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efforts have been limited to the task of reviling the cause which they abandoned at the bidding of their chief. Sir James Graham has gone further. He now stands in enviable proximity with Colonel Peyronnet Thompson, who regards foreign occupation as an evil of less magnitude than a return to Protective principles, as the defamer of the British army, whose swords, he insinuates, would be unsheathed against the people, ahould that people, in the exercise of their undoubted privilege, return to Parliament a majority of representatives who think differently from Cobden and his crew. We hardly know which most to admire the monstrous arrogance, or the unblushing effrontery of the man. Did he really suppose that threats, coming from such a quarter, would deter any one in the exercise of his free individual opinions? Was he weak enough to think that his inuendoes could turn the scale of public judgment; or that the electoral body throughout the kingdoms would shrink from performing that which they esteemed to be their duty, because, forsooth, it pleased the Border Baronet to prophesy that no change could even be attempted without outbreak, violence and bloodshed? He has heard his answer in the shout of indignation which has rung, from one end of England to the other, in reply to his mischievous menace; and we have little doubt that, by this time, he is convinced-if shame can penetrate into his bosom-that the most fatal act which a statesman can commit, with regard to his own position, is to proclaim that brute force has more might and majesty than the law within the limits of the British territory.

Before concluding, we must say a few words upon the position of her Majesty's present Ministers; and we should confine our remarks simply to a topic connected with their commercial and financial policy, leaving out of view the graver question of security to the Protestant faith, which is now occupying the attention of Parliament, and elevating the character of the Irish nation, through the conduct of its chosen representatives.

Ministers have been at last compelled, by the vote of a hostile majo

rity, to limit the renewal of the Income and Property Tax to the period of a single year. We regard this as one of the most important events of the Session; since it unequivocally shows that the nation is writhing under the pressure of this unequal impost, and has the power, when it wills, to cast it off for ever. We do not, however, suppose that the Whigs have any such notion. They are treating the impost as a shipbuilder might treat a vessel which had been afloat for nine years, careening and coppering it afresh, preparatory to a new launch. Now, when we remember that Lord John Russell has given distinct notice of his intention to propose a new Reform Bill during the next Session of Parliament, the existence of the Income Tax, under any shape whatever, becomes a matter of most serious importance. What necessity there exists for an extension of the suffrage has not yet been explained to us, neither are we aware of the principles upon which that act of extension is to be framed. It may not be intended as a last desperate effort to maintain a bad commercial system

it may possibly be a wise and temperate measure suited to the requirements of the time; but as to this we can offer no opinion; for the bill itself, if not also the principles upon which it is to be constructed, is yet in embryo. But we cannot help expressing thus early our decided conviction that the maintenance of the Income Tax is incompatible with any large extension of the franchise, if the rights of property within this country are to be preserved. At present, an income of £150 is chargeable with income-tax. If it is intended by any new electoral scheme to give a preponderance of votes to those who are not so directly charged, then we say that the promoters of such a measure are establishing a principle which, when carried out, must inevitably lead to confiscation. We all remember that, in 1848, Sir Charles Wood, with his usual intense stolidity, proposed to augment the rate from sevenpence to one shilling in the pound--a proof of what may again be attempted upon any occasion of emergency. Let us suppose a new Reform Bill carried, which shall have

the effect of lodging the political power in the hands of those who are exempt from direct taxation. An agitation rises for the removal of customs-duties upon articles of general consumption, such as tea, coffee, sugar, and tobacco; and the Minister of the day, unable to stem the torrent, is forced to yield. In such a case as this, which may very readily be imagined, and which indeed is sure to occur, how could the revenue be raised? Sir Charles Wood has already shown us how-by augmenting the direct tax upon rated industry to an amount equal to the defalcation. There is no reason whatever why sevenpence, or even a shilling per pound, should be the limited rate. No tax can be more popular than a direct one, to which the majority of the people do not contribute; and much of that powerful support which the Whigs have hitherto received from the Irish members in their financial policy, may be traced to the fact that Ireland has all along been exempted from the operation of this obnoxious impost. Mr. Henry Grattan lately declared, that Ministers might as well attempt to levy Income Tax in Siberia as in Ireland. If so, let us by all means get rid of it in Great Britain also. These considerations are well worthy of attention at the present time. The questions of taxation and of representation are closely bound together, and it is in vain to attempt separating the one from the other. The frequent shifts of Sir Robert Peel, and the principles of expediency which, in 1842, he thought fit to apply to taxation, have altogether unsettled

the minds of many, and equal justice is no longer regarded as the grand element in the distribution of national burdens. No greater evil than this can befal a country so eminently commercial as our own. To tamper with the public faith is to introduce the wedge of anarchy; and yet, how is it possible to deny that almost every one of Peel's fiscal and monetary measures have had a tendency in that direction by disturbing the distribution of taxation, altering the value of produce, and rendering the burden of monetary payments more oppressive than it was before?

