
Woodside Chequers, 77.

Tawny Owl, The, 169.

Taylor, Bishop, on Fear, 144.
Telescope, The, 310, 330.

Telesile of Nanci, 332.

Tell, William (Schiller's), Extract from, 55.
Thanet, Historical Sketch of the Isle of,
337, 369.

Thomas the Rhymer, 271.

Thoughts, detached, from Jean Paul Rich-
ter, 79.

Thrush, Lesson from the, 62.
Thursday, Holy, 46.

Tillotson, Archbishop, Remark by, 96.

Titian, Biographical Sketch of, 324.
To a little Girl, 143.

To-morrow, 173.

Tradition, Breton, 26.

Trafalgar, Anniversary of the Battle of, 394.
Transfiguration, Festival of the, 223.
Travelling Song, The Painter's, 144.
Trinity Sunday, 111.

Triumph of slight incidents over the mind,


True Ghost Story, 80.
True Humility, 264.

Tudor (Sir) ap Grono, Story of, 319.
Tuscany, Boracic Acid Lagoons of, 389.
Two days in the Tyrol, 91, 118.


Use and Value of Small Birds, 238.
Use of Praise and Blame, 16.


Value, Commercial, of Insects, 320.
Village Life, Glimpses of, 2.
Village Smithy, The, 47.

Vision, The, of the Eagle and the Fox, 189.
Visitor, The Sea-side, 213.

Visit, Farewell, to the Chinese Exhibi-
tion, 339.

Volcanic Phenomena, 129, 161.
Vultures, 59.


Warrior, The Youthful, 112.
Washhouses, Public Baths and, 321.
Water-Cress Man, The old, 62.
Water, The, of life, 127.
Well-doing, Results of patient Continuance
in, 208.

Wenham Ice Lake, 348.

West Bow, The, Edinburgh, 354.
Wedding, Account of a Jewish, 398.
Whip-poor-Will, The, 375.
White Owl, The, 169.
White Rock, The, 318.
Whitsun Ales, 95.
Whit-Sunday, 76.

Woodside Chequers, 77.

Wilderness, Railway through the, 16.
Williams's, Rev. G., Historical and Topo-
graphical Notices of Jerusalem, 9, 39.
William Tell, Schiller's, Extract from, 55.
Will's Architectural History of Canterbury
Cathedral, 189.
Windover, The, 61.

Wine, Discovery of, 128.

Wolverhampton, Observance on the eve of
the great fair at, 174.
Women, Character of, 224.
Wonderful circumstance, 288.

Working Man, Sonnets illustrating the
development of poetical talent in a, 48.
Worlds, The, around us, 358.


Year Book, Popular, 11, 29, 45, 75, 94, 111,
121, 143, 156, 174, 186, 206, 221, 234, 252,
299, 317, 325, 347, 366, 383, 394, 414.
Yeermallik, The Cavern of, 282.
Youthful Dreams, Pain of awakening
from, 272.
Youthful Warrior, The, 112.

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