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Besides Heaven and Earth and The Vision of Judgment previously mentioned, the following first appeared in The Liberal:

Letter to the Editor of My Grandmother's Review. No. 1, vol. 1. 1822.
Epigrams on Lord Castlereagh. No. 1, vol. 1. 1822.

The Blues, A Literary Eclogue. No. 3, vol. II. 1823.

Morgante Maggiore di Messer Luigi Pulci. No. 4, vol. II. 1823.


Ackermann, Richard. Lord Byron. Sein Leben, seine Werke, sein Einfluss auf die deutsche Litteratur. Heidelberg, 1901.

Lord Byron's Verlobung, Ehe und Scheidung.
Vol. XXXII, pp. 185-200. 1903.

Englische Studien.

Allais, G. Le pessimisme romantique (Byron et Musset). Revue des Cours et Conférences. x. 1897.

Allen, Leslie Holdsworth. Die Persönlichkeit Percy Bysshe Shelleys. Diss. Leipzig. 1907.

Althaus, Friedrich. Der wahre Lord Byron. Nord und Süd. Vol. xxvII, pp. 312-26. 1881.

Arbaud, Léon. Lord et Lady Byron. Une calomnie rétrospective. Le Correspondant. Nouvelle série, vol. XLV, pp. 174-89. Paris, 1870. Arnold, Matthew. Byron. Essays in Criticism. Second Series. 1888. Austin, Alfred. A Vindication of Lord Byron. 1869.

Byron and Wordsworth. The Bridling of Pegasus. 1910.

Axon, W. A. E. Byron's Influence on European Literature. (In Stray Chapters on Literature, Folk-lore and Archaeology. 1888.)

Belloc, Louisa S. Lord Byron. 1824.

Beyle, Henri (De Stendhal). Lord Byron en Italie. (Appended to Racine et Shakespeare.) Paris, 1854.

Blaquiere, E. Narrative of a second visit to Greece. The last days of Lord Byron, etc. 1825.

Blaze de Bury, H. Lord Byron et le Byronisme. Revue des Deux Mondes. 1 Oct. 1872.

Bleibtreu, Karl. Byron.

Geschichte der englischen Litteratur im 19. Jahr

hundert, pp. 151-321. Leipzig, [1888].

Byron der Übermensch, sein Leben und sein Dichten. Jena, [1897].
Das Byron-Geheimnis. Munich and Leipzig, 1912.

Blessington, Lady. Conversations with Lord Byron. 1834.

Blümel, Magnus. Die Unterhaltungen Lord Byron's mit der Gräfin Blessington als ein Beitrag zur Byronbiographie kritisch untersucht. (Breslau Diss.) Breslau, 1900.

Böhme, Traugott. Spensers literarisches Nachleben bis zu Shelley. Palaestra. Vol. XCIII. Byron, pp. 259–62. Berlin, 1911.

Bowles, W. L. 1818.

Letters to Byron on a question of poetic criticism. 3rd edn.

Brandes, G. Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. Vol. IV. 1905.

Brandl, Alois. Goethes Verhältnis zu Byron. Goethe-Jahrbuch. Vol. xx, pp. 1-37. Frankfort, 1899.

Goethe und Byron. Österreichische Rundschau, 1, 1883.


Die Broughton-Papers und ihr Verhältnis zur Byron-Frage. Englische Studien. Vol. XLI, pp. 267-88. 1909.

Brecknock, A. The Pilgrim Poet, Lord Byron of Newstead, etc. 1911. Brougham, Lord. On Byron's Poems. Edinburgh Review, 1820. (Occasioned by English Bards, etc.)

Broughton, Lord (John Cam Hobhouse). Recollections of a long life. Ed. Lady Dorchester. Vol. II, pp. 191-355.

The Byron Separation. 6 vols. 1909-11.

Brydges, Sir Samuel E. Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron. 1824.

An Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron as a Poet and a Man. 1825. 1854.

Byron, Lord, and his Detractors. Roxburghe club. 1906. [In answer to Millbanke's Astarte. 1905.]

Byron painted by his Compeers; or, all about Lord Byron, from his marriage to his death, as given in the various newspapers of his day, shewing wherein the American novelist [Stowe, H. B.] gives a truthful account, and wherein she draws on her own morbid imagination. [With two original poems of Lady Byron.] 1869. [See Stowe, Harriet Beecher.] Life, The, Writings, Opinions and Times of the Right Hon. George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron... By an English gentleman, in the Greek military service, and comrade of His Lordship. Compiled from the authentic documents and from long personal acquaintance. 3 vols. 1825. Opinions of Lord Byron on Man, Manners, and Things: with the Parish Clerk's Album, kept at his burial place, Hucknall Torkard. [Ed. L., J. M.] 1834.

