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support the contention of the plaintiff in | not scheduled to stop at the station for error, but they, as does the reasoning of the which he holds a ticket, by reason of misplaintiff in error, depend upon what seems | information received from the agent from to be an evident fallacy. They assume as a whom he had purchased his ticket, may be premise that the act of the conductor in lawfully ejected at a regular station preputting the plaintiff off was rightful, and ceding his destination, where he has been therefore the company cannot be held guilty notified by the conductor that the train does of a tort. But the act of the conductor is not stop at the point for which he holds a immaterial except as it affects the liability ticket, and requested that he leave the train of the company. The suit is not against at a stopping point short of his destination, him, but against the company. As between but has refused to comply with the request. the conductor and the company, the latter Runyon v. Pennsylvania R. Co. 74 N. J. L. may have no right to complain of him. He 225, 68 Atl. 107. The court stated that the violated no duty he owed to the company. railroad company was under no obligation He simply obeyed his instructions as re- to stop its train at the passenger's destinaceived from the company, applicable to such tion, notwithstanding the representation a case. Therefore, it may well be said that made to him by the ticket agent, and it was as between him and the company, the con- the duty of such person when informed that duct of the conductor was rightful. But as the train would not stop at that station between the company and the passenger, the either to tender such fare as would entitle question is wholly a different one. Where a him to ride to some stopping point beyond, company, by the act of a proper agent, or else to comply with the request of the causes a passenger, as in this case, to take conductor, and change cars at a stopping the wrong train,-one that does not stop at point short of his destination; that in the his station,-it must be held to have con- operation of a railroad the safety of those templated that, under the instruction given traveling upon it requires that the trains its conductor, the passenger would be put running over it shall be moved according to off the train as soon as the error should be a prearranged schedule, and this safeguard discovered by the conductor, unless he would be practically destroyed if a conshould, as demanded, pay additional fare ductor was bound to stop his train at a and be carried beyond his station. The act station not a scheduled stopping point, of the first agent of the company, misdirect- whenever a passenger was wrongfully ining the passenger, is the wrongful act for formed by a ticket agent that the train which the company becomes liable in tort, would take him to that station. The court and the act of the conductor in ejecting him added that the view expressed in the deciis a consequence of the first wrongful act,- sions of some jurisdictions, that misinformais the proximate cause of the passenger tion as to the stopping of a train at a parbeing ejected; and as against the passenger, ticular station, given by a ticket agent to the act of the conductor in ejecting him, an inquiring passenger, and acted upon by being the act of the company, is wrongful. the latter, constitutes a contract between the The fallacy, as before stated, arises out of railroad company and the passenger, had not the mistaken assumption that the act of the been accepted by the courts of New Jersey. conductor is rightful as against the pas- The court distinguished this case from Mcsenger. This can in no instance be the case Donald v. Central R. Co. 72 N. J. L. 280, 2 where the company is responsible for the L.R.A. (N.S.) 505, 111 Am. St. Rep. 672, 62 mistake of the passenger in taking the Atl. 405, 19 Am. Neg. Rep. 378, stating that wrong train. All the cases cited in support it lacked a vital element which was present of the contention of the plaintiff in error, in the McDonald Case; namely, the furnishthat in any way do so, are based on the ing of a time-table by the railroad comfallacy that the conductor had the right to pany's agent to the passenger, showing that eject the passenger, when, as a matter of the train concerning which he made inquiry law, the real question is whether the act of was scheduled to stop at the station to the company, done by its agent, is rightful which he purchased his ticket. as against the ejected party. The question may be simplified by eliminating the fact of agency in each instance; that is, by supposing that the common carrier in each instance acts for himself or itself. Here no mind would doubt but that the carrier, having instructed the passengers to take one of his trains, with knowledge of his destination, would be a wrongdoer, should he, on discovering his own mistake, eject him from the train, on the ground that he had taken the wrong train. But the intervention of an agent, by whom the act is done in each instance, does not change the case. For each act of the agent, done in the scope of his agency, must be imputed to the principal,is, in law, the act of the principal."

On the other hand, it has been held that a passenger who has taken a train which is

And in Lake Shore & M. S. R. Co. v. Pierce, 47 Mich. 277, 11 N. W. 157, a judgment predicated on wrongful expulsion was reversed. The court stated that having been informed by the ticket agent that such train stopped at his destination, if the passenger was not otherwise in fault in starting on the train, it was difficult to find any reason why the company should not carry him in some way to the place of his destination, as it had agreed to do; and he had in such case a right of action for such damages as a failure to perform that contract involved; that the company could not be justified in refusing to carry him to his destination, and to do so as agreed. But in holding that this did not necessarily give him a right to remain on the train after he had been told that it would not stop at his

unlawful ejection could not be maintained, but that the action should be predicated on a breach of contract to carry.

