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Statement of Estimates, Appropriations, Total Tonnage of each District, and the

and Revenue, for the years 1833, 1834, Total Amount of American and For

and 1835,

• 272 eign Tonnage that Entered and Clear-

Expenditures of the United States, from ed at each District, in 1834,

1817 to 1832, inclusive; distinguishing Value of all Manufactures of Wool, Coto

the aggregate of each four consecutive ton, Flax, Silk, Hemp, Iron and Steel,

years, during that period,

387-392 and Leather, Imported in 1834,

• 360

Commerce and Navigation

Value of Iron in Pigs, Bar Iron, Steel,

Value of Imports and Consumption of Hemp, Wool, Paper, and Books, Im-

Foreign Merchandise, in each year, ported in 1834,

• 361

from 1790 to 1835, inclusive, 273 Value of Rags, Furs, Hides, Dye Wood,

Value of the whole Exports of the United Indigo, Copper, Lin, and Crude Sali

States, distinguishing the value of do- Petre, Imported in 1834,

mestic produce, in each year, from

i'alue of Molasses, Coffee, Sugar, Salt,

1790 to 1935, inclusive,

- 274

Wines, Spirits, Fruits, and Spices, Im-

Value of the whole Imports of the United ported in 1834,

States, of dutiable articles exported, Value of Fish, and Fish Oil, Walebone,

and dutiable articles consumed, in the Spermaceti, and Taliow Candles, and

years 1832-1835, inclusive,

Soap, Beef, Tallow, &c., Butter, and

Statistical View of the Commerce and Cheese, Exported in 1834,


Navigation of the United States, for Value of Staves, other Luinber, Masts,

the year ending September 30, 1834,


Oak Bark, Manufactures of Wood,

Commerce of each State, in 1834,


Naval Stores, Pot and Pearl Ashes,

Navigation of each State, in 1834,-

- 369

Skins and Furs, Exported in 1834, 365

Statement exhibiting the Total Vaine Value of Hats, Leather, &c., Snuff, and

of Merchandise Imported from each Manufactured · Tobaeco, Medicinal

Foreign Country, in 1834,

- 347

Drugs, Copper and Brass, Combs and

Statement exhibiting the Total Value of Buttons, Iron, and Manufactures of

Foreign Merchandise Exported to each Cotton, Exported in 1834,


Comtry, in 1834,

348 Value of Pork, Hams, &c., Flour, Corn,

Value of all Articles Free of Duty, Iin- Indian Meal, Biscuits, Rice, Cotton,

ported and Exported, in 1834,

and Tobacco, Exported in 1834, · 367

Value of all Articles subject to duties ad Value of Manufactures of Wool, Cotton,

valorem, Imported and Exported, in Flax, Lace, Brass, and Watches, Im-


ported from Great Britain, in each

Quantity and Value of all Articles pay- year, froni 1820 to 1834,

- 380

ing specific rates of duty, Imported Value of Manufactures of Iron, Earthen

and Exported, in 1834,

352-355 Ware, and Glass, and the Quantity

Generai statement of the Value of all and Value of Salt, (inported from

Domestic Produce Exported to each Great Britain, in each year, from 1820
Foreign Country, during the year end. to 1834,
ing September 30, 1834, distinguishing Quantity and Val e of Rice, Tobacco,
the amount exported in American or and Cotton, Exported to Great Bri-
Foreign Vessels,

355 tain, in each year, from 1320 to 1834, 381
Sur ary statement of the Value of Do- Quantity and Value of Pot and Pearl

mestic Produce, Exported in 1834, 357,353 Ashes, Flour, and Flaxseed, Exported

Comparative view of Kegistered, Emoilo" to Great Britain, in each year, from

ell, and Licensed Tonnage, from 1815 1820 to 1834,

- 381

to 1833, inclusive,

- 359 Total Value of all Imports, from, and

Number of American and Foreign Ves. Export to, Great Britain, in each year,

sels, and Amount of Tonnage, that

from 1820 to 1834,

• 382

Entered each District, in 1834, - 370 Quantity of American and Foreign Ton-

Number of American and Foreign Ves- hage employed in Trade with Great

sels, and Amount of Tonnage, that Britain, in each year, from 1820 to

Cleared from each District, in 1833, - 371 1334,

. 383

Number of American and Foreign Ves- Quantity of American and Foreigo Ton-

sols, and Amount of Tonnage, that n:ge employed in Trade with France,

Entered from each Foreign Country, in each year, fio 1320 to 1834,-

in 1834,

. 372 Value of Siiks and Fruits, and the Quan.

