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Mill, James (1773-1836), 2, 4 ff., 14,
15, 25, 131, 206, 371, 449, 454,
534, 552, 666

Analysis of the Phenomena of the Hu-
man Mind, 6

Fragment on Mackintosh, A, 5, n. 65
Government (essay), n. 65
History of India, 106, 107, 373
Political Economy, 4

Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873), 2, 6, 9,

14 ff., (main entry), 38 ff., 47, n.
65, 113, 147, 206, 481, 534, 666
Auguste Comte and Positivism, 24
Autobiography, 16, 24, 473
Considerations on Representative Gov-
ernment, 22

Dissertations and Discussions, I
Essays on some Unsettled Questions of
Political Economy, 23

Examination of Sir William Hamil-
ton's Philosophy, 21

Inaugural Address (St. Andrews),
473, 474

On Liberty, 23, 24

On the Subjection of Women, 23
Principles of Political Economy, 23,
n. 168

System of Logic, 18, 19, 23, 25
Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform,23
Three Essays on Religion, 24
Utilitarianism, 22

Millais, Sir John Everett, 404
Miller, Hugh (1802-1856), 126, 223,
579-80; My Schools and Schoolmasters,
175; Old Red Sandstone, The, 175
Milliken, Richard Alfred (1767-1815),

Milman, Henry Hart, 113
Milner, John (1752–1826), n. 59, 571

Joseph, Church History, n. 87
Milton, John, 68, 96, 123, 146, 338,
443, 491, 497, 500, 506, 513; Areo-
pagitica, 490; Paradise Lost, 124
Mind, 25, 26

Minshull, captain, 236

Minto, William (1845-1893), 161, 231,

Mirror of Justices, The, n. 88
Mirza Abdullah, 279

Mitchel, John (1815-1875), 628; His-
tory of Ireland, 359; Jail Journal, 359
Life of Hugh O'Neill, 359

Mitford, John (pseud. Alfred Burton,
1782-1831), 243, 602; The Adventures
of Johnny Newcome, 243; The Poems
of a British Sailor, 243

Mary Russell, 220
Modder, river, 414
Mogul empire, the, 367
Molesworth, Sir William, 216

William Nassau (1816-1890), 552;
The History of England from 1830,


Molineaux, pugilist, 255
Molloy, Charles (d. 1767), 628

Gerald, The Irish Difficulty, n. 499
Molyneux, William (1656-1698), 628
Monck, James Bury (1784-1856), 571
Moncrieff, William Thomas, 248
Mont Blanc, 261

Montagu, Andrew, 204

Basil (1770-1851), 571

Edward Wortley (1713-1776), 610
Montaigne, 177, 469, 477
Montfort, Simon de, 110
Montgomery, James, 223

Montreal, 397, 398; Bishop's college,
394; Shakespeare club, 393
Monumenta Germaniae Historica, n. 58
Monypenny, William Flavelle (1886-
1912), 562

Moodie, Donald (d. 1861), 647
Duncan C. F., 647

Susanna (1803-1885), 399, 639,
641; Life in the Clearing, 398; Rough-
ing it in the Bush, 398

Moore, J. Sheridan, 403, 645

Sir John, 117, 325

Thomas (1779-1852), 198, 206,
218, 343, 347, 356, 405, 562
Irish Melodies, 343, 349

Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, 118
Life of Sheridan, 117

Tell me the witching tale again, 343
Moran, Patrick Francis (1830-1911),

More, Hannah, 66, 435, 666

Morell, John Daniel (1816-1891), 534-5
Morfill, William Richard (1834-1909),

Morgan, Sydney, lady, born Owenson
(1783-1859), 628

Book without a Name, The, 356
France, 356

Italy, 356

Kate Kearney, 356

St. Clair, 356

Wild Irish Girl, The, 356

Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles, 356

Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David
(1826-1893), 562

Morison, James Augustus Cotter (1832
1888), 69, 562

[blocks in formation]

