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By the Marquis of Buckingham.-Did Bergami's bed, during the time her Royal Highness and he lodged at your inn, appear to have been slept in every night? Nobody could sleep there, for the bed was too small.

Where did the Countess Oldi sleep during this period? She slept in No. 3.

Did her bed appear to have been slept in every night? 1 believe it did.

Where did the servants and children sleep? In various parts of the house.

Was Bergami's bed the only one which appeared not to have been slept in? I observed all the beds, and it was the only one. Are you sure that it was the only one which appeared not to have been slept in? It was the only one; and I know it, because the sheets were in the same way when taken off as they were when they were put on.

Was there any appearance in the pot-de-chambre, or otherwise, of a person having slept in the room? I cannot exactly say. The question was here repeated.

Was there any such appearance as I have mentioned? It is possible that there was such an appearance, but it may have been caused whilst Bergami was making his toilette.

What was the condition of the beds of the other servants? They were in the usual way.

By the Earl of Liverpool.-Was the key-hole fixed in the canvass, or was the canvass cut.

Mr. Williams objected to this form of putting the question. The Earl of Liverpool submitted, and said he would put his question in a different way.

The witness had said that the canvass covered the whole room: did it also cover the key-hole? The canvass was open some little matter, as though the opening had been made with a knife. Was it then a very small hole? It was small.

Was it easy to see through it? Yes, very easy.

Was it made for the common purposes of a key-hole, or a mere accidental rent in the canvass ? It was somewhat smaller than a key-hole, about half the size; and it was necessary to close it from within, and not from without.

What do you mean by closing or shutting it? do you mean that it might be locked? Yes, it might be locked.

How long have you been waiter in the Hotel de Grand Bretagne, at Trieste? Ever since it was established; for the last nine years. Were there a door and key-hole through the canvass? There


By Earl Grey.-In what manner was the key-hole fixed? It was fixed during the day.

Was there a separate canvass over the door, or did it cover the whole room? It passed round the room.

Could the opening be seen by any person within the room? I do not know.

By the Marquis of Lansdown.-Was the secret door of which the witness speaks used generally, or only on particular occasions? When I was obliged to serve things at stated hours, I was in the habit of looking through this key-hole, in order to see if the parties were ready.

Was the witness under the necessity of entering the room by other door? 'I sometimes made use of one, and sometimes of another.


Did you ever use that door whilst the Princess was in the room? I do not recollect.

By the Earl of Darnley.-Did not the witness recollect whether he ever used that door whilst the Princess was within? I had no need to do so: I never did so.

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What communication was there between this room and that occupied by Bergami? The only communication was through the salle a manger.

What was the thickness of the door to which you have been alluding? It was about an inch, or about the thickness of my thumb.

Did it open inwards or outwards? It sometimes opened from the room, and sometimes otherwise.

By the Lord-Chancellor.-The witness has said, in his crossexamination, that he must continue a waiter if he did not gain the law-suit; he wished to know to what suit or cause the witness alluded? I have given in a memorial for the purpose of getting an inn, by means of some protection; I do not know yet whether I shall succeed, or whether some one else will get it.

What do you mean by the words "some protection?" I know that others wished to get the inn from me, and by means of acquaintance with the owner.

By the Earl of Roseberry.-Why did the witness, if he had suffered, or was suffering a loss, express a wish not to accept money from the Government?

This question gave rise to a short discussion, and was finally withdrawn.

By the Earl of Kingston.-Did the witness suffer any loss by coming here? Yes; I conceive so.

In what room did Bergami sleep? I do not know.

You have said that Bergami did not occupy his own bed: what bed then did he occupy? I do not know; but I suspect.— The witness was here admonished that he must not state any of his suspicions.

The Earl of Liverpool suggested the propriety of withdrawing the question, as he could not consider it to be a fair one in any point of view.

The question was withdrawn, and the answer struck out.

By Lord Ellenborough.-When the door which was called secret was opened by the witness, did he push it, or draw it towards him? When I opened the door into the salle a manger, I drew it that way.

Were the different doors painted alike? Yes, they were; they were painted at the same time.

By a Peer, whose name we could not learn. Was the secret door of the same height as the wall? Yes, it was. Was it covered with canvass? Yes, it was.

Was it the usual custom for some attendant on the Princess to order and arrange the apartments? Yes, I believe so.

Here the examination of this witness was brought to a close. On the motion of Lord Melville, leave of absence for a few days was granted to Captain Briggs.

The witness next called was a smart-dressed young woman, Named

Jane Barbara Kress.

A German interpreter, named George William Kolmanter, was sworn to interpret.

The Attorney-General. Interpreter, ask the witness where does she live? At Carlsruhe.

Of what religion are you? A Lutheran.

How long are you married? Three years.

Before that time, did you live at the Post-inn, at Carlsruhe ? Yes.

