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Kysse it hardely with good devocion.
Pot. Thys kysse shall brynge us much promo-

Fogh, by Saynt Savyour I never kyst a wars;
Ye were as good kysse All-hallowe's ars;
For by All-hallowes, yet me thynketh,
That All-hallowe's breth stynketh.

Palm. Ye judge All-hallowes breth unknowen; Yf any breth stynke, it is your owne.

Pot. I knowe myne owne breth from All-hallowes,

Or els it were tyme to kisse the galows.

Pard. Nay, sirs, beholde, here inay ye se
The great toe of the Trinitye,
Who to thys toe any money voweth,
And ones may role it in his moueth,
All hys lyfe after, I undertake,

137 He shall never be vext with the tooth ake.
Pot. I praye you torne that relyke aboute;
Either 138 the Trinite had the goute,
Or elles, bycause it is three toes in one,
God made it asmuche 139 as thre toes alone.
Pard. Well, lette that passe, and loke upon thys;
Here is a relyke that doth nat mys
To helpe the leste as well as the moste:
This is a buttocke-bone of Pentecoste.

Pot. By Chryste, and yet for all your boste,
This relyke hath beshyten the roste.
Pard. Mark well thys; thys relyke here is a

[blocks in formation]

My frendes 140 unfayned, here 141 is a slypper
Of one of the seven slepers bc
Doutlesse thys kysse shall do you great pleasure:
For all these two dayes it shall so ease you,
That none other savours shall displease you.
Pot. All these two dayes! nay, all these 143

[blocks in formation]


One of the seven slepers trode on a torde. Ped. Syr, me thynketh your devocion is but smal.

Pard. Small! mary me thynketh he hath none at all.

Pot. What the devyll care I what ye thinke? Shall I prayse relykes when they stynke?

Pard. Here is an eye-toth of the great Turke:
Whose eyes be ones sette on thys pece of worke
May happely lese part of his eye-syght,
But nat all tyll he be outryght.

Pot. What so ever any man seeth,
I have no devocion unto 144 Turkes teeth:
For although I never sawe a greter,
Yet me thynketh I have scne many better.

Pard. Here is a box ful of humble bees,
That stonge Eve as she sat on her knees
Tastynge the frute to her forbydden:
Who kysseth the bees within this hidden,
Shall have asmuche pardon of ryght,
As for any relyke he kyst this nyght.

Pulm. Syr, I will kysse them with all my herte. Pot. Kysse them agayne, and take my parte, For I am nat worthy; nay, lette be, Those bees that stonge Eve shall nat stynge me. Pard. Good frendes, I have here yet in thys


glas, Which on the drynke at the weddynge was Of Adam and Eve undoubtedly: If ye honour this relyke devoutly, Although ye thurste no whyt the lesse, Yet shall ye drynke the more, doubtlesse. After whiche drynkynge ye shal be as mete To stande on your hede as on your fete.



Pot. Ye mary, now I con you thanke; In presens of thys the rest be blanke. Wolde God this relyke had come rather; Kysse that relyke well, good father. Suche is the payne that ye Palmers take, To kisse the pardon bowle for the drynke sake. O holy yeste, that loketh full sowr and stale, For Goddes body, helpe me to a cuppe of ale. The more I beholde 145 thee, the more I thurste: The oftener I kysse the, the more lyke to burste, But sins I kysse the so devoutely,

Hyre me and helpe me with drynke tyll I dye. What, so muche prayeing and so lytell spede?

Pard. Ye, for God knoweth when it is nede To sende folkes drynke; but by Saynt Antony,

137 He shall never be vext with the tooth ake-He shall be rid of the tooth ake, 1st edit. 138 Either-Other, 1st edit.

140 Frendes-freend, edit. 1569.

139 Asmuche-muche, Ist edit. 141 Here-this, edit. 1569.

142 One of the seven siepers be sure―These seven sleepers are said to have lived at Ephesus in the time of the Emperor Decian. Being commanded to sacrifice according to the Pagan manner, they fled to a cave in Mount Celyon, where they fell asleep, and continued in that state 372 years, as is asserted by some, though, according to others, only 208 years. They awoke in the reign of the Emperor Theodosian, who, being informed of this extraordinary event, came from Coustantinople to see them, and to satisfy himself of the truth of the relation. Having communicated to him the several circumstances of their case, they all, as the Legenda Aurea expresses it, "enclyned theyr hedes to th`erth, and rendred their spyrites at the commau dement of our Lorde Jesu Cryst, and soo deyed." See Legenda Aurea, 196. 143 These-thys, 1st edit.