Moslems, the, 200, 279

Moyra, 353

'Mtesa, king of Uganda, 281
Mudford, William, 207

Müller, Frederick Max (1823-1900),

Muir, Sir William (1819-1905), 375,
562, 637; The Life of Mahomet,

Mulholland, Rosa, 363

Munster, Ireland, 347

Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey (1792–
1871), 322, 323, 325, 620

Murphy, Anna. See Jameson, Anna
Arthur (1727-1805), 628
D. Brownell, 357

Murray, E. C. Grenville, 214
Sir James A.H., n. 506
John (1778-1843), 673
John (1808-1892), 672

Sir John (1841-1914), 328, 620
Lindley (1745-1826), 666; English
Grammar, 442

R. F., 231, 596; The Scarlet Gown,

Musae Etonenses, 62

Mustapha, Haji. See Raymond
Mysore war, the, 373
Mytton, John, 257

Nairne, Caroline Oliphant baroness,
The Laird of Cockpen, 420

Nantes, edict of, 129

Napier, Sir Charles, n. 118
Macvey, 5

Mark (1798-1879), 552-3

Sir William Francis Patrick (1785-
1860), 553

Conquest of Scinde, The, n. 118
History of Sir Charles Napier's Ad-
ministration of Scinde, n. 118
History of the War in the Peninsula,
n. 118

Life of Sir Charles Napier, n. 118
Naples, 273, 323

Napoleon I, emperor of the French,

117, 163, 197, 207, 236, 246, 361

III, emperor of the French, 189,
201, 204

Napoleonic war, the, 98, 194
Nashe, Thomas, 258

Nasse, Erwin, 86

Nation, The (London), 219

(Dublin), 350, 351, 354, 359, 361
(New York), 351

National Observer, The, 219

Review, The, 155

National Society for promoting the
Education of the Poor, 450, 467

Union for improving the education
of women, 479
Navestock, Essex, 82

Neapolitan government, the, 150
Neate, Bill, 254

Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord, 232
Neele, Henry, The Romance of History,
n. 65

Nelson, Horatio Nelson, viscount, 221,

James (1710-1794), 667
Neot, St., 92

Neptune, planet, 291
Netherlands, the, 79

Neuhof, Switzerland, 427, 435
New Englanders, 383, 384

English Art club, the, 229
Holland, 267

Institution for the Formation of
Character, 451

New Irish Library, The, 352

New Lanark, 451, 452

New Monthly Magazine, The, 253, 352
New South Wales, 402

New Sporting Magazine, The, 258

New York, 351, 359, 397; the Bowery,

New York Herald, The, 212
New Zealand, 409, 483
Newcastle commission, 468 ff.
Newcastle Courant, The, 186
Express, The, 213

Newcastle, H. P. F. Pelham-Clinton,
5th duke of (1811–1864), 568
Newcomen, Thomas (1663-1729), 285
Newdigate prize poem, 164
Newfoundland, 319

Newgate Calendar, The, 252, 253, 602
Newman, John Henry (1801-1890), 92,
130, 155, 465, 480, 515, 535; Grammar
of Assent, A, 29; Idea of a University,
The, 465, 474
William, 260

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O. P. rioters, 490

O'Leary, Arthur (1729-1802), 628
Ellen (1831-1889), 355, 628
John (1830-1907), 355, 628
Oliphant, Laurence (1829-1888), 181,
219, 580, 611
Altiora Peto, 182

Autobiography of a Joint-Stock Com-
pany, 182

Episodes in a Life of Adventure, 181
Piccadilly, 182

Russian Shores of the Black Sea, The,

Sympneumata, 181

Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant, 553
Olot, in Spain, 324

"Omnium, Jacob," pseud. See Hig-
gins, Matthew J.
O'Neill, Eliza, 352
Ontario, 388
Oracle, The, 197
Orange, the, 414

