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Of the boy-bishop, and of some of the old | ing from Mr. Hunt, the fact or fancy, that pageants, we have amusing accounts, taken "close to Sermon-lane is Do-little-lane." from the ordinary sources of information on such subjects, but very pleasantly and conveniently brought together. The fortunes of the church, and the varied scenes enacted through the great changes of religious opinion, are then dwelt on till we come to the days of the Commonwealth :

"The parliamentary soldiers annoyed the inhabitants of the churchyard by playing at nine-pins at unseasonable hours a strange misdemeanor for that 'church militant.' They hastened, also, the destruction of the cathedral. Some scaffolding, set up for repairs, had been given them for arrears of pay. They dug pits in the body of the church to saw the timber in; and they removed the scaffolding with so little caution, that great part of the vaulting fell in, and lay a heap of ruins. The east end only and a part of the choir, continued to be used for public worship, a brick wall being raised to separate this portion from the rest of the building, and the congregation entering and getting out through one of the north windows. Another part of the church was converted into barracks and stables for the dragoons. As for Inigo Jones' lofty and beautiful portico, it was turned into 'shops,' says Maitland, for milliners and others, with rooms over them for the convenience of lodging; at the erecting of which the magnificent columns were piteously mangled, being obliged to make way for the end of beams, which penetrated their centres.' The statues on the top were thrown down, and broken to pieces."-p. 62.

Hunt does not linger long at St. Paul's. We hear nothing of service or sermons; and perhaps they would be unsuitable to the light context of his book. The booksellers of the churchyard, as he calls them, are more to his taste; and we have some mention of Mr. Johnson, who published Cowper's works, and gave dinners to Darwin, Goodwin, and others, among whom Mr. Hunt incidentally mentions Cowper. The poet and his bookseller never met; indeed this we learn from Hunt himself. Newberry's children's books are praised for their gingerbread covers, gilt with gold; and Mr. Hunt is quite right in thinking that the covers were the best part of them. The fairy tales and Arabian nights, were worth all Newberry's library, including Goody Two Shoes which it is the foolish fashion to impute to Goldsmith- ten thousand times told.

We must pass rapidly over the storied ground of Creed-lane, Ave Maria-lane, Paternoster-row, Amen-corner, &c.; only borrow

Doctors' Commons and domestic infidelities next follow in natural association. The repository of lost wills and testaments remind Mr. Hunt of Milton and the squabbles that Warton disinterred from the records of the Prerogative, of Shakspeare, and his bequest of his "second-best bed to his wife, which Malone examined with such sad seriousness,

and Steevens with such malicious pleasantry,
Hunt tells us, gravely,
plainly for the purpose of vexing Malone.
"that the question is
most unexpectedly, as well as happily cleared
up by Mr. Charles Knight, who shows that
the bequest was to the lady's honor." The
big wigs of the prerogative and consistorial
courts, do not supply our lively friend with
many favorable recollections" of the practis
ers in the civil courts; we can call to mind
nothing more worthy than the strange name of
one of them, Sir Julius Caesar,' and his
ruinous volatility of poor Dr. King. The
doctor practised too much with the bottle,
which hindered him from adhering long to

"Behind Little Knight-Riders'-street, to the east of Doctors' Commons, is the Heralds' College. A gorgeous idea of colors falls on the mind in passing it, as from a cathedral window,

"And shielded scutcheons blush with blood of queens and kings.'---Keats.