Byroniana und Anderes aus dem englischen Seminar in Erlangen. (Zur Begrüssung der VII. Hauptversammlung des Bayerischen Neuphilologen-Verbandes. Erlangen, 11. bis 13. April 1912.) Erlangen, 1912. [Contains an excellent bibliography of Byron's works, together with biographies and criticism, English and foreign.]

Calcaño, J. Tres Poetas pesimistas del siglo XIX (Lord Byron, Shelley,
Leopardi). Estudio crítico. 1907.

Cantù, C. Lord Byron and his Works. A biography and essay. [1883.]
Castelar, E. Vida de Lord Byron. Havana, 1873. Trans. Arnold, A. 1875.
Chasles, V. E. P. Vie et influence de Byron sur son époque. Études sur la
Littérature et les Mœurs de l'Angleterre au XIXe siècle. Paris, [1850].
Chesterton, G. K. The Optimism of Byron. Twelve types. 1902.
Chew, S. C., Junr. The Dramas of Lord Byron. Hesperia, Ergänzungsreihe.
Göttingen, 1914.

Chiarini, G. Lord Byron nella politica e nella letteratura della prima metà del secolo. Nuova Antologia. Vol. XXXIV. (1891.)

Churchman, P. H. Byron and Espronceda, etc. 1909.

Lord Byron's Experiences in the Spanish Peninsula in 1809, etc. [1909.]

The Beginnings of Byronism in Spain. Revue hispanique. Vol. XXIII. (1910.)

Clark, W. J. Byron und die romantische Poesie in Frankreich.

Leipzig, 1901.


Clinton, G. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron. 1825, 1827. Collins, J. C. The Works of Lord Byron. In Studies in Poetry and Criticism. Pp. 78 ff. 1905.

Colton, C. C. Remarks, critical and moral, on the talents of Byron. 1819. Courthope, W. J. The Liberal Movement in English Literature. 1886. Dallas, A. R. C. (ed.). Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814. 1824.

Dallois, J. Études morales et littéraires à propos de Lord Byron. 1890.
Dobelli, A. Dante e Byron. Giornale Dante. 1898.
Dowden, Edward. Life of Shelley. 2 vols. 1886.

Byron. Atalanta. Pp. 577-81. June 1890.

Duff, J. Wight. Byron and Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1902.

Byron. The Bookman. Pp. 9-14. October 1905.

Dühring, E. Byron, seine Gesellschaftskritik und Stellung über den Dichtern. Leipzig, 1910.

Eberty, F. Lord Byron. Eine Biographie. Leipzig, 1862.

Eckermann, J. P. Gespräche mit Goethe in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens. Leipzig, 1837, 1848, 1884, etc.

Edgcumbe, Richard. Byron; The Last Phase. New York, 1909.

Eichler, A. John Hookham Frere: sein Leben und seine Werke; sein Einfluss auf Lord Byron. (Wiener Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, vol. xx.) Vienna, 1905.

Eimer, Manfred. Lord Byron und die Kunst. Strassburg, 1907.

Die personlichen Beziehungen zwischen Byron und den Shelleys. (Anglistische Forschungen, Hft xxxII.) Heidelberg, 1910.

Byron und der Kosmos. Ein Beitrag zur Weltanschauung des Dichters und den Ansichten seiner Zeit. (Anglistische Forschungen, Hft. XXXIV.) 1912.

Byrons Pantheismus vom Jahre 1816. Englische Studien. Vol. XLIII, pp. 396-425. 1911.

Neuere deutsche Byron- und Shelleyliteratur.

Englische Studien.

Vol. XLIV, pp. 130-42. 1911. Vol. XLIV, pp. 423-28. 1912.

Byron's Beziehungen zur deutschen Kultur. Anglia. Vol. XXXVI, pp. 313-59, 397-449. 1912.

Elton, Oliver. A Survey of English Literature, 1780-1830. 1912.

Elze, Karl. Lord Byron. Berlin, 1870. 2nd edn. 1881. 3rd edn. 1886. Trans. 1872.

Engel, Eduard. Lord Byron.

und Briefen. Berlin, 1876.