Number of American and Foreign l'es- lity and Value of Wines, and Silks,

sils, and Amount of Tonnage, that Imported from France, in each year,

Cleared to each Foreign Country, in

from 1920 10 1834,

• 384


• 373, Quantity and Value of Cotton, Tobacco,

Number of Vessels and Amount of Ton. and Rice, Exported to France, in each

nage, of each Foreign Country, that year, fiom 1320 to 1834, inc usive, - 384

Entered and Cleared. in 1834, • 374 Total Value of all Imports from, and Ex-

Number and Class of Vessels Built, and ports to, France, in each year, from

the Tonnage thereof, in each State, in 1820 to 1834,


the year ending December 31, 1833, - 374 Coinmerce of the United States with

Tonnage of the United States, for the all parts of the World, from 1820 to

year ending December 31, 1833, 375! 1834,


- 383


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..... 149



Argentine Republic.............133
Act authorizing Patent to be Arkansas-

issued to James Jones........ 73 Delegate, 24th Congress...... 54
Act authorizing Patent to be Judiciary of......

. 129
issued to Francis B. Ogden... 73 Mail Contractors in..........240
Act to extend the Patent of Ro- Armament of Fortifications.....143
bert Eastman.................

73 Armorers......................... 95
Act to extend the time allowed Armories........................ 95
for execution of duties or Com.

Arms, Apportionment of, 1834..167
missioners under Treaty with Arnis made in 1835..........

France ......................... 74 Army Bureaus...............93-105
Act to prescribe the Punishment Army, Condition of.............149

of Consuls, Commercial A. Army, Report on the ........139-149
gents, and others, in certain Employment of Dragoons...

Act to regulate the Pay of the Distribution of the troops......150

Navy of the United States....204 Army Register-
Act authorizing the construction General Staff Officers........393
of a Dry Dock for the Naval

Medical Department...........394

Purchasing Department......393
Act 10 establish Branches of the Pay Depariment........ ..393

Mint of the United States....276 Quartermaster's Department.393
Abolition Associations ............217 Ordoance Department...

Academies, Laod granted to....243 Corps of Engineers...........395
Adjutant General's Office....... 93 Topographical Engineers.....395
Agents, Indian.......
...177 Dragoons.......

Agents for removal of Indians.. 102 1st Regiinent of Artillery ....396
Agents, Navy........


2. Regiment of Artillery....397
Agents, Pension......


34 Regiment of Artillery ....397


4th Regiment of Artillery .398

1st Infantry.

Senators, 241h Congress...... 44 20 Infantry.

Repre:entatives, 24th Congress 54 31 Infantry,

Mail Contractors 10.......

4th Infantry

Custom House Officers in .....342

5th Infantry.

. 400
American Touage ........369-377 -6th Infantry.

American Vessels-

oth Infantry.
Entered and Cleared, each Lineal Rank..... ..401--403
.369 Cominanders of Posts.....

Entered each Teistrict.........
..370 Post's aud Arsenals..........

Cleared each District.........371 Deaths and Resignations...... 403
Entered from each Foreign

Dismissious ..........


Military Departments ........393
Cleared to each Foreigo Coun- Recruiting, 1835.............151
.373 Army Hospitals......

Built in - 1833....... .374 Army Surgeons.............

Apportionment of Arms..... .167 Arsenals.......

.303 Artillery......

Apprentices in the Navy....

Appropriations, 1833–1835......2721 Ass't Postınasters General...... 109




Assistant Surgeons, Army.......394 Canuon Foundry............143, 195

Navy... .412 Capital, Banks in U. S........281
Attorney General........ 108 Capitol, Poliče of.............. 55
Attorneys...... .......... ..126 Captains, Army ...........402, 403.
Auditor, first, office of.......... 82 Navy.......