with old times, thinks of bannered halls, of The passenger, if he is a reader conversant processions of Chivalry, and of the fields of Cressy and Poictiers, with their vizored knights, distinguished by their coats and crests; for a coat of arms is nothing but a representation of the knight himself, from whom the bearer is descended. The shield supposes his body; there is the helmet for his head, with the crest upon it; the flourish in his mantle; and he stands upon the ground of his motto, or moral pretension. The sup porters, if he is noble, or of a particular class of knighthood, are thought to be the pages that waited upon him, designated by the fantastic dresses of bear, lion, &c. &c., which they sometimes wore. Heraldry is full of color and imagery, and attracts the fancy like a 'book of pictures.' The Kings-at-Arms are romantic personages, really crowned, and have as mystic appellations as the kings of an old tale,-Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy. Norroy is King of the North, and Clarencieux (a title of Norman origin) of the South. The heralds, Lancaster, Somerset, &c., have simpler names, indicative of the counties over

which they preside: but are only less gorgeously dressed than the kings, in emblazonment and satin; and then there are the four pursuivants, Rouge Croix, Rouge Dragon, Portcullis, and Blue Mantle, with hues as lively, and appellations as quaint, as the attendants on a fairy court. For gorgeousness of attire, mysteriousness of origin, and, in fact, for similarity of origin (a knave being a squire), a knave of cards is not unlike a herald. A story is told of an Irish King at Arms, who, waiting upon the Bishop of Killaloe to summon him to parliament, and being dressed as the ceremony required, in his heraldic attire, so mystified the bishop's servant with his appearance, that, not knowing what to make of it, and carrying off but a confused notion of his title, he announced him thus: My lord, here is the King of Trumps.' pp. 82, 83.

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The dangers of walking the streets in London is the subject of an amusing poem, by Gay. The ubiquity of the police in our days and nights, protect us from some of the more obvious dangers. Yet, if we were led to think of what men escape, it will be in general considered that the plunder of the swell-mob, or the assaults of footpads, are the most serious evils that have been got rid of, or at least greatly diminished. Not at all! listen to what Leigh Hunt tells you of a century ago, and rejoice :

"How impossible it would now be, in a neighborhood like this, for such nuisances to exist as a fetid public ditch, and scouts of degraded clergymen asking people to walk in

and be married!' Yet such was the case a

century ago. At the bottom of Ludgate-hill the little river Fleet formerly ran, and was rendered navigable. In Fleet market is Seacoal-lane, so called from the barges that landed coal there; and Turn-again-lane, at the bottom of which the unadvised passenger found himself compelled by the water to retrace his steps. The water gradually got clogged and foul; and the channel was built over, and made a street. But, even in the time we speak of, this had not been entirely done. The ditch was open from Fleet market to the river, occupying the site of the modern Bridge-street; and in the market, before the door of the Flect prison, men plied in behalf of a clergyman, literally inviting people to walk in and be married. They performed the ceremony inside the prison, to sailors and others, for what they could get. It was the most squalid of Gretnas, bearding the decency and common sense of a whole metropolis. The parties retired to a gin-shop to treat the

clergyman; and there, and in similar houses, the register was kept of the marriages. Not far from the Fleet is Newgate; so that the victims had their succession of nooses prepared, in case, as no doubt it often happened, one tie should be followed by the others. Pennant speaks of this nuisance from personal knowledge:

"In walking along the streets in my youth,' he tells us, on the side next this prison, I have often been tempted by the question, " Sir, will you be pleased to walk in and be married." Along this most lawless space was frequently hung up the sign of a male and female hand conjoined, with Marriages performed within, written beneath. A dirty fellow invited you in. The parson was seen walking before his shop-a squalid, profligate figure, clad in a tattered plaid nightgown, with a fiery face, and ready to couple you for a dram of gin or roll of tobacco. Our great chancellor, Lord Hardwicke, put these demons to flight, and saved thousands from the misery and disgrace which would be entailed by these extemporary, thoughtless unions.'

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"This extraordinary disgrace to the city, which arose most likely from the permission to marry prisoners, and one great secret of which was the advantage taken of it by wretched women to get rid of their debts, was maintained by a collusion between the warden of the Fleet and the disreputable clergymen tent,' says Malcolm, were the proceedings he became acquainted with. To such an excarried, that twenty and thirty couple were joined in one day, at from ten to twenty shilber, 1704, and the 12th of February, 1705, lings each; and between the 19th of Octo2,954 marriages were celebrated (by evidence), besides others known to have been

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omitted. To these, neither license nor certificealed, by private marks, the names of those cate of banns were required, and they conborhood at length complained; and the abuse who chose to pay them for it.' The neighwas put an end to by the Marriage Act, to which it gave rise."-pp. 106, 107.

