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"Time. This, as we fay, was not hid from "the Penetration of this great Man-The Rea

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fons, (fays he, in his Preface,) wherewith " you would perfuade that Scripture is the only "rule to frame all our Actions by, are in every

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Refpect as effectual for Proof, that the fame "is the only Law whereby to determine all our "Civil Controverfies:-And therefore to root it " out for ever was the main reafon, I fuppofe, "why, in a particular Difpute, he goes fo far "back as to give a long Account of the

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original of Laws in general, their several "Kinds, and their distinct and contrary "Natures."

Bp. WARBURTON on The Alliance between
Church and State, note, p. 46.










ALTHOUGH I know how little leifure

great Kings have to read large Books, or indeed any, fave only God's, (the study, belief, and obedience of which, is precisely commanded, even to Kings, Deut. xvii. 18, 19. And from which, whatever wholly diverts them, will hazard to damn them; their being no affairs of fo great importance, as their ferving God, and faving their own fouls; nor any precepts so wise, just, holy, and safe, as those of

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the divine Oracles; nor any Empire fo glorious, as that by which Kings, being fubject to God's Law, have dominion over themselves, and so best deserve and exercise it over their fubjects:)

Yet having lived to fee the wonderful and happy Restoration of your Majefty to your rightful kingdoms, and of this reformed Church to its juft Rights, primitive Order, and priftine Constitution, by your Majesty's prudent care, and unparalleled bounty, I know not what to prefent more worthy of your Majesty's acceptance, and my duty, than these elaborate and feafonable Works of the famous and prudent Mr. Richard Hooker, now augmented, and I hope compleated with the Three laft Books, fo much defired and fo long concealed.

The publishing of which Volume so intire, and thus prefenting it to your Majesty, feems to be a bleffing and honour referved by God's Providence, to add a further luftre to your Majesty's glorious Name, and happy Reign, whofe tranfcendent Favour, Justice, Merit, and Munificence to the long-afflicted Church of England, is a fubject no lefs worthy of Admiration than Gratitude to all pofterity. And of all things (next God's grace) not to be abused or turned into wantonness by any of your Majesty's Clergy, who are highly obliged, beyond all other Subjects to piety, loyalty, and industry.

I fhall

I shall need nothing more to ingratiate this incomparable Piece to your Majefty's acceptance, and all the English World's, than those high Commendations it hath ever had, as from all prudent, peaceable, and impartial Readers, fo especially from your Majesty's Royal Father, who a few days before he was crowned with Martyrdom, commended to his dearest children, the diligent reading of Mr. Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity, even next the Bible; as an excellent means to fettle them in the Truth of Religion and in the Peace of this Church, as much Chriftian, and as well Reformed as any under Heaven: As if God had referved this fignal bonour to be done by the best of Kings, and greatest Sufferers for this Church, to him who was one of the best Writers, and ableft Defenders of it.

To this compleated Edition, is added fuch particular accounts as could be got of the Author's Perfon, Education, Temper, Manners, Fortunes, Life, and Death, which is now done with much exactness and proportion: That hereby your Majesty, and all the World, may see what fort of men are fitteft for Churchwork (which like the building of Solomon's Temple, is beft carried on with most evenness of Judgment, and leaft noife of Paffion.) Alfo what manner of Man he was, to whom we all owe this noble Work, and durable Defence.

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Which is indeed at once (as the tongues of eloquent Princes are to themselves, and their Jubjects) both a Treafury and an Armory, to inrich their Friends, and defend them against the Enemies of the Church of England: A rare compofition of unpaffionate Reason, and unpartial Religion; the mature product of a judicious Scholar, a loyal Subject, an bumble Preacher, and a most eloquent Writer: The very abstract and quintessence of Laws human and divine; a fummary of the Grounds, Rules, and Proportions of true Polity in Church and State: Upon which clear, folid and fafe Foundations, the good Order, Peace, and Government of this Church was anciently fettled, and on which, while it ftands firm, it will be flourishing. All other popular and fpecious pretenfions being found by late fad experiences, to be as novel and unfit, so factious and fallacious, yea, dangerous and destructive to the Peace and Profperity of this Church and Kingdom, whose infeparable Happiness and Interefts are bound up in Monarchy and Epifcopacy.

The politick and vifible managing of both which, God hath now graciously restored and committed to your Majefty's Sovereign Wisdom and Authority, after the many and long Tragedies fuffered from those Club-masters and Tubminifters, who fought not fairly to obtain Reformation of what might seem amifs, but violently


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