145 Yett, edit. 1569.

144 To, Ist edit. 146 Can, 1st edit.

147 Con you thanke―See Note 34 to Gammer Gurton's Needle, in Dodsley's Old Plays, Vol. II. p. 23, 148 Bholde-see, edit. 1569.

I wene he hath sent you to much alredy.
Pot. If I have never the more for the,
Then be thy relykes no ryches to me;
Nor to thy self, excepte they be
More benefycyall then I can se.
Rycher is one boxe of this tryacle, 149
Then all thy relykes, that do no myrakell.

Here is a medecyn no mo lyke the same,
Whiche comenly is called thus by name,
Alikakabus or Alkagengy:


A goodly thynge for dogges that be mangy:
Suche be these medycines, that I can
Helpe a dogge as wel as a man.
Nat one thynge here partycularly

If thou haddest prayed but halfe so muche to me, But worketh universally;

As I have prayed to thy relykes and the,
Nothynge concernynge myne occupacion,

But streyght shulde have wrought one's operation.
And as in value I pas you an ace,

So here lyeth muche rychessc in a lytell space.
I have a boxe of rebard here,
Whiche is as deynty as it is dere.
So 15 helpe me God, and hollydam,
Of this I woulde not geve a dram

To the beste frende i have in England's grounde,
Though he wolde give me twentie pounde.
For though the stomake do it abhor,
It pourgeth you clene from the coler;
And maketh your stomake sore to walter,
That ye shall never come to the halter.

Ped. Then is that medycyn a soverayn thinge
To preserve a man from hangynge.

Pot. If ye wyll taste but thys crome that ye see,
If ever ye be hanged never truste me.
Here have I Diapomphelicus,

A speciall oyntmente, as doctours discuse,
For a fistela or for a canker,


Thys oyntment is even shot anker:

For this medecyr. 153 helpeth one and other,

Or bringeth them in case that they nede no other.
Here is a Syrapus de Byzansis,

A lytell thynge is enough of this;
For even the weyght of one scryppal
Sall 154 make you as strong as a cryppul.
Here are other, as Diosialos,
Diagalanga and Sticados,
Blanka, Manna, Diospoliticon,
Mercury sublyme, and Mitridaticon;
Pelitory and Arse fetita,

Cassy and Colloquintida,

These be 155 the thynges that breke all stryfe

Betwene manne's syckness and his lyfe.
From all payne these shall you delever,
And set you even at reste for ever.

For it doth me as muche good when I sell it,
As all the byers that taste it, or smell it.
Now syns my medycyns be so speciall,
And in one operacion so generall,
And redy to worke when so ever they shall,
So that in ryches I am principall:
If any rewarde may entreat ye,


I besech your mast'ship be good to me,
And ye shall have a boxe of marmelade,
So fyne that you may dyg it with a spade.
Ped. Syr, I thanke you, but your rewarde
Is nat the thynge that I regarde.
I muste and wyll be indifferent:
Wherfore procede in your intente.

Pot. Nowe yf I wyst thys wysh no synne,
I wolde to God I myght begynne.
Pard. I am content that thou lye fyrste.
Palm. Even so am I; now' 158
say thy worste.
Now let us here of all thy lyes,
The greatest lye thou mayst devyse,
And in the fewyst wordes thou can.
Pot. Forsooth, ye be 159 an honest man.
Ped. There sayde ye muche, but yet no lyc.
Pard. Now lye ye bothe, by our Lady.
Thou lyest in bost of hys honestie;
And he hath lyed in affirminge the.

Pot. Yf we both lye, and ye say true,
Then of these lies your parte adew.
And if ye wyn, make none avaunt;
For you are sure of one yll servaunte :
You may perceyve by the wordes he gave,
He taketh your mashyp 160 but for a knave.
But who tolde truth,"
161 or lyed in dede,
That wyll I knowe or we procede.
Syr, after that I fyrste began



To prayse you for an honest man,
When ye affyrmed it for no lye:
Now, by your 164 fayth, speke even truely;
Thought ye your affyrmacyon true?

149 Tryacle-theriaca, a remedy against poison. Blount.

150 One-in, 1st edit.

151 So-Addition.

152 Thys ointment is even shot anker-I should suppose we ought to read sheet anchor. The sheet anchor is the largest belonging to a ship, and is the last refuge of mariners; for, when that fails to take hold of the ground, the vessel is left at the mercy of the storm. The sheet anchor was called by the ancients, anchora sacra; and by the French, maitresse ancre. S.