In International & G. N. R. Co. v. Hassell, 62 Tex. 256, 50 Am. Rep. 525, 6 Am. Neg. Cas. 514, it was held that one who boards a through train in reliance on the negli gent information of the ticket agent that it would stop at his station must leave the train at a regular stop preceding his destination, and on refusal to do so may be ejected. Judgment for plaintiff, however, was affirmed on the ground that the manner of ejection was improper.

destination, the court said: "Whatever rem- | S. C. 478, 64 S. E. 418, that an action for edy he may have against the company for its breach of contract, he had no right to determine for himself on what train he would travel. The business of railroads can only be carried on safely by having regularity. If trains are arranged in a certain way, and their time fixed with regard to limited stoppages, a conductor would never be safe if he were bound at his peril to ascertain from any mere stranger the existence of an agreement by the company to change the arrangement and stop at an unusual place. A passenger cannot compel a conductor to deviate from his appointed scheme, and if truly informed concerning the rule as to stoppages, he is bound to conform his own movements to it, and seek redress in some other way. Everyone is bound to know that the conductor is not invested with general power to run his train as he pleases, and that so far as he is concerned the trains must conform to the schedule." The court added that the passenger ought to have left the train at a regular stopping place; and then, if not furnished with passage to his destination, the expense of such passage would be a proper element of damages in addition to such, if any, as were occasioned by the failure to take him through on the train which he was told he could take, and the consequent delay; that he ought to have known that if he persisted in remaining on the train the conductor would probably remove him, and such a removal was not a distinct wrong in itself, because, after leaving the regular stopping place, he was wrongfully on the train, and so could not recover damages unless for some unlawful violence beyond the necessity of the removal; because it was lawful to take such steps as were necessary to remove and keep him removed from the train. Thus, such


one cannot complain of an indignity which it is his duty to avoid incurring and which he is bound to expect, the company having power, subject to damages for any breach of contract involved, to determine for itself what trains shall take passengers to their destination.

Also in White v. Evansville & T. H. R. Co. 133 Ind. 480, 33 N. E. 273, it was held that an action for wrongful ejection based on a negligent misdirection of the ticket agent could not be maintained.

While a passenger has a right to rely upon information received from a ticket agent, when purchasing his ticket, as to matters relating to the places where the train upon which he desires to embark will stop, and to recover from the company all resulting damages in case he is misled without his own fault, he has no right to remain upon a train without paying additional fare, contrary to the rules of the company, after he has been notified that the train will not stop according to the information received from the ticket agent. The conductor cannot be required to deviate from the rules under which he is compelled to run his train, nor to run his train except in conformity to the schedule, which the law requires shall be posted up for the information of all, upon the statement by a pas senger of information received from a ticket agent. Chicago, St. L. & P. R. Co. v. Bills, 118 Ind. 221, 20 N. E. 775. This being an action for wrongful ejection by use of excessive force, the remedy where a passenger is ejected without the use of force was not involved; but the court intimated that an action for damages in such a case should be based on the negligent misdirection of the ticket agent.


In Gulf, C. & S. F. R. Co. v. Moorman, Tex. Civ. App. 46 S. W. 662, action for damages sustained by being removed from train which was boarded in reliance upon the statement of the one in charge of the ticket office that it would stop at passenger's destination, judgment for plaintiff was affirmed. Although not so expressly stated, it is probable that the action was based on the negligent misdirection.

In International & G. N. R. Co. v. Kilgo, So, also, in Miller v. King, 21 App. Div. Tex. Civ. App., 71 S. W. 556, action 192, 47 N. Y. Supp. 534, it was held that to recover damages alleged to have been suswhere a ticket is sold to an intending pas- tained by being forced to alight from train senger by a ticket agent who erroneously because it did not stop at passenger's destiinforms the purchaser, prior to the issuancenation, where it was alleged that the train of the ticket, that the train will stop at his destination, and he boards such train relying on that statement, the railroad company is not bound to stop the train at that station when it is not scheduled to stop there, and the passenger may be properly ordered to leave the train at an intermediate stopping place, and the railroad company is only liable to the passenger for a breach of the contract to carry him to his destination.

And it may be assumed from the decision | in Black v. Atlantic Coast Line R. Co. 82

was boarded on information of ticket agent that it would stop at such destination, an instruction was held erroneous which predicated a recovery entirely upon the contents of the ticket, and not upon the conversation of the passenger with the ticket agent.