But we are in Fleet-street. It is not the year 1848, but 1679, or thereabouts, and we, the English people, are in a perfect fury of Protestantism. We suspect the king, not without reason; we fear and detest the duke, and we will celebrate the birthday of Queen Elizabeth whether the court likes it or not; and we will have our old pageants, let who will oppose.

It is necessary to begin our description at an earlier stage of the ceremonial than that

with which Leigh Hunt commences, and we find it desirable to weave our account of the matter from two narratives drawn up by members of opposite factions, who are, however, describing the procession as enacted in two different years.

The bells of the churches began to ring at three in the morning, and continued through the day. In the evening the procession began, setting out from Moregate to Aldgate, thence through Leadenhall-street by the Royal Exchange, through Cheapside, and so to Temple-bar, in the following order :

1. Six whifflers, in pioneer caps and red waistcoats.

2. A bellman ringing, and singing "Remember Justice Godfrey."

3. A dead body, representing Godfrey, in a decent black habit, carried before a Jesuit, in black, on horseback, as he was carried by the assassins to Primrose-hill.

4. Next a priest, in a surplice, with a cope, embroidered with dead bones, skeletons, and skulls, giving pardons plentifully to such as should murder Protestants.

5. Then a priest alone, in black, with a great silver cross.

6. Five Carmelites in white and gray habits.
7. Four gray friars.

8. Six Jesuits with bloody daggers.
9. A concert of band music.

10. Four bishops, in purple and lawn sleeves, with a golden crozier in their breasts, and crozier staffs in their hands.

11. Four other bishops, in pontificalibus, with surplices and rich embroidered copes, and golden mitres in their hands.

12. Six cardinals in scarlet robes and caps. 13. The pope's doctor (i. e., Wakeman, the queen's doctor), with Jesuits' powder in one hand, and an urinal in the other.

14. Two priests in surplices, with golden croziers.

15. The pope, in a lofty chair of state, covered with scarlet, arrayed in a scarlet gown; boys, with an incense-pot, censing his holiness; the triple-crown, St. Peter's keys, &c. At his back, his holiness' privy-councillor, the devil, playing all manner of tricks, and suggesting all manner of schemes, seeking to induce him to burn the city again, and holding a torch for the purpose.

Numberless flambeaux accompanied the pro


The windows and balconies were through the whole line of march crowded with eager witnesses ; the streets were thronged with multitudes innumerable, and continued shouts and screams expressed the abhorrence with which papacy was regarded. The slow and solemn

state with which the figures representing pope, cardinals, and Jesuits, moved on to their destiny, formed a strange contrast with the noisy vociferations of the audience. All moved onward to Temple-bar. When that part of the city was rebuilt, it was adorned with four statues of English princes-Elizabeth and James, Charles I. and Charles II., the then king. The statue of Queen Elizabeth was, in honor of the day, decorated with a gilded laurel; in her hand was a golden shield, inscribed with the words, "The Protestant religion and Magna Charta." Roger North, who did not get near enough to read the words on the shield, tells us that her other hand rested on a spear, and that lamps were placed in the niches, and on the wall, that people might have a full view of the guardian of Protestantism. The allegorized thought intended to be conveyed by this decora tion of the statue seems to have been that of the goddess Diana, a favorite symbol of all Elizabeth's perfections, receiving an acceptable sacrifice. North wished to see as much of the fun as he could; but he was of the court party, and what he saw he beheld with anything but sympathizing eyes, and his ear-drums were actually ready to burst with the noise of fireworks, that seem to have been scarcely noticed by the furious zealot from whom we have abridged our account of the procession. North had been wandering about through the early part of the evening to see what he could, and at last posted himself in the window of the Green Dragon tavern in Fleet-street. It is not necessary to say that party ran high; whig and tory were words of more meaning than in our days, and sham-battles were carried on between them by squibs from the windows, and skirmishes in the street. The fever of frantic loyalty looked exceedingly like treason, but the people would have it that the king was the traitor. Charles sent for the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, whose duty it was to preserve the peace of the city. They told him that the wisest course was to let the amusement go on. It was suggested that the king should send regiments into the city. This was a ticklish thing to do, and Charles avoided a measure of doubtful legality. He, however, had a strong guard on the outside of Temple-bar, who were not removed till the rout was all over.