153 Medecyn-ointment, edit. 1569.

155 Be-are, edit. 1569.

157 To-unto, edit, 1569.

159 Ye be-you are, edit. 1569.

161 Truthe-true, 1st edit.

163 For to lye-for no lye, edit. 1569.

154 Sall-Will, edit. 1569.

156 Be-are, edit. 11⁄2 69.

158 Now-and, 1st edit.

160 Your mashyp―i. e. your mastership. S.

162 Or-ere, edit. 1569,

164 Your-our, 1st edit.

Palm. Ye mary, for I wolde ye knewe,
I thynke my selfe an honest man.

Pot. What thought ye in the contrary than?
Pard. In that I sayde the contrary;
I thynke from trouth I dyd nat vary.
Pot. And what of my wordes?
Pard. I thought ye lyed.

Pot. And so thought I, by God that dyed.
Nowe have you twayne eche for hym selfe layde,
That none 165 hath lyed, but bothe true sayd.
And of you twayne none hath denyed,
But bothe affyrined that I have lyed.
Now syns bothe ye 166 the trouthe confes,
167 How that I lyed, doo bear witnes,
That twain of us may soon agree,
And that the lyer the wynner must be.
Who coulde provyde suche evydens,
As I have done in this pretens?
Me thynketh this matter sufficient
To cause you to gyve judgement;
And to gyve me the mastrye:

For ye perceyve these knaves cannat lye.
Palm. Though neyther 168 of us as yet had lyed;
Yet what we can do is untryed.
For as yet we have devysed nothynge,
But answered you, and geven you hearing.
Ped. Therfore I have devysed one waye
Wherby all thre your mindes may saye :
For eche of you one tale shall tell;
And whiche of you telleth most mervell,
And most unlikest 169 to be true,
Shall most prevayle, what ever ensew.
Pot. If ye be set on mervaylinge,
Then shall ye here a mervaylouse thynge.
And though in deed all be nat true,
Yet suer the most parte shall be new.

I dyd a cure no longer ago,
But in Anno Domini Millesimo,
On a woman yonge and so fayre,
That never have I sene a gayre.
God save all women of 170 that lyknes.
This wanton had the fallen syknes,
Whiche by dissent came lynyally,
For her mother had it naturally:
Wherfore this woman to recure
It was more harde ye may be sure.
But though I boste my crafte is suche,
That in suche thynges I can do muche.
How ofte she fell were muche to reporte;
But her hed so gydy and her helys so shorte,
That with the twynglynge of an eye,
Downe wolde she falle evyn by and by:
But or 171 she wolde aryse agayne

I shewed muche practyse muche to my payne;
For the tallest man within thys towne
Could 172 nat with ease have broken her swowne.
Although for lyfe I dyd nat doute her,
Yet I dyd take more paines 173 about her,
Then I wolde take with mine owne syster:
Syr, at the last I gave her a glyster.
174 I thrust a thampyon in her tewell,
And bad her kepe it for a jewell.

But I knew there 174 it was to heevy to cary,
That I sure was it wolde nat tary:
For where gonpouder is ones fyerd,
The thampyon there wyll no lenger be hyerd,
Whiche was well sene in tyme of this chaunce;
For when I had charged this ordynaunce,
Sodeynly, as it had thonder'd,

Even at a clap losed her buinberd.'75
Now marke, for here begynneth the revell :
This thampion flew ten longe myle levell,

165 None-one, edit. 1569. 167 How, &c.-First edition reads,

166 Ye-your, Ist edit.

And that we both my lye so witnes,
That twayne of us thre in one agree.

163 Neyther-nother, 1st edit. 170 Of-from, 1st edit. 172 Could-Shulde, 1st edit.

169 Unlikest-unlyke, 1st edit. 171 Or-ere, edit. 1569. 173 Paynes-payne, 1st edit.

174 I thrust a thampyon in her tewel-The allusion is to gunnery. Thampion (lampon, Fr. a bung, cork, or plug of wood) is now written tompion, and signifies the stopper with which the mouths of cannon are closed up, to prevent the admission of rain, or sea-water, whereby their charges might be rendered incapable of service-A tewel (tuyau or tuyal, Fr.) is a pipe; and is here used (for the sake of continuing the metaphor) for bore or caliber. Moxon, in his Mechanic Exercises, defines the tewel to be ́ that pipe in a smith's forge into which the nose of the bellows is introduced; and in a MS. fragment, said to be written by Sir Francis Drake, concerning the stores of one of the ships under his command, the word tewel is applied to a gun. S.