We do not believe that Lord John Russell will have the opportunity of proposing his new scheme in the character of Prime Minister of this country. Events are rapidly tending to their consummation; the Whig Cabinet exists by sufferance only, and in a few weeks it may be broken up. It has served its purpose of conducting the Free-Trade experiment to a point, when the miserable fallacy and deception of the whole system has become apparent to the nation; no one interest having been left unscathed by its noxious influence. If the manufacturers have rightly profited by the lesson, they must by this time be convinced that they cannot separate themselves from the interests of the great mass of the British people; that their boasted independence and monopoly of the markets of the world is a vain and illusory dream; and that the real prosperity of the nation can only be attained by fostering the labour and protecting the industry of the subjects of the British Crown.


Eneid, the, and the Iliad, 55.

MINISTRY, 368-its losses from free
trade, 219.

Agricultural labourers, reduced wages of
the, 505.

Agriculture, the literature of, 588-its
moral influences, 589-true value of
science to it, 595--its prospects, 598.
Agriculturists, refusal of relief to the, 371.
Aird, T., an Evening Walk by, 603.
Albano the painter, anecdote of, 321.
Alexander Alexander, trial of, for forgery,
461, 605.

Altai mountains, gold mines of the, 11.
Alton Locke, extract from, 266.
America, Marmier's Letters on, 545 et seq.

American chapel at Rome, the, 251-
manners, sketches of, 548 et seq.-
poetry, alleged non-nationality of, 514.
Americans, sketches of the, 546 et seq.
Angus, the earl of, marriage of Queen
Margaret to, 50.

Antiquarian treasures, difficulties of secur-
ing, &c., 661.


Architecture, mediæval, character of, 305.
Argyleshire, decline of rents in, 378.
Arrow-heads, flint, 665, 666.
Art, obligations of, to the monastic orders,

Assignats, influence of the system of, 2.
Attica, importations of corn into, 589.
Augustine, the Benedictines established in
England by, 312.

Augustine order of Monks, the, 307, 316.
Auricular confession, when adopted by
Popery, 248.

Austria, army of, 206.

Aztecs of America, the, 390.

Bailey, rev. Dr., trial of, for forgery, 463.
Baillie, Mr., his motion on the Ceylon
affair, 500.

Ball, the, a Hungarian sketch, 89.
Bamberg, executions for witchcraft in,
455, 456.

Bank of England, influence of Californian
gold on the, 17.

Banks, Mr., on the Stirling peerage case,
469, 470.

Barlow, Mr., election of, for South Not-
tingham, 379.

Bartolomeo, St. Peter Martyr by, 318.

Bastiat, M., the leader of the Free-
traders in France, 116.

Bedford, Mr., letters from Southey to,
364, 365, 395 et seq.
Belem, castle of, its erection, 340.
Bell, Dr., letter from Southey to, 405-

Mr., the Campana of Tom Cringle, 558.
Belvoir witches, the, 457.
Benedictine orders, the, 307, 312.
BIOGRAPHY, 40-distinction between it and

history, ib.-female writers of, 43.
Blackie's Eschylus, extracts from, 646,

Blain, Mr., on the emigration trade, 127.
Bloodhounds of Cuba, the, 561.
Bombay, freights from, 714.

Boniface VIII., charge of sorcery against,
451-claims of, on behalf of the church,

Bonner, bishop, 131.

Book of the Church, Southey's, 402.
BOOK OF THE FARM, the, 588.
Bordeaux, Cobden's reception in, 116.
Boswell's Johnson, popularity of, 41.
Bothwell, the earl of, charge of witchcraft
against, 456.

Bowles, admiral, on the navy, 210-Miss,

marriage of Southey to, 404.

Bread, prices of, in London and Paris, 129.
CITY, 112.

Bryant's Poems, review of, 522.
Buchanan, epitaph by, on Queen Magda-
lene, 52.

Budget, remarks on the, 494.

Building of the Ship, Longfellow's, 517.
Bullionists, overthrow of the fallacies of
the, 197.

Bunyan, Southey's Life of, 403.
Buonaparte, Napoleon, the threatened in-
vasion of, 211 et seq.-sketches of, by
Lord Holland, 238.

Calcutta, freights from, 714..
California, gold raised from, results likely
to follow, &c., 7.

Callot, sketch of, 720 et seq.
Calvary, Gran Vasco's painting of, 341.
Campan, madame, her memoirs of Marie
Antoinette, 236.