A conductor has a right to refuse to stop a train at a station at which, under the rules and regulations of the company, it is not permitted to stop, although a passenger destined for such a station was directed by an employee of the company to take that

train, and so, where a passenger, at the direction of an employee of the railroad company, boards a train which does not stop at his destination, and he is required to leave at the nearest regular stopping place before reaching such place of destination, action for wrongful ejection will not lie; but in such case, if damage results, it must be attributed to the misdirection. Sira v. Wabash R. Co. 115 Mo. 127, 37 Am. St. Rep. 318, 21 S. W. 905.

So where, through the negligent direction of the employees of a railroad company, a passenger boards a train which does not stop at his destination, and is ejected at a regular stopping place of the train, such passenger, though rightfully ejected under the rules of the company, has a right to sue the company for breach of contract to carry him to his place of destination, or for the tort, the ejection from the train. Chicago, B. & Q. R. Co. v. Spirk, 51 Neb. 167, 70 N. W. 926, 2 Am. Neg. Rep. 400.

And one who boards a train which does not stop at his destination, though directed to take such train by a servant of the company, may be ejected by the conductor upon refusal to alight at the first regular stop ping place of the train, and an action for ejection will not lie. Turner v. McCook, 77 Mo. App. 196. The court stated that where a ticket holder has purchased a ticket for passage, and through the negligent mistake or misdirection of a servant of the company, whose duty it is to direct passengers, enters a train which, under the rules of the company, does not stop at the station named in his ticket, he has no right to continue passage on that train after the conductor has given him notice that the train does not stop at the station to which he seeks passage, and has requested him to leave the train, and afforded him a reasonable opportunity to do so; and if he then persists in remaining, he is then wrongfully thereon, and the conductor, in the performance of his duty, may eject him if he acts in good faith and without malice, and uses no more force than is necessary for the purpose. If in such case damage results, it must be attributed to the negligent mistake or misdirection of the servant of the company.

One who has boarded a train which does not stop at his destination cannot recover as for wrongful ejection upon his refusal to pay fare to the first stopping place or to get off when the train has stopped at a suitable place, although such person was informed by the conductor of a connecting line or branch of the same railroad company that that train was the one which he should take to reach his destination. Atchison, T. & S. F. R. Co. v. Gants, 38 Kan. 608, 5 Am. St. Rep. 780, 17 Pac. 54.

And although one boards a train which does not stop at his destination, upon the advice of the conductor of another train, that if he boarded that train, having a ticket for a certain place, the conductor would have to stop and let him off, yet he may be ejected by the conductor of the latter' train upon refusal to pay fare to the first

stopping place of the train, which was beyond his destination, and so action for wrongful ejection will not lie. Whether or not, under the circumstances, an action would lie for breach of contract of carriage, the court refused to decide. Allen v. Wilmington & W. R. Co. 119 N. C. 710, 25 S. E. 787.

If a passenger boards a train which does not stop at her destination, having been directed by the gate-keeper and brakeman to take that train, and she is ejected when the train reaches a station at which it regularly stops, the railroad company will be liable in damages. Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Summers, 133 Ky. 684, 118 S. W. 926. An action in such a case would, of course, be predicated on the negligence of the company's agent in directing the passenger to take such a train, and not on the fact that the conductor had no right to eject the passenger, the train being a through one, and not stopping at her destination.

But in Distler v. Missouri P. R. Co. 163 Mo. App. 674, 147 S. W. 518, it would seem that recovery in an action for wrongful ejection by one who was ejected from a train which did not stop at his destination was permitted on the ground that there was a negligent misdirection by a servant of the railroad company as to the proper train for the passenger to take. As in the Turner Case, supra, the passenger in the instant case purchased a ticket for a certain station and was directed by the company's servant to enter one of the cars of the train at the station, and later, the conductor, having ascertained his destination, informed him that the train did not stop at such station, and ejected him between stations. A judgment for plaintiff, awarding both actual and punitive damages, was affirmed, the punitive damages being held to be warranted under the evidence that the conductor was abusive and discourteous, and his behavior was such as to arouse the attention of the other passengers on the train to what was being said and done, and thus to bring the passenger under suspicion as a wrongdoer. J. H. B.

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sent by a jury which has retired, to the judge, who is waiting in the lobby of the court to receive the verdict, without requiring the attendance in court of the parties and their counsel, is, although the answer is accompanied by a statement that the question and answer are immaterial, ground for new trial, where the nature of the communication is never disclosed to the contending party, notwithstanding a statute requiring errors relating to pleading and procedure to be disregarded which do not injuriously affect the substantial rights of the parties.