In Lambarde's Dictionarium Topographicum et Historicum, p. 129. it is said, “It happened in the reigne of Quene Marye, that the master of a shippe passinge by while the court lay theare, and meaning (as the manner is) with sayle and shot to honour the place, unadvisedly gave fire to a piece charged with a stone instede of a tampion, which, lightinge on the quene's house, ranne through a chamber, and did no further harme."

There-Addition in the 2d edit.


175 Bumberd-A piece of ordnance. S.

To a fayre castell of lyme and store,
For strength I know nat suche a one;
Whiche stode upon a byll full hye,
At fote wherof a ryver ranne bye,
So depe tyll chaunce had it forbydden,
176 Well myght the Regent there have ryden.
But when this thampyon at this '77 castell did lyght,
It put the castell so farre to flyght,
That downe they came eche upon other,
No stone left standynge, by Goddes mother,
But rolled downe so faste the hyll
In suche a nomber, and so dyd fyll
From botom to bryme, from shore to shore,
Thys foresayd ryver, so depe before,
That who lyste nowe to walke thereto
May wade it over and wet no shoo.
So was thys castell layd wyde open,
That every man myght se the token.

But in a good houre maye these 178 wordes be spoken:

After the thampyon on the walles was wroken,
And pece by pece in peces broken,
And she delyvered, with suche violens,

Of all her inconveniens,

I left her in good helth and luste;
And so she doth continew, I truste.

Ped. Syr, in your cure I can nothynge tell;
But to your 179 purpose ye have sayd well.
Pard. Well, syr, marke what I can say:
I have ben a pardoner many a day,
And done more cures gostely,
Then ever he dyd bodely;
Namely thys one, whiche ye shall here
Of one departed within thys seven yere,
A frende of myne, and lykewyse I
To her agayne was as frendly;
Who fell so syke so sodeynly,
That dede she was even by and by,
And never spake with preste nor clerke,
Nor had no whyt of holy warke.
For I was thens, it coulde nat be;
Yet harde I say she asked for me.

But when I bethought me howe thys chaunced, And that I have to heven avaunced

So many soules to me but straungers,

And coude nat kepe my frende from daungers,
But she to dy so daungerously,
For her soule helth especially;
That was the thynge that greved me soo,
That nothynge could release my woo
Tyll I had tryed, even out of hande,
In what estate her soule dyd stande.
For whieh tryall, short tale to make,
I toke thys journey for her sake.
Geve ear, for here begynneth the story:
From hens I went to purgatory,
And toke with me thys gere in my fyste,
Whereby I may do there what I lyste.
I knocked, and was let in quyckly;
But Lorde, how lowe the souls made curtesy !
And I to every soule agayne


Dyd gyve a beck them to retayne,
And axed them thys question than,
If that the soule of such a woman
Dyd late among them there appere?
Wherto they sayd, she came nat here.
Then ferd I muche it was nat well;
Alas, thought I, she is in hell.

For with her lyfe I was so acqueynted,
That sure, I thought, she was nat sayuted.
With thys, it chaunced me to snese;

Christe help, quoth a soule, that ley for his fees
Those wordes, quoth I, thou shalt nat lees;
Then with these pardons of all degrees,
I payed his tole, and set hym so quyght,
That strayt to heven he toke his flyght;
And I from thens to hell that nyght,
To help this woman yf I myght:
Nat as who sayth by authorite,
But by the waye of entreate.

And fyrst to the devyll that kept the gate

I came, and spake after this rate :

All hayle, Syr Devyll; and made lowe curtesy Welcome, quoth he, thus 15 smillyngly.

176 Well myght the Regent there have ryden-The Regent was one of the largest ships of war in the time of King Henry the Eighth. In the fourth year of his reign, Sir Thomas Knevet, master of the horse, and Sir John Carew of Devonshire, were appointed captains of her, and, in company with several others, she was sent to fight the French fleet near Brest haven. An action accordingly ensued, and the Regent grappled with a French Carrick, which would have been taken had not a gunner on board the vessel, to prevent her falling into the hands of the English, set fire to the powder-room. This communicating the flames to both ships, they shared the same fate together, being both burnt. On the part of the French 900 men were lost, and on that of the English more than 700. See Hall's Chronicle, tempore Henry VIII. fol. 21.