Eine Autobiographie nach Tagebüchern

H. Byron's Stellung zu Shakspere. Ostern, 1903.

Estève, E. Byron et le romantisme français. Essai sur la fortune et l'influence de l'œuvre de Byron en France de 1812 à 1850. Paris, 1907.

Cf. Muoni, G., La leggenda del Byron in Francia, in Poesia notturna preromantica, etc., 1908.

Farrer, J. A. Literary Forgeries. (Pp. 175-90. The forged letters of Byron and Shelley.) 1907.

Flaischlen, C. Lord Byron in Deutschland. In Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, vol. vii, pp. 455 ff. Leipzig, 1890.

Fortoul, H. De l'Art actuel. Byron, Scott et le romantisme. Revue encyclopédique. Vol. LIX. (1833.)

Fuess, C. M. Lord Byron as a Satirist in Verse. (Columbia Univ. Studies in English and Comparative Literature.) New York, 1912. Fuhrmann, L. Die Belesenheit des jungen Byron. Berlin, 1903.

Galt, John. The Life of Lord Byron. 1830, 1908.

Gamba, P. A Narrative of Lord Byron's Last Journey to Greece. 1825.

Gerard, W. Byron re-studied in his Dramas. 1886.

Gillardon, H. Shelleys Einwirkung auf Byron. Karlsruhe, 1898.

Goedeke, K. Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung. 3rd edn. Dresden, 1910. See IV, 2, pp. 488 ff., for detailed bibliography of the relations of Byron and Goethe.

Gordon, Sir Cosmo. The Life and Genius of Lord Byron. 1824.

Gottschall, Rudolf von. Porträts und Studien. (Byron und die Gegenwart, vol. 1, pp. 1-57.) 4 vols. Leipzig, 1870.

Byron. (Der neue Plutarch, vol. IV.) Leipzig, 1878.
Lord Byron und die Gegenwart. Unsere Zeit. 1866.

Graham, W. Last Links with Byron, Shelley and Keats. 1898.

Greef, A. Byron's Lucifer. Englische Studien. Vol. XXXVI, pp. 64–74. 1905. Gribble, F. H. The Love Affairs of Lord Byron. 1910.

Groag, J. G. Lord Byron als Dramatiker. 1877.

Guiccioli, Teresa. Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. Paris, 1868. Transl. as: My Recollections of Byron and those of eye-witnesses. 1869. Hamann, Albert. A short sketch of the life and works of Lord Byron. Berlin, 1895. 1910.

Harnack, O. Puschkin und Byron. Zeitschr. für vergl. Literaturgeschichte, I (1888). Rptd in Essays und Studien, Brunswick, 1899.

[Haussonville, L. comtesse d'.] La Jeunesse de Lord Byron. Paris, 1872.

Les Dernières Années de Lord Byron. Les Rives du lac de GenèveL'Italie-La Grèce. Paris, 1874.

Hayman, Henry. Lord Byron and the Greek patriots. Harper's Monthly Mag. Pp. 365-70. Feb. 1894.

Hobhouse, J. C. Travels through Albania and other Provinces of Turkey... 1809, 1810, 1813. See, also, Broughton, Lord.

Hodgson, J. T. Memoirs of F. Hodgson, with Letters from Byron, etc. 1878.

Holthausen, F. Skandinavische Byron-Übersetzungen. Englische Studien. Vol. xxv. (1898.)

Tegner und Byron. Archiv. Vol. CI, p. 141. (1899.)

Holzhausen, Paul. Napoleons Tod im Spiegel der zeitgenössischen Presse und Dichtung. Frankfort, 1902.

Lord Byron und seine deutschen Biographen. Beitrage zur Allg. Ztg. Nos. 174 and 175. 1903.

Bonaparte, Byron und die Briten. Frankfort, 1904.

Hoops, Johannes. Lord Byrons Leben und Dichten. Frankfort, 1903. Hugo, V. Lord Byron et ses rapports avec la littérature actuelle. Annales romantiques. 1827-8.

Lord Byron. In La Muse française. Vol. II. Paris, 1814.

Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries; with recollections of the author's life, and of his visit to Italy. 3 vols. Paris, 1828. Jeaffreson, John Cordy. The real Lord Byron. 2 vols.

Jebb, R. C. Modern Greece. 1880.

Jowett, H. Byron. [1884.]


Kennedy, James. Conversations on Religion, with Lord Byron and others... previous to his lordship's death. 1830.

Koeppel, Emil. Lord Byron. Berlin, 1903.

