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ever the reason, there is no doubt of his fatherly solicitude and encouragement for those who feel the hotspur of prudent zeal in the early years of the ministry. His private life is a pattern for all, young and old. Simple in tastes, manly in piety, regular in habit, his is a priestly routine that mingles neatly the seminaristic spirit with temporal affairs. If at any time he yields to public show, it is in the grand Cathedral, which has been crowned during his time with lofty spire and equipped with sweet-toned chimes and gorgeous vestments, and where he is unequalled in the exposition of that majestic ritual which, when rightly done, is the charm of Mother Church, and the outward expression of her inward beauty. The sound financial condition of the diocese, the projection of new institutions and their happy

St. Joseph's Asylum for Blind Girls. Mt. Loretto, Staten Island.

St. Elizabeth's House for Girls.
Mt. Loretto, Staten Island.

completion, give ample evidence of his far-sighted policy and success as an administrator. Commensurate with

the growth of the metropolis, he is the first on hand to lay new foundations and to keep his faithful flock wellpastured in newly-settled districts.

East, West, North and South, His Grace is the recognized champion of Catholic education. During his rule the Boland Trade School, the new wing of the Female Orphan Asylum and the Convent of the Perpetual Adoration, all monuments of their kind, have been erected under his personal inspection, while above and beyond all in importance, architectural grandeur and future worth, the new St. Joseph's Seminary at Dunwoodie will stand as his crowning work, testifying forever to his untiring zeal, brilliant enterprise and personal gen

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