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Courts of District of Columbia..

Reporter of decisions of Supreme Court of the United States.

District attorneys of the United States


Intercourse with foreign nations..


Expenses of loans, &c.

Supervising and local inspectors.

Electrical telegraph between the Atlantic and Pacific.
Detection and bringing to trial, &c., counterfeiters..

Relief of sick and disabled seamen..

Collection of statistical information.

Revision and consolidation of laws of the United States.
Bringing votes for President and Vice-President

Survey of coast of the United States..

Light-house establishment

Sundry light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c.
custom-houses, court-houses, &c..

Under direction of the Interior Department:
Rent of office for surveyor general, &c...
Public works in. Washington.

Smithsonian Institution..

Jail in District of Columbia.

Government Hospital for Insane.

Metropolitan Police..

Columbian Institution for Deaf and Dumb.

Hospital for Women, &c..

Collecting revenue from sale of lands.

Surveying public lands....


Current expenses of Indian department
Annuities to Indian tribes....

General expense of Indian department

War Department:

Army proper.

Armory, arsenals, &c.

Military Academy

Fortifications, &c..

Harbor and river improvements

Public buildings and grounds..

Navy Department..

Recapitulation of annual estimates.

Estimates of permanent appropriations for 1869.
Statement of balances of appropriations....


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Part No. Page.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Estimates of Postmaster General

Details of Congressional Printer...

Department of Agriculture..

Mint of United States, Assay Office, New York, &c.
United States Coast Survey.
Light-house establishment..

Details of Interior Department:

Current expenses of Indian department.
Annuities to various Indian tribes...
Miscellaneous items of Indian department
Collecting revenue from sales of public lands..
Compensation of surveyors general and clerks.
Rent of offices for surveyors general, &c
Surveying public lands.

Columbian Institute for Deaf and Dumb

Government hospital for insane

Public works, Capitol extension, &c..

Metropolitan Police

Jail in District of Columbia.
Smithsonian Institution.

Details of War Department:

Pay of the army, &c.....
Quartermasters' department.
Surgeon General's office.
Ordnance office..

Military Academy

Office of Chief Engineer..

Signal office...

Bureau Military Justice..

Details of Navy Department:

Bureau of Yards and Docks....
Equipment and Recruiting

Construction and Repair..
Steam Engineering..

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Provisions and Clothing.

Medicine and Surgery

Marine corps.


Estimates for the Post Office Department. Letter from the
Postmaster General, transmitting..


Estimate of appropriation, Paymaster General. Letter from
the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting.

Estimates of appropriations for survey of Indian lands. Letter
from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting.



Estimate of appropriations for Navy Department, revised. Let-
ter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting..
Estimates of appropriations, revised, Post Office Department.
Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting.
Estimates of appropriations for the General Land Office for the
year ending June 30, 1869. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior relative to...

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Estimates for survey ing service. Letter from the Secretary of
the Interior relative to.

[blocks in formation]

Famine in Sweden and Norway. Message from the President
of the United States relative to the...

[blocks in formation]


Finances for the year 1867. Report of the Secretary of the
Treasury on the....

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Florida. Message from the President of the United States,
transmitting papers relative to proceedings in.......

[blocks in formation]

Foreign intercourse, contingent expenses of. Message from the
President of the United States relative to..

[blocks in formation]

Fort Riley military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to the..

[blocks in formation]

Fort Covington. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmit-
ting draught of joint resolution for the sale of the site of
Fort David Russell. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans-
mitting a report relative to establishing an arsenal at
Fort Leavenworth, right of way. Letter from the Secretary
of War, transmitting papers relative to...

Fort Leavenworth military reservation. Letter from the Sec-
retary of War, transmitting a communication relative to the
sale of.

Fort Gratiot reservation, sale of. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to

Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of. Report
of the Commissioner of...

Freedmen and taxation. Communication from the Commis-
sioner of Freedmen's Affairs, transmitting petition of colored
people of Kentucky relative to...

[blocks in formation]

Freedmen's affairs in Kentucky and Tennessee. Letter from
the Secretary of War, transmitting report of Major General
Carlin relative to..

[blocks in formation]


General of the army, transmitting an abstract from General
Canby relative to elections in North and South Carolina.
Letter from the
General of the army, transmitting report by General Meade rela-
tive to elections in Georgia; also two orders by General Canby,
commanding 2d military district. Letter from the....
General of the army, transmitting reports of the district com-
manders of the elections in southern States. Letter from the
General of the army, relative to the number of votes cast for
the new constitution. Letter from the.

General of the army, transmitting Major General Gillem's report
of the recent election in Arkansas. Letter from the....
General of the army, transmitting telegram from General George
G. Meade. Letter from...
General of the army, transmitting correspondence with General
Hancock relative to the removal of New Orleans councilmen.
Letter from the

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

General of the army, relative to the removal of the city council
of New Orleans. Letter from the

[blocks in formation]

German States, rights of naturalized citizens in. Message from
the President of the United States relative to...
Gettysburg asylum lottery. Letter from the Commissioner of
Internal revenue relative to

[blocks in formation]

Gold, sales of. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury,
transmitting statement of, since March, 1861...........
Goldsborough, Louis M. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy
relative to.