About eight at night, the procession began to pass the window where North was posted. Wave after wave swept the crowd before it, as way was made for the successive pageants; he, however, saw little but the agitation of the crowd till "the pope" appeared. He had "a reasonable attendance of state, but his premier minister, that shared most of his was ear, il signior diavolo, a nimble little fellow that had

a strange dexterity in climbing and winding | These mangled beginners of human resemabout the chair from one of the pope's ears to blances being hauled forth into the street made the other." no small sport among the very same rabble as were to have been diverted with them in more perfection.

The procession in former years had closed with the pope's being burned before the image of our virgin Diana, the devil playing him a thousand slippery tricks. On the occasion on which North assisted, there seems to have been an additional victim. A pageant of Jesuits, and ordinary persons in halters followed the pope, and among them was one with what Roger calls a stentorophontic tube, from which he bawled out most infernally, "Abhorrers, abhorrers!"* and then came a single figure, which the imagination of the spectators interpreted at will; some called it the king of France, some the Duke of York; Roger thought it might be his namesake, Roger L'Estrange, the pamphleteer. "It was," he says, "a very complaisant civil gentleman, like Sir Roger, that was doing what everybody pleased to have him, and taking all in good part, went on his way to the fire."

North saw no more, but at Temple-bar the work was now to be completed. The figures were planted in a semi-lune, with the strong light of bonfires and torches blazing upon them; one after one the "hieroglyphic monsters" were flung into the flames. Justice was thus done to the pope and his advisers; "this justice was attended by a prodigious shout, that might be heard far beyond Somerset-house, and 'twas believed the echo, by continual reverberations, reached Scotland." The Duke, afterwards James II., against whose popery this whole hubbub was a demonstration, was then there. The matter ended better than it deserved, as it is plain that a little good sense on the part of the city authorities might have prevented it all; but the mayor and sheriffs were weak men, and probably felt with the mob. The next year, when firmer men were in the government of the city, a similar procession was meditated, and easily checked. When it was plain that the authorities would act in earnest in preventing this dangerous folly, the planners of it abandoned the design. The sheriffs kept the peace in the city through the night, without having occasion to call on the party of horse who were posted, as on former occasions, on the other side of the Bar. In the course of their adventures that night, the sheriff found what North calls a parcel of "equivocal monsters," half formed, like those fabled of the mud of Nile. Legs and arms lay scattered about, heads undressed, and bodies unheaded.

"Abhorrers' were addressers on the side of the court, who had avowed abhorrence of the proceedings of the whigs. The word was a capital one to sound through a trumpet."-HUNT.

The burning of the pope on so large a scale was no joke. There was little disposition to repeat it after the Rye-house plot; but these are topics which we must not discuss in connection with a book of such a desultory character as that before us; and we wish that our author had not been tempted to give an account of Lord Russell's trial and execution. It is not saying any thing derogatory of Mr. Hunt to say, that he has wholly misconceived the reasoning of the lawyers, which he undertakes to communicate and comment on, when he discusses the rather thorny law of treason. That acts which do not in themselves constitute treason were allowed to be proved in evidence of it, is after all the amount of the objection to the evidence received at that trial. A conspiracy to levy war was not treason, but was held by the court to evidence of imagining the king's death, which was. The inference may have been a violent one, but we think Hunt is wrong

in good company no doubt-in thinking any legal principle was violated in the trial, though we believe there is a legislative declaration to that effect in the act of parliament reversing the attainder. We feel, however, that it is impossible to read the earlier cases and not perceive that by the king's death was meant the actual death of the king, and not the destruction of the form of government, into which the thought had been unwarrantably strained; but for this Lord Russell's judges, who are not free from their own share of guilt, were not to blame, for the thoughts had been identified long before that trial. Leigh Hunt's account, however, of the facts of the case is very good. That designs against the person of the king were entertained by many of those acting with Lord Russell-that Lord Russell himself contemplated his imprisonment, while others imagined his death-is, we think, subject to no doubt whatever; but the extent to which their respective plans were communicated to each other must, in all probability, notwithstanding the unexpected revelations which are each day correcting our notions of history, remain for