Canada, character of the trade of, 128-
shipping employed with, 218-dimi-
nished exports to, 275.

Caracci, Annibal, anecdote of, 321.
Carey's Harmony of Interests, &c., 117——

on the emigrant trade to America, 127.
Carmelite order of monks, the, 317, 320.
Carré, the case of, 583.

Cash payments, effects of the resumption
of, 274.

Catherine de Medicis, charge of sorcery
against, 455.

Catholic emancipation, prognostics of
the opponents of, 196-its failure, 574,

Caxton, Pisistratus, My Novel by, Part V.
20-Part VI. 137-Part VII. 282-
Part VIII. 428-Part IX. 531-Part
X. 676.

Celibacy of the clergy, when adopted by
Popery, 247.

Ceylon, proceedings in Parliament re-
garding, 500.

Changeling, the, by Lowell, 529.

Charles I. opposed to trials for witchcraft,

Charles II., execution for witchcraft under,

Children, employment of, in factories, 268.
Chorus, Greek, origin of the, 643.
Church of England, philanthropic efforts
of the, 258-Southey's attachment to
the, 402.

Cid, the Spanish romance of the, 56.
Clarke, Elizabeth, execution of, for witch-
craft, 458.

Claudia, a Hungarian tale, 90.

Cotton trade, state of the, 114, 383, 703
et seq.-diminished profits of it, 707-
effects of free trade on it, 757 et seq.
Credit, influence of Californian gold on, 17.
Crime, tables of, 1822-1849, 261.
Cristal, the Sierra de, in Cuba, 562.
Cromwell, prosecutions for witchcraft
under, 458.

Cuba, sketches in, 555.

the, 1.

Currency, influences of extended, 2-
effects of contraction of the, 3-delu-
sions on, and effects of the importation
of Californian gold on them, 197.
Currency bill of 1819, effects of the, 272.
Curse of Kehama, strictures on the, 387,

Damjanics, the Serb general, 92.

DANGERs of the COUNTRY, the, No. I. our
External dangers, 196-No. II. our In-
ternal dangers, 257.

Dante, his picture of St. Francis and St.
Dominick, 318.

Dantzic, cost of freights from, 504.

Debt, effects of increased supply of gold
on the weight of, 14.

Delta, the Message of Seth by, 107.

Clergy, celibacy of the, when adopted by Democracies, warlike tendencies of, 203

Popery, 247.

Cloth trade, state of the, 709.
Clyde, emigration from the, 277.
Coal, produce of, in the United States, 118.
Coasting trade, freights in the, 715.
Cobden on the effects of a restricted
currency, 13-his reception in France,

Coffee trade, state of the, 701, 702.
Coleridge, connection of, with Southey
and the Pantisocratic scheme, 359.
Colonial Empire of Great Britain, force
required to defend the, 208.
Colonies, threatened abandonment of the,
218 outlet afforded by the, 270-
growing alienation of the, 637.
Commerce, progress of, 258.

Condon, reply of Dr Wordsworth to, 576.
Confession, when adopted by Popery,

Conjurors, executions &c. of, for witch-
craft, 454.

Constance, the council of, denunciations
of witchcraft by, 454.

Conticci, Andrea, the painter, 340.

-they unprovided against war, 200.
Development, the doctrine of, 575.
Direct taxation, repugnance to, 502.
Disraeli, Mr., his motion on the agricul-
tural question and its reception, 370,
374, 491.

Doctor, Southey's, remarks on, 388.
Doesborcke's history of Virgil the magi-
cian, 453.

Dominican order of monks, the, 317—
their founder, 338.
Doubleday, Mr., on the effects of free-
trade, 507.
Douglas, Gawin, on the marriage of Queen
Margaret and the Earl of Angus, 50—
the Lady Margaret, birth of, 51.
Doyle, Sir John, anecdote of, 227.
Drama, the Greek and the Modern, 643.
Dramatic unities, on the, 646.
Duelling, former prevalence of, in Ireland,
229-and present, in New Orleans,

Du Fay and Co., circulars of, on the cotton
trade, 703.

Duigenan, Dr., anecdote of, 227.

Dundee, state of the linen trade of, 114,

Corn-milling in France, 711-effects of Dunshunner, A. R. Esq., letter to, 564.

free trade on, 754, et seq.
Cottle, Joseph, 361.

Cotton, commission to India in search of,
117-consumption of, in the United
States, 118-importation of, from India,
123-into the Zollverein, 124-depen-
dence on America for, 216-consump-
tion of, in India, 280, note.

Durer, Albert, influence of, on the Por-
tuguese artists, 341.
Durham, the bishop of, on the papal ag-
gression, 255.
Edinburgh castle, historic interest of, 45.
Edinburgh Review, the, on Holland's Re-
miniscences, 234, 236-on our social
state, 257.