Lord Byrons Astarte. Englische Studien. Vol. xxx, pp. 193–203. 1902. Kölbing, E. Byron und Dupatys Lettres sur l'Italie. Englische Studien. Vol. X. (1892.)

Kraeger, H. Lord Byron und Francesca da Rimini. Archiv. Vol. XCVIII, pp. 463 ff. (1897.)

Der Byron'sche Heldentypus. (Forschungen zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, vol. VI.) Munich, 1898.

Krause, F. Byrons Marino Faliero.

Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden

Literaturgeschichte. Progr. Breslau, 1897.

La Bourdellès, R. G. Leopardi; Lord Byron en Suisse, en Italie, et en

Grèce. 1901.

Lake, J. W. The Life of Lord Byron. 1826, 1827.

Laurent, E. Byron. 1899.

Leigh, Elizabeth Medora. Medora Leigh; a history and an autobiography. Ed. Mackay, C. 1869.

Leonard, W. E. Byron and Byronism in America. Columbia Univ. Diss. 1905.

Levi, E. Byron and Petrarch. Athenaeum. Nos. 3847, 3851.
Lewes, Louis. Lord Byron. Hamburg, 1897.

Lipnicki, E. Byron im Befreiungskampfe der polnischen Nationalliteratur.
Das Magazin, 1877, pp. 301, 317, 334.

Lockhart, J. S. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. 10 vols. Edinburgh, 1890.

Lorenzo y d'Ayot, M. Shakespeare, Lord Byron y Chateaubriand, como modelos de la juventud literaria. Madrid, 1886.

Lueder, A. Lord Byron's Urteile über Italien und seine Bewohner, ihre Sprache, Literatur und Kunst. 1893.

Luther, A. Byron, Heine, Leopardi. Drei Vorträge. (Lord Byron und seine Helden.) 1904.

Macaulay, T. B. Lord. Lord Byron. 1853.

MacMahan, Anna B. (ed.). With Byron in Italy: a selection of the poems and letters...relating to his life in Italy. 1907.

Maychrzak, F. Lord Byron als Übersetzer. Altenburg, 1895.

Mayne, E. C. Byron. 2 vols. 1912.

Mazure, A. Étude morale sur Lord Byron et sur son influence à l'égard de la littérature contemporaine en France. In Revue anglo-française. Vol. I. Poitiers, 1833.

Mazzoni, G. Il Ottocento. Storia letteraria d'Italia. Pp. 710 ff.

Medwin, T. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron. 1824. Cf. Murray, J. Notes on Capt. Medwin's Conversations with Lord Byron. 1847.

Megyery, I. Lord Byron. Életrajz-tanulmány. 1889.

Melchior, F. H. Heines Verhältnis zu Lord Byron. (Literarhistorische Forschungen, vol. XXVII.) Leipzig, 1902.

Meneghetti, Nazzareno. Lord Byron a Venezia. Venice, [1910].
Milbanke, Ralph (Earl of Lovelace). Astarte. A Fragment of Truth con-
cerning George Gordon Byron... recorded by his grandson. 1905.
Miller, Barnette. Leigh Hunt's Relations with Byron, etc. New York, 1910.
[Columbia Univ. Studies in English.]

Millingen, Julius. Memoirs of the affairs of Greece; containing an account
of the military and political events...with various anecdotes relating to
Lord Byron, and an account of his last illness and death. 1831.
Mitford, J. The Private Life of Lord Byron. [1836?.]

Mondot, A. Histoire de la vie et des écrits de Lord Byron. Paris, 1860.
Monti, G. G. Studi critici. Florence, 1887. (Il prigioniero di Chillon di
Byron e il Conte Ugolino di Dante; G. Leopardi e Giorgio Byron.)
Moore, J. S. Byron: his biographers and critics. 1869.
Morley, J.

Byron. (Byron and the French Revolution.) Fortnightly Review. Dec. 1870.

Muoni, G. La Fama del Byron e il Byronismo in Italia. Milan, 1903. Murray, J. Lord Byron and his Detractors. 1906. Narrative, A, of the circumstances which attended the separation of Lord and Lady Byron; remarks on his domestic conduct, and a complete refutation of the calumnies circulated by public writers. 1816. Nettement, A. F. Histoire de la littérature française sous la Restauration. Vol. 1, pp. 236 ff. Paris, 1853.

Niccolini, G. Vita di Giorgio Lord Byron. 1835.

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