(February 27, 1915.)

XCEPTIONS by defendant to rulings of the Superior Court for Suffolk County made during the trial of an action brought was some actual communication, oral or written, between the judge and jury not in open court, and cases in which the judge entered the jury room, whether he actually communicated with the jury or not; but do not include any cases involving communications made in open court in the absence of, or without notice to, parties or counsel. In accordance with the general rule, it is held in the following cases to be error for the trial court to have any communication with the jury not in open court.

Thus, it is error for which a judgment will be reversed for a trial judge to hold any communication with the jury in regard to the instructions in the case except in open court, and it is immaterial whether the instructions given were right or wrong. Mound City v. Mason, 262 Ill. 392, 104 N. E. 685.

to recover on an account annexed for goods sold and money advanced to defendant. Sustained.

The facts are stated in the opinion. Messrs. Ham, Frederick, & Yont, for defendant:

No communication should take place between the judge and the jury after the cause had been committed to them by the charge of the judge, unless in open court and, where practicable, in the presence of counsel in the case.

Sargent v. Roberts, 1 Pick. 337, 11 Am. Dec. 185; O'Connor v. Guthrie, 11 Iowa, 80; Read v. Cambridge, 124 Mass. 567, 26 Am. Rep. 690; Low v. Freeman, 117 Ind. 341, 20 N. E. 242; Smith v. McMillen, 19 Ind. 391; Coolman v. State, 163 Ind. 503, But upon an appeal, reported in 102 Tex. 263, 20 L.R.A. (N.S.) 429, 115 S. W. 1163, 20 Ann. Cas. 137, the supreme court took notice of the fact that a statement appended to the bill of exceptions by the trial court showed the fact that the court conferred with the foreman of the jury apart from the rest of the jury, and not in open court, and reversed the judgment on that ground, saying that in deciding the question it was not required to enter into a discussion as to how the conference between the judge and the foreman would have affected the verdict, if at all.

In Berst v. Moxom, 163 Mo. App. 123, 145 S. W. 857, where it appeared that the judge entered the jury room upon request of the jury, who could not agree, but declined to give any opinion in regard to their questions, although he did give them an instruction in writing that a verdict could be brought in by three fourths of the jury, the judgment was reversed on the ground that any communication in the jury room between the judge and jury in the absence of counsel, and without their consent, after the jury had retired to consider the issues, is reversible error.

Where the foreman of a jury had a communication with the judge after the jury had sealed their verdict, but, because of circumstances arising later, the jury, upon agreement of both parties, retired to further consider their verdict, a new trial was properly granted. Dralle v. Reedsburg, 135 Wis. 293, 115 N. W. 819.

It was error for the trial judge to enter the room where the jury were deliberating, and in the absence of accused and his counsel answer questions there propounded and give them advice with respect to the law on the case or the verdict to be returned by them, such action being not only a violation of the Criminal Code, which requires that when the jury desires to be informed upon a point of law they should be brought into court and the information given by the court in the presence of, or after notice to, the accused and his counsel, but also calculated to put the court in a position to be misjudged and its motive questioned. Bentler v. Com. 143 Ky. 503, 136 S. W. 896. In Texas Midland R. Co. v. Byrd, Tex. Civ. App., 110 S. W. 199, the assignment of error was upon an alleged statement made to the foreman of the jury by the judge, which, if it had been made, would have had a tendency to coerce the jury into arriving at a verdict, and the assign ment was overruled on the ground that the evidence was not sufficient to warrant the The fact that the trial judge, without conclusion that the judge did make the the consent of appellant, communicated statement to the foreman. Apparently no with the jury during their deliberations objection was made on the ground that the upon a case, is ground for a new trial. Holjudge and the foreman held a private con-liday v. Sampson, 42 Tex. Civ. App. 364, versation apart from the jury after the jury 95 S. W. 643.

In Greely v. Weaver, Me. 5 Atl. 267, it was held to be error requiring a new trial for the court, in response to a question sent to it by the jury after the court had adjourned for the day, and while they were deliberating on their verdict, to send to them a note reciting a rule of law already given in the charge.

had retired to deliberate upon their verdict. A justice of the peace has no more right

72 N. E. 568; McBean v. State, 83 Wis. 206, 53 N. W. 497; Watertown Bank & Loan Co. v. Mix, 51 N. Y. 558; Hurst v. Webster Mfg. Co. 128 Wis. 342, 107 N. W. 666; Abbott v. Hockenberger, 31 Misc. 587, 65 N. Y. Supp. 566; Danes v. Pearson, 6 Ind. App. 465, 33 N. E. 976; State v. Murphy, 17 N. D. 48, 17 L.R.A. (N.S.) 609, 115 N. W. 84, 16 Ann. Cas. 1133; Havenor v. State, 125 Wis. 444, 104 N. W. 116, 4 Ann. Cas. 1052; State v. Wroth, 15 Wash. 621, 47 Pac. 106; Kirk v. State, 14 Ohio, 511. Messrs. Arthur F. Breed and Joseph G. Wright, for plaintiff:

to have this effect, it must appear that the misconduct was such as might have prejudiced the defendant. The presiding justice found as a fact that the defendant was not prejudiced, and that finding was conclusive, unless the facts reported are inconsistent with it and show that it was erroneous in law.