[ocr errors]

Education, recent efforts for, 259.
Elf arrows.of Scotland, the, 665.
Egalité, Lord Holland on, 237.
Eird houses of Scotland, the, 664.
Eldon, lord, 197 note, 399.
Emancipados of Cuba, the, 562.
Emerson, the poetry of, 513.
Emigrant trade, the American, 127-
ships employed in it, 217.
Emigration, progressive increase of, 219,
259, 276-tables of it, 1825-1849, 260
note-how conducted, 277.
England, the poor rates of, 259-tables of
crime in 1822-1849, 261 note-and of
pauperism, 262 note-executions for
witchcraft in, 456.

Enguerrand de Marigny, execution of, 452.
Epos, Wolfe on the, 55.

Essex, the countess of, charge of witch-
craft against, 457.

Essex, the agricultural labourers in, 505.
Europe, influence of the mines of South
America on, 2-progress of protec-
tionist principles in, 115.
Evangeline, Longfellow's, 521.
EVENING WALK, an, by T. Aird, 603.
Exports, increase of the, and its causes,
16,218, 258, 759-to the United States,


Farmers, position of the, 505, et seq.
Fiend's Festival, a Hungarian sketch, 94.
FINE ARTS, the monastic orders as repre-
sented in the, 305-indifference to the,
in the United States, 551.
Foreman, Dr., a wizard, 457.
France, protectionist feeling, &c. in, 116
-fall of price of gold in, 199-warlike
tendencies of democracy in, 203-
army of, 206-and navy, 207-state of
the latter, 209-history of witchcraft
in, 454-corn-milling in, 711.
Franchise, proposed extension of the,
492, 765.

Franciscan order of monks, the, 317.
FREE TRADE MINISTRY, latter days of the,


Free trade, the increased exports not due
to, 16-general review of its results,
115, et seq., 274-declaration of the
working classes on, 510-how carried,

Free-traders, arguments of the, on the
decline of shipping, 217-errors of the,
regarding freights, 504-allegations of
prosperity by the, 700..
Freights, reduction of, 713.
Fricker, Miss, marriage of Southey to, 361.
Gaussin, Mdle., career, of, 717.

George of St. Thomas, a Hungarian tale, 94
Germany, trials of witchcraft in, 455, et

[blocks in formation]

Glasgow, pauperism in, 264-on the state
of the population in, ib.

Glasgow cotton-spinners, trial of the, 733.
Gold, produce of, from California, and its
effects, 7--the supply of, from the Ural
and Altai mountains, 11-- fall in its
value, 12, 199-supposed fixity of its
standard, 197.

Government, undue activities of, 113.
Grahame, sir James, on the protectionist
party, 369-position of, and his party,
376-his speech on the agricultural
question, 377-violent language of,
380-his committal to free-trade, 492
-his party, 495, 764-on the prospects
of agriculture, 598, 599-contrast be-
tween him and Lord Stanley, 640.
Grain, importations of, from the United
States, 127-dependence on foreign
states for it, 214-importations of it, ib.
note et seq.

Gran Vasco, the Portuguese painter, 339,
340, 341.

Grattan, sketch of, 229.

Great Britain, influence of contraction of
the currency on, 3-effects of an in-
creased supply of gold on, 13-perils
of war to, and its possibility, 201 et
seq-recent warlike tendencies in, 204
-state of her national defences, 205-
the army, 206-the navy, 207-her de-
pendence on Russia and America, 216.
Greek Epos, distinction between, and the
Roman, 55-drama, peculiarities of
the, 643.

Greek question, the, 205.
Guadaloupe, prospects of, 555.

H. G. K., the Flowers' Revenge, by, 489.
Hale, sir Mathew, trials for witchcraft
before, 460.

HARMONY OF INTERESTS, &c., review of,


Havana, facilities of communication from
the, 545-sketches at, 557 et seq.
Head, sir F., account of the continental
armies, &c., by, 207, 209.

Hendren, Dr., and Miss Talbot's case, 582.
Herodotus, character of the history of, 40.
Highlands, effects of free-trade on the,
126, 219.

Historians, the ancient, peculiarities of, 40.
History, distinction between, and bio-

graphy, 40-difficulties of writing
modern, ib.


Holland, abandonment of gold as a
standard in, 199.
Holmes' poems, review of, 529.
Home trade, state of the, 757 et seq.
Homer, Wolf on, 55.
Hopkins, Mathew, the witchfinder, 458
-his death, 459.

Humphreys or Alexander, trial of, for
forgery, 461 et seq., 605 et seq.

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