Second, office of...... 83
Márine Corps.......

Third, office of....... 84 Central America ...........18, 133
Fourth, office of.... .. 84 Chaplains..........

Fifth, office of......... 85 Cheese exported, 1834.........364
......132, 137 Cherokees..................

....171, 175
Relations with............. 17 Chile.....

.18, 133

138 Chippewas..........

Bank of United States..29 -31, 278 Choctaw Academy.........

Banks, State....? .......31, 264 Circuit Courts......

Condition of all Banks, (Ta. Civil Engineers........


..280* Civil List, expenses of...... .387
Condition of Deposite Banks,
Claims on France.......

January, 1836, (Table)...280+ Clerks in State Department..... 72
Condition of Deposite Banks,

Patent Office.......... 72
December, 1835, (Table).. 2800 Treasury Department 75
Number and Capital of, at

1st Comptroller's Office 78
different times.............. 281

2d Comptroller's Office 81
Barbary Powers, Consuls to....133

First Auditor's Office.. 82
Bar Iron, imported 1831........ 361

Second Auditor's Office 83


Third Auditor's Office 84
........132, 138

Fourth Auditor's Office 84
Beef, &c. exported, 1834........364

Fisth Auditor's Office.. 85
Belgium................17, 132, 137

Treasurer's Office..... 86
Board of Navy Commissioners.. 108

Register's Office...... 86

Land Office........ 89
Books imported, 1834.... ..361

Solicitor's Office...... 90
Boots and shoes exported, 1834.,366

War Department...

Boston Dry Dock....


Requisition Burea u... 91
Boundary, Mexican....


Bounty Land Office., 91
Bounty Land Office


Office of Indian Affairs 92
Brass manufactures

Pension Office ........ 92
Imported 1834.................


Adj't General's Office 93
Exported 1834. .......


Engineer Department.. 94
..18, 133, 138

Topographical Bureau 95
Bread exporteil......


Ordnance Department 95


Quartermaster's Dep't 96
......132, 137

Subsistence Departm't.102
lier Generals ..............393

Purchasing Departm't. 103
Bureaus, War Department.......97

Pay Department......104

Medical Department..105
Butter exported, 1834.... ..364

Navy Department....106

Navy Comm's Office.. 108


Attorney Gen'ls Office. 108
Candles and
soap exporied,

General Post Office ..113

.3641 Post Offices....... 119-122

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Clothing Bureal......

Coast, survey of......

..200 Custom House Officers in....323
Coffee, imported 1834

.363 Consus of the U. States....130-133
Coinage, Gol........, .29, 268 Act to prescribe punishment of.134
Coins made in 1835..

275 Foreign in United States. 136--138
Collectors of the Customs. 298 Consuls General, Foreign......136
Fees of....

.343 Consumption of vutiable arrirles.271

..401 Consumption of foreign merchan.
Colleges, Land gravted in ......293 dise, 1790-1895..............273
Combs, &c. exported, 1834 .....366 Contractors, Mail....... 2:28-244
Commanding Officers of Posts..150 Copper importer, 1831...


15 Copper &c., exportert, 1834....363
Commerce and Navigation.....346 Corn exported, 1831...... .367
Coirmercial Agents........130.138 Corps of Engineers..... .395

.393 Cotion exporter, 183.1....... .367
Commissioner of Land Ofice. 89 To France, 1927-1834.......382
Commissioners of the Navy......108 To Great Britain, 1821-1834.381
Comm’r of Public Buildings......55 Cotton, manufactures-
Commissioners of Jusolvency....297 Imported in 1834...... ......360
Commissioners of Loans...... 28 From England, 1921-1834..330
Comm’rs, Mexican Boundary.. 74 Foxporteil, 1831............ 366
Comm’rs of Sinking Fund.. ..28, 74 Couris--Supreme ................

Commissioner of Iudian Affairs.. 92 Circuit......

Commissioners for treating with District.....

149 Courts, Territorial.........

Commissioner of Pensions....... 92 District of Columbia .........129
Commerce of the Uniied States, Creeks.........