177 This-on thys castell lyght, Ist edit.

179 Your-our, 1st edit.

178 These-this, edit. 1569.

130 Dyd gyve a beck them to retayne-A beck, among other significations, has that of a salutation with the head. So, in Shakspeare's Timon of Athens:

[blocks in formation]

He knew me well; and T, at laste,
Remembred him syns longe time paste.
For, as good happe wolde have it chaunce,
This devyll and I were of olde acqueyntaunce;
182 For oft, in the play of Corpus Cristi,
He hath playd the devyll at Coventry.
By his acqueyntance, and my behavoure,
He showed to me ryght frendly favoure.
And, to make my returne the shorter,
I sayd to this devyll, Good mayster porter,
For all olde love, yf it lie in your power,*
Helpe me to speke with my lorde, and your.
Be sure, quoth he, no tongue can tell,
What tyme thou coudest have come so well.
For, as on 183 thys daye Lucyfer fell,
Whiche is our festyvall in hell,
Nothynge unreasonable craved thys day,
That shall in hell have any nay.
But yet be ware thou come nat in,
Tyll tyme thou may 18+ thy pasporte wyn;
Wherfore stand styll, and I will wyt,
Yf I can get thy save condyt.
He taryed nat, but shortely gat it
Under seale, and the devyl's hande at it,
In ample wyse, as ye shall here.
Thus it began: I, Lucifere,


By the power of God chefe devyll of hell,
To all the devyls that there do dwell,
And every of them, we sende gretynge,
Under streyght charge and commaundynge,
That they aydynge and assystent be
To such a Pardoner, and named me,
So that he may, at lybertie,
Passe save without any 186 jeopardy,
Tyll that he be from us extyncte,
And clerely out of helle's precincte.
And, hys pardons to kepe in savegarde,
We wyll they lye in the porter's warde.

182 For oft, in the play of Corpus Cristi,


Gevyn in the fornes of our palys,
In our high courte of maters of malys,
Suche a day and yere of our reyne.
God save the devyll.-Quoth I, amain. 187
I truste thys wrytynge to be sure:
Then put thy truste, quod he, in euer,
Syns thou art sure to take no harme.
Thys devyll and I walket arme in arme,
So farre, tyll he had brought me thyther,
Where all the devyls of hell togyther
Stode in aray, in suche apparell


As for that day there metely fell.
Theyr hornes well gylt, theyr clowes full clene,
Theyr taylles wel kempt, and, as I wene,
With sothery 159 butter theyr bodyes anoynted;
I never sawe devylls so well appoynted.
The mayster devyll sat in his jacket;
And all the soules were playinge at racket.
None other rackettes they hadde in hande,
Save every soule a good fyre-brand;
Wherwith they played so pretely,
That Lucyfer laughed merely.
And all the resedew of the feends,
192 Did laugh thereat ful wel like freends.
But of my frende I sawe no whyt,
Nor durst not ax for her as yet.
Anone all this rout was brought in silens,
And I by an usher brought to presens
193 Of Lucyfer; then lowe, as wel I could,
I knelyd, whiche he so well alowde,
That thus he beckte, and by Saynt Antony
He smyled on me well favouredly,


Bendynge his browes, as brode as barne durres;
Shakynge hys eares, as ruged as burres;

Rolynge his eyes, as rounde as two bushels;
Flastynge the fyre out of his nosethryls;
Gnashinge hys teeth so vayngloriously,
That me thought tyme to fall to flattery,

He hath playd the devyll at Coventry." Before the suppression of the monasteries, this city (i. e. Coventry) was very famous for the pageants that were play'd therein upon Corpus Christi day, (this is one of their ancient faires,) which occasioning very great confluence of people thither from far and near, was no small benefit thereto; which pageants being acted with mighty state and reverence by the friers of this house, had theaters for the several scenes very large and high, placed upon wheels, and drawn to all the eminent parts of the city, for the better advantage of spectators, and contained the story of the New Testament, composed in old English rithme, as appeareth by an ancient MS. entitled, Laudus Corporis Christi, or Ludus Coventriæ, in Bibl. Cotton. (sub Effigie Vesp. D. 9.)."-DUGDALE's Warwickshire, p. 116.

183 As on-Add. in the 2d edit.

[ocr errors]

185 Wyt-Mr Dodsley's has write.

187. Amain-for playne, 1st edit.

184 May-maist, edit. 1569. 186 Any-hys, 1st edit. 188 Euer-cure, edit. 1569.

189 Sothery-Sweet, or fresh, made from the old word sote.

190 Well appointed-See note 3. to The Ordinary, in Dodsley's Old Plays.

191 Feends-frendes, 1st edit.

192 Did, &c.-First edition reads,

“Dyd laugh full well togyther lyke frendes.”

193 Of Lucyfer, &c.-First edition reads,

"Then to Lucyfer low as I coude."

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