Com. v. Desmond, 141 Mass. 200, 5 N. E. 856; Johnson v. Witt, 138 Mass. 79; Clapp v. Clapp, 137 Mass. 183; Munde v. Lambie, 125 Mass. 367; Com. v. White, 147 Mass. 76, 16 N. E. 707; McCutchen v. Loggins, 109 Ala. 457, 19 So. 810; Mahoney v. Decker, 18 Hun, 365.

It is impossible to ascertain that the conduct of the court had any prejudicial effect upon the jury, and in the absence

As to the written communication between the jury and the judge, the question is as to whether there was such misconduct as to require the verdict to be set aside. But in a jury room while the jury is deliberat- accompanied by the sheriff, went to the ing than any other person, and his pres-door of the jury room and asked them if ence there is clearly error. Gibbons v. Van Alstyne, 56 Hun, 639, 9 N. Y. Supp. 156. But, while no cases approve of the practice of private communication between judge and jury, some courts refuse to disturb a verdict because of such communication when no prejudice could have resulted from such communication.

Thus, in Martin v. Martin, 76 Neb. 335, 124 Am. St. Rep. 815, 107 N. W. 580, 14 Ann. Cas. 511, the court recognized the general rule that all instructions to the jury should be delivered in open court, but said it did not mean to say that where, as often happens, the court is engaged in a trial when a request for further instructions is presented, it cannot, by consent of the parties, send its answer to the jury by the bailiff in charge, but that the record ought to show that consent is given in order that no controversy may thereafter arise; and where it did not appear whether an exception taken by the plaintiff at the time such an instruction was sent to the jury was meant to apply to the form of the instruction or to the manner in which it was given, and it appeared in view of the special findings of the jury that the action of the court was without prejudice to the plaintiff, it was held that any error committed by the court in the manner of instructing the jury was immaterial.

In Glenn v. Hunt, 120 Mo. 330, 25 S. W. 181, where, after the cause had been argued and submitted to the jury, the court, upon written request of the jury, and against the defendant's objections, sent to the room an additional instruction, it was held that, while the court committed error in sending that communication to the jury, it was not such prejudicial error as should reverse the judgment, the advice asked by the jury not being in reference to any controverted fact which the jury was required to decide, and the fact and the law communicated to the jury by the judge both being undisputed.

In Miller v. State, 13 Ga. App. 440, 79 S. E. 232, it appeared that, after the jury had been out until late at night, the judge,

they desired to be put to bed, or were likely to agree on a verdict, when one of the jurors asked him a question concerning instructions, to which he gave an answer which did not amount to a recharge, but was equivalent to an instruction as to the form of a verdict which the jury were authorized to render, and within a few minutes the judge informed counsel for defendants as to what had occurred, and no objection was made at the time. It was held that, even though the action of the judge was an irregularity, it did not and could not have resulted in injury to the accused, and the evidence of his guilt being strong and clear, a judgment of conviction was affirmed.

In Dishmaker v. Heck, 159 Wis. 572, 150 N. W. 951, where the jury were unable to decipher a word in the written form for a special verdict given to them by the judge, and the foreman returned to the court room, where another case was being tried, and asked the judge what the word was and was told that it was "punitive," the court said that, while no court had been more careful than it in insisting that all communications between the court and jury should be in open court and free from even a suspicion of secrecy, it would be little less than absurd to hold that because the trial judge correctly told a juryman what a given word in the special verdict was and what it meant, there should be a new trial.

A statute which makes a communication with a jury during its deliberations sufficient ground for a new trial, if the communication is found to be material, is broad enough to include a communication to the jury by the trial judge, but where it appears that such a communication had no effect whatever upon the minds of the jury in reaching their verdict, it will not be reversible error. Whitaker v. Browning, Tex. Civ. App.

155 S. W. 1197.

In Wood County v. Shinnew, 30 Ohio C. C. 158, where it appeared that after the jury had retired for deliberation they asked the court for further instructions, where

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