1821.-1834......... .......336 Cumberland Road.........140, 163
Commerce of U. Stares, 1834....346 Currency......

Commerce of each State, 1834..368 Custom House Officers.....314-342
Compensation to Postmasters...207 Fees of....

Comptroller, Office of First..... 78 Customs-

Office of Second....80 Revenue from............378, 379

Collectors of the........ .298
Election, duties, and privileges Surveyois.o.

of Members of.....,
42 Appraisers.............

41 Naval Officers....

Officers of the Senate........ 55 Assistant Appraisers.

Alphabetical list of Senators.. 61 Cutters, Revenupos. ..303-306
Representatives ....

Officers of the House ......... 55 Dead Letter Office .....

Librarian....... .......... 55 Deaths-Army, 1835........... -408
Cominiltees of the Senale.... 56

Navy, 1835....

Committees of the House..57-60 Debt, United States.............248
Alphabetical list of Piepre's.. 61 Debtors, Insolveni..........

Pay of.......... ..........65-70 Delegates in Corgress....

Sessions of......... ... 74 Delaware-

Senators, 24th Congress...... 44
Senators, 24th Congress...... 44 Representatives24th Congress 48
Representatives 24th Congress 46 Mail Conóractors in...... .235
Mail Contractors in...

Custom House Officers in .....334


.. 230


Delaware Breakwater..... ...153/Estimates for 1836......... 247-260
Denmark............ ....132, 137 Expenditures, 1833-1835.......272

Relations with.... ............ 17 Expenditures, Post Office....... 207
Department of State....... 72 Expenditures, Public............245
of the Treasury.

75 Expenditures, 1817--1832..387-392
of War.............
90 Civil Listi.....i

of the Navy..
Department of State ..........

of the Army........150 Treasury Department.......,

of Indian Affairs....177 War Department.............388
Deposite Banks...........264, 280$ Navy Department............388
Director of the Mint...... ..275 General Post Office...........388
Directors, U. S. Bank...,.,279-280 Government of Territories...388
Dismantled Posts, Keepers of...154 Miscellaneous.....

Dismissions-Army, 1835.......408 Light Houses....... .389
Navy, 1835...
424 Lands..

Distribution of the Troops......150


District Courts....... 125-127 Public Buildings.....

District of Columbia
41 Foreigo Intercourse..

Custom House Officers in.....336 Military Establishment....... .391
Districts of Representatives... 45-54 lorijans...

Districts for sale of public lands..282 Naval Establishment.........391
Domestic Produce exported, in Expense of Public Landś.......293

.....356–359 Expense of Light Houses.......313

..........139 Exports, 1834..............346-348
Diy Dócks...........
......:.199, 203

Of each State in 1834........368
Dry Duck, New York......199, 206 Esports and Imports, 1834 349–355
Duties, Expenses of Collection, Exports, of Domestic Produce,
&c. 1834..

.....378, 379

Duties, gross amount, 1834.....378 Exporlf, Domestic, 1790-1835.,274
Dye Wool imported, 1834......362 Exports, dutiable articles.......271

Exports, Foreign, 1790-1835.., 273
Earthen Ware from Englanil, Exports to France..


...:380 Exports to Great Britain..381, 382
Eastern Departnient of the army 150 Exports, value of principal arti-
Education Fund for Indians....173 cles of, 1834..... ...364-367
Education, Military ............ 34

Election of President and Vice Fees ôf Officers or Customs. 343-345
40 Finances.....


132 Report on....... ....245-271
Einigration of Indians..... 102 Or Post Office Departm't. 208–213
Engineer Department.... 94 Fish and oil exported, 1834.....364

Additional Engineers.........140 Flax, manufactures of, in porled,
Officers, &c employed by.....163 1334...
Operations of, in 1835....155-163 From England, 1821–1834....380

Works projected by..... . 168 Flaxseedi, exported to Englapd
Engineers, Corps of............. 33 1821-1834.................

Civil.... ................165 Floating lights......

Topographical............ ..395 Florida-

. 130, 136

Delegate, 24th Congress...... 54

Mail Contractors in...........239
Estimates, 1833–1835.....

Custom House Officers in..... 342





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