How long did you live there? One year and three-quarters. Did you leave it in consequence of your marriage? Yes, I did. Do you remember the Princess of Wales coming there? Yes, I do.

Do you remember Bergami coming there? Yes, I do. About how long is that since? Perhaps about three years. Do you remember in what room the Princess slept while at the inn? Yes, I do.

What was the number of the room? No. 10.

What room adjoined No. 10? No. 11.

How was No. 11 used? for sleeping or eating? It was a dining


What room adjoined No. 11, the dining-room? No. 12.
What room was No. 12? A bed-room.

Who had it? Bergami.

Was there a door going from No. 10 to No. 11? There was. Was there also a door from No. 11 to No. 12? Yes; a double one. [The witness explained that she meant folding doors.] What sort of bed was placed in No. 12? A broad bed.

Was it there before? or was it placed there in consequence of the arrival of the Princess? There was another bed there before, but I was ordered to put a broad one before the Princess arrived. Had the Princess arrived before the other bed was removed?

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The courier had arrived to prepare for the Princess, and then I was ordered to put this bed into the room.

Was it your duty to attend the inn as chambermaid? Yes; it


How long did the Princess remain at the inn? I cannot say exactly the time; but I think about a week or eight days.

Do you remember, on any evening during the Princess's stay, to go to No. 12, and carry some water there? Yes, I do. About what time in the evening? Perhaps between seyen and eight o'clock.

Mr. Brougham here remarked, that a gentleman near him, who understood the German language, had very properly observed, that the interpreter did not translate the words literally; for instance, that the witness said, "I can't tell" before she said "perhaps between seven and eight o'clock."

The Lord-Chancellor then desired the interpreter to repeat all the words used by the witness.

The witness then gave her answer-I can't tell exactly, but to the best of my memory it was between seven and eight o'clock in the evening.

Do you recollect where the Princess and Bergami had dined that day? I can't recollect.

On carrying the water to No. 12, who was in the room? The Princess and Bergami.

Where was Bergami when you went in? Bergami was in bed. Where was the Princess? She was sitting on the bed next him. Could you see whether Bergami's clothes were on or off? I could not see; but the moment I entered Bergami's arm was wide. Where did you see his arm? When I entered Bergami had his arm round the neck of the Princess, and when I entered he let it fall.

Can you describe his dress? I cannot tell that.

What did the Princess do on your entering the room? The Princess had jumped up, and was much frightened.

What did the Princess do when she saw you enter? She had then jumped up.

Do you mean to say that she had jumped up, or that she did jump up on your entering the room?

The witness repeated her former answer, the literal translation of which, the interpreter said, was "she got up, or she rose."

Earl Grey, however, hoped that the counsel at both sides, would, in the performance of their respective duties, preserve a becoming sense of temper, and carefully abstain from any expressions which were calculated to interrupt that coolness and decorum which he trusted it was the anxious desire of all parties should characterize the whole of their proceedings in this case. (Cries of hear, hear.)

The Lord Chancellor then ordered that the sworn interpreter

should be desired to repeat the answer given by the witness, first in German, and next in English.

The questions were again put to the witness in the following

manner :

When you came into the room where was the Princess? Sitting on the bed.

What did her Royal Highness do on your going into the room? The Princess was frightened.

[Some difficulty here again occurred respecting the meaning intended to be conveyed by the witness.]

Did the Princess get up, or jump up, in the presence of the witness? When I entered, the Princess had got up.

[Here again some objection was taken to the interpretation put by the interpreter upon the answers of the witness.]

The interpreter expressed an anxious desire to explain the answers as the witnesses intended to convey them. The words, he said, used by the witness, and in which she stated that the Princess was in the act of rising when she entered the room, were, in der hohe, which literally meant, "in a state of being high."

The Bishop of Peterborough said, he hoped their lordships would excuse him for interrupting their proceedings, and stating, that in his opinion the interpreter did not give the translation of the German words in the English language, with the faithful meaning which both languages required. The German words were certainly not rendered suitably in the English words used by the interpreter. His translation was not as faithful as it might be.

Lord Holland said that, under the circumstances in which they were placed, they ought to have a sworn interpreter, to interpret the words of a witness with the utmost precision.

The Lord Chancellor desired that the counsel at the opposite side should furnish a German interpreter, to check the other interpreter, as in the case of the Italian one who had recently


Mr. Brougham said, that he must object to the sense of any words of a witness being taken through the medium of any other person than a sworn interpreter. He was not at this moment prepared with such a person; he hoped, therefore, their lordships would delay the examination of this witness, until he could procure a suitable interpreter to correct and check the person provided by the counsel at the opposite side.

The Attorney-General said that he had another interpreter ready, if their lordships did not deem the present person competent.

Mr. Brougham said that he was not ready with one to check this new interpreter, and he hoped that, until he was prepared, their lordships would not proceed with the examination of this witness.

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