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the point with him, but the king could not bear the discourse."

The burning of popes of pasteboard, and the execution of patriots, are, when a century or two have passed, events of very much the same kind. Poor humanity is in its nonage, and all this and more must have been gone through before society, in any true sense, can be said to exist. Let us hope and believe that, even in the cases of men most opposed to each other, the opposition most often arises from imperfect views of partial truths. In all the greater heresies, the student of church history finds that some neglected truth has been forced into notice by what seems intemperate ardor to those from whom that truth had been concealed. To no man of letters in our day is so much kindliness due as to Mr. Hunt; for never was there a man more tolerant of all that is at all endurable in others, or who has done so much to exhibit jarring interests in the light of some common reconciling truth.


We have lingered too long among the subjects suggested by Mr. Hunt's book, and yet we have left a hundred topics, on which he gives a great deal of pleasant information, wholly untouched. His heart is among the poets and in the play-houses. Pepys' pleasant gossiping gives him more than one good chapBibber gives him a vast deal about the actors and actresses of an early day; and his own recollections bring back many of later date. On the whole, the book is an agreeable, chatty book, fit for a long summer day, or winter night. The topics are, as we have intimated, linked together by threads of association perhaps too slender. Still it has, in all its variety, a unity of its own, and is everywhere agreeable.

The volumes would be improved, and their contents rendered more accessible, by a page or two of index, which might be easily added. Dublin University Magazine.


A Disquisition on Pestilential Cholera: being
an attempt to explain its Phenomena, Na-
ture, Cause, Prevention and treatment, by
reference to an Extrinsic Fungous Origin.
By Charles Cowdell, M.B. Highley.
A Dictionary of Practical Medicine. Parts
X. and XI. By James Copland, M.D.,
F.R.S. Longman & Co.
Cholera: being Practical Rules for Arrest-
ing its Progress. By H. Castle, M.D.
Longman & Co.

The Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. By
Archibald Billing, M.D. Highley.
Plain Directions for the Prevention and
Treatment of Cholera. By T. Allen. Ox-
ford, Vincent.

A Letter on the question, Is Cholera Conta-
gious or not? By William Reid, M.D.

Dr. Dray's Letters on the Cholera. E.
Some new Views respecting Asiatic Cholera.
By Arthur Leared, M.D. Baillière.
Revelations of Cholera, Report on the Ho-
meopathic Treatment of Cholera, The
Thompsonian Method of Treaating Cholera,
-and other quack Pamphlets.
Cholera Instructions, Central Board of

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might be anticipated that we had culled something which we could announce to the public as an advance upon our previous knowledge of this subject. But we are anxious at the commencement of our notice to avow our con

viction that ingenious and clever as many of these works are, and creditable to their authors, they throw but little additional light on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this truly formidable disease. We should not, however, do our duty to the public did we not express our opinions on the numerous publications issuing from the press, and intended for popular perusal, on a topic of so much painful interest as Cholera. We will throw the remarks we have to make on this subject under three heads, the causes, theory, and treatment of this disease.

First, with regard to the cause. Although, when we were first threatened with cholera in 1830, it was generally believed that this disease was contagious, that is, capable of being propagated from a diseased body to a healthy one, this belief has given way almost entirely to the impression that the body during the choleraic attack does not give off poisonous matter capable of producing the disThe evidence, however, upon which the notion of the contagiousness of cholera rests, is From the above list of works on cholera it still considered by some high medical authori


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