Orange Free State, n. 417
Orders, the enclosed, 336
Ordovician rocks, 322

O'Reilly, John Boyle (1844-1890), 629;
Amber Whale, The, 355; Songs from
the Southern Seas, 355

Orford, Sir Robert Walpole, Ist earl of,

70, 141, 235

Orinoco, river, 276

Orissa, 368

Orkney islands, 484

Orme, Robert (1728-1801), n. 106,
553, 637; Historical Fragments of the
Mogul Empire, 369; History of the
Military Transactions . . in In-
dostan, 369

Ornsby, Robert (1820-1889), 562
O'Rourke, Edmund (Edmund Falconer,
1814-1879), 629

O'Brien, Charlotte Grace (1845-1909), | Osborne, lord Sidney Godolphin (S. G.

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Owen's Weekly Chronicle, 221
Owenson, Sydney. See Morgan, lady
Oxenford, John, 261

Oxford, 8, 27, 47, 49, 61, 76 ff., 80, 81,

84, 89, 95, 97, 99, 108, 142, 164,
167, 170 ff., 211, 213, 227 ff., 237,
249, 291, 292, 325, 354, 427 ff.
456, 457, 461, 463, 465, 479 ff.
Ashmolean museum, 315
Balliol college, 49

Bodleian library, 106, 274
Botanic garden, 316
Christ Church, 312
Clarendon laboratory, 298
Law school, 464
Lincoln college, 119
Modern History school, 464
Natural Science school, 464
Oriel college, 216, 466
Radcliffe observatory, 430
Rawlinson professorship of Anglo-
Saxon, 430

St. John's college, 428

Oxford examination statute, 429, 463
movement, the, 90

Oxford Critic and University Magazine,
The, 230

English Dictionary, The,488 n. 507,

n. 508


Magazine, The, 229

Magazine, Echoes from the, 230
Spectator, The, 230

The University of (Ackermann's),

Oxford, Robert Harley, 1st earl of, 185,

"Oxonian Latin,” 456

Ozoro, Esther, princess, 273

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Palgrave, Sir Francis (1788-1861), 57,
73 ff., 78, 79, 553

Essay on the Original Authority of the
King's Council, 74
History of England, 74

of Normandy and of England, 74
of the Anglo-Saxons, 74
Rise and Progress of the English Com-
monwealth, 74

Truth and Fictions of the Middle Ages:
the Merchant and the Friar, 74
Palgrave, William Gifford (1826-1888),
611; A year's journey through Central
and Eastern Arabia, 280
Pall Mall Gazette, The, 208, 214, 215
Palmer, John, 185

Sir Roundell. See Selborne, Ist
earl of

Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd
viscount, 137, 142, 145, 189, 200,
203, 204, 206, 468, 562; Civis
Romanus speech, 138

Pampa, the, 276

Pamphleteer, The, n. 133, n. 137
Panama, 269

Papineau, Louis Joseph, 386

Paris, 72, 190, 201, 204, 209, 216,
239, 248, 260, 349, 362, 363, 378,

Park, Mungo (1771-1806), 611
Parker, Henry Meredith (1796?-1868),
637; Bole Ponjis, 372; The Draught of
Immortality, 372

Irene, Dissenting Academies in
England, n. 57

Parkes, Sir Henry (1815-1896), 404,
645; Murmurs of the stream, 403
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 202

Parr, Samuel (1747–1825), 660

Parry, Sir William Edward (1790-
1855), 271, 611

Partington, Charles Frederick, The
British Cyclopaedia, n. 192
Paston Letters, The, 91

Pater, Walter Horatio (1839-1894),
516, 580

Appreciations, 175

Child in the House, The, 175
Imaginary Portraits, 175
Marius the Epicurean, 174
Plato and Platonism, 175

Studies in the History of the Renais-
sance, 174

Winckelmann, 174

Paterson, William (1755-1810), 611
Patmore, Coventry, 238

Peter George (1786-1855), 580
Patrick, saint, Colloquy of St. Patrick
with Oisin, The, 334