[blocks in formation]

Grant, General, relative to the removal of Hou. E. M. Stanton,
General Sheridan, and General Sickles. Letter from

[blocks in formation]


Hancock, General W. S. Message from the President of the
United States recommending some recognition of the services of.
Harbors on Lake Ontario. Letter from the Secretary of War
relative to....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



Part. No. Page.

Harbor at Wilson, New York. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting communication from the Chief of Engineers
relative to the..........

[blocks in formation]

Harbor at Alton, Illinois. Letter from the Secretary of War
relative to.

[blocks in formation]

Hardt, Adam. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to the
claim of..


Harper's Ferry, property at. Letter from the Attorney General
relative to.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Hayti. Message from the President of the United States, trans-
mitting communication from the Secretary of the Navy rela-
tive to a naval force &t.

[blocks in formation]

Holladay, Benjamin, contracts with. Letter from the Post-
master General, transmitting copies of all....


House of Correction. Report of the board of trustees of the..


[blocks in formation]


Immigration, board of, expenditures of the. Letter from the
Secretary of State relative to the...

[blocks in formation]

Income tax. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative
to the....

[blocks in formation]

Indian spoliation claims. Letter from the Secretary of the In-
terior relative to...

[blocks in formation]

Indians, Me-shin-go-me-sia band. Letter from the Secretary of
the Interior relative to issuing patents to the..
Indian trust fund. Letter from the Attorney General, trans-
mitting papers relative to the...

[blocks in formation]

Indians, Sioux, destitution of. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting a communication from Commissioner of
Indian Affairs relative to..

Indian peace commissioners, report of. Message from the Presi-
dent of the United States, transmitting.

[blocks in formation]

Indians, Quapaw. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
transmitting communication relative to the suffering condi-
tion of the....

[blocks in formation]

Indian, Sioux, reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior relative to the sale of..

[blocks in formation]

Indians, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior rela-
tive to the petition of the....

[blocks in formation]

Indian Affairs, Commissioner of. Letter from the Secretary of
the Interior. transmitting estimate of appropriations to supply
deficiency in the office of the..


Indians, Cherokee, annuities to. Letter from the Secretary of
the Treasury, asking an appropriation for paying....
Indians, Creek, refugees. Letter from the Secretary of the In-
terior, transmitting estimates of appropriation for the removal
of the





[blocks in formation]

Indian affairs, transfer of jurisdiction over. Letter from the
Secretary of the Treasury relative to...

[blocks in formation]

Indians of Aleutian isles. Letter from the Secretary of the In-
terior, recommending an appropriation for...
Indian Affairs. Annual report of the Commissioner of..
Indians, Chippewa, appropriations for. Letter from the Secre-
tary of the Interior, submitting estimates of..
Indian tribes, subsistence of. Letter from the Secretary of War,
transmitting communication from Lieutenant General Sher-
man relative to..

[blocks in formation]

Indians, Chippewa. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
transmitting report relative to the necessities of the..
Indian service, disbursements for the. Letter from the Secre-
tary of the Interior, transmitting statement of..





[blocks in formation]


Indians, Sioux. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, trans-
mitting letter from General Sibley relative to the destitute
condition of the...

Indian tribes in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the In-
terior, transmitting report of A. R. Banks relative to the desti-
tute condition of..

[blocks in formation]

Indians, destitute friendly. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior relative to an appropriation for..
Indians, Pottawatomie, appropriations for

[blocks in formation]

Letter from the

[blocks in formation]

Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimates of....
Indians, Navajo and Ute, removal of. Letter from the Secre-
tary of the Interior, transmitting telegram from General Sher
man relative to....

Message from the President

Indians, Great and Little Osage.
of the United States relative to a treaty with the....
Indian hostilities in California. Letter from the Secretary of

War relative to....
Indians, Seneca, treaty stipulations with. Letter from the Sec-
retary of the Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriations
to carry out...

Indians, Kickapoo. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior
relative to the....

Indian hospital. Annual report of the board of visitors for the.
Inspectors, supervisors and local. Letter from the Secretary
of the Treasury relative to the expenditures for salaries of....
Inspector General and Inspector of the Military Academy. An-
nual report of the.....

Interior. Annual report of the Secretary of the..

Papers accompanying the above.

Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Annual report of the Commissioner of Pensions...

Annual report of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and

Annual report of the board of visitors and superintendent of
construction of the Government Hospital for the Insane
for the year 1866-'67....

Annual report of the Metropolitan Police for the year 1867...
Annual report of the architect of the Capitol extension....
Annual report of the warden of the United States jail...
Report of the board of trustees of the House of Correction...
Annual report of the directors of Columbian Hospital...
Interior, asking further appropriations for repairs of the old por-
tion of the Capitol. Letter from the Secretary of the.....
Interior, transmitting a report of the directors of the Columbia
Hospital. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Interior, transmitting papers relative to Union Pacific railroad.
Letter from the Secretary of the....

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Interior, asking an appropriation for deficiency in pension fund.
Letter from the Secretary of the....


Interior, transmitting report of the condition of public buildings
in New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Interior, relative to sale of Otoe Indian reservation.



[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to the Me-shin-go-me-sia band of Indians.
Letter from the Secretary of the..


Interior, asking appropriation for the Patent Office. Letter
from the Secretary of the....


Interior, transmitting estimates for survey of Indian land. Let-
ter from the Secretary of the....


[ocr errors]









Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner
of the General Land Office relative to publication of maps.
Letter from the Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]
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