Pattison, Mark (1813-1884), 124, 482,
562, 660
Essays, 120

Isaac Casaubon, 119-20
Memoirs, 120
Milton, 120

Suggestions on academical organisa-
tion, n. 480

Payne, Edward John (1844-1904), 553;
A History of the New World called
America, 108

Joseph (1808-1876), 667

Joseph Frank (1840-1910), 621
Peacock, George, 258
Peaks, passes and glaciers, 285
Pearson, Charles Henry (1830-1894),

Peel, Sir Robert (1788-1850), 126, 139,
141 ff. (main entry), 147, 200, 205,
251, 459, 562, 568

Peelites, 143, 206, 209, 219
Pekin, 274

Peninsular war, the, n. 118, n. 135, 277,

Penn, William n. 71

Pennant, Thomas (1726-1798), 272,


Penne, George, n. 71

Plunkett, Henry Grattan ("Fusbos"),


Plymouth, 134, 328

Pennell, Henry Cholmondeley (1837- Pococke, Richard (1704–1765), 272, 611

1915), 602

Pennenden heath, 140

Pennsylvania, 291, 388

Penny Cyclopaedia, The, 287, 456
Magazine, The, 456

Pepys, Samuel, 313

Percy, Thomas, Five Pieces of Runic
Poetry, 57

Permo-Triassic strata, 292

Perry, James, 188, 196, 202, 205, 206
Persia, 275

Persian language and literature, 367,
369, 510, 512

Perthshire, 487.

Pertz, George Heinrich, 101
Peruvian speech, 510

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 427, 435,
438, 450, 660
Peterborough, 110, III

Petit-Dutaillis, C., Studies and Notes
supplementary to Stubbs's Constitu-
tional History, n. 83

Petrie, George (1789-1866), 350, 629
Ancient Music of Ireland, 362
Essay on Tara Hill, 345

Origin and uses of the Round Towers,

Phillips, Charles (1787-1859), 562

John, 260
Watts, 263

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Poe, Edgar Allan, 405

Poetical Magazine, The, 240

Poisson, Simeon Denis, 288
Poland, 189

Polish language, 511

Political Science Quarterly, The, n. 88
Pollock, Sir Frederick, 88
Polynesian languages, 512
Poole, Stanley Lane, 279

Pope, Alexander, 69, 119, 159, 220,
235, 275, 442, 445, 485, 486, 490,

Porter, Sir Robert Ker (1777-1842),

Porto Bello, 221
Portsmouth, 249

Portugal, 325

Portuguese language, 510, 511

navy, the, 207

Powell, Baden (1796-1860), 535
Frederick York (1850-1904), 554
Power, Lionel, 340


countess of



Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 226, 227
Prendergast, John Patrick (1808-1893),

554, 629; History of the Cromwellian
Settlement, The, 106; Ireland from
the Restoration to the Revolution,

Paul, pseud. See Leigh, Percival
Pre-Raphaelites, the, 153, 166, 404
Press, The, n. 199, 210, 218

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals act,

Price, Richard (1723-1791), 667

Picturesque Sketches of Rustic Scenery, Prichard, James Cowles, (1786-1848),

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Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804), 26, n.
57, 285, 301 ff., 313, 430, 439, 444,
445, 448, 614, 616, 661, 669; Essay
on the first principles of government,
400; Miscellaneous Observations, n.
430, 441; Rudiments of English Gram-
mar, 442

Prillisk, county Tyrone, 347

Pringle, Thomas (1789-1834), 415 ff.,

Afar in the Desert, 417
Bechuana Boy, The, 418

Captive of Camalu, The, 419

Ghona Widow's Lullaby, The, 419
Koranna, The, 419

Lion and Giraffe, The, 417

Lion Hunt, The, 417

Narrative of a Residence in South
Africa, 416

Songs of the Emigrants, 416

Prior, Matthew, 226, 227, 233

Pritchard, Andrew (1804-1882), 329,


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