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fworn and enrolled, it fhall and may be lawful, on the Complaint made thereof within Three Months from th: Time of quitting the faid Service to any Jutice of the Peace for the County, City, Liberty, Town, Pace where fuch Mafter, Miftrefs, Employer or Employers fhall inhabit, for fuch Jattice to hear and determine every fuch Complaint, and to examine upon Oath every fuch Servant, or any other Witurfs or Withefles touching the fame, and to make fuch Order for the Payment of fuch Wages to fuch Servant, in proportion to the Service he has pe formed, as to fach Juftice hall ferm jutt and reasonable provided the Sum in queftion does not exceed the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and in cafe of Refufal or Omiffion to pay any Sams fo ordered by the Space of Twenty-one Days next after fuch Determination, fuch faltice fhall and may iffue forth his or their Warrant to levy the fame by Ditrefs and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Mafter or Miltrefs, Employer or Employers, rendering the Overplus to the Owner or Owners, after Payment of the Charges of fuch Ditrefs and Sale.


CXXIII. Ad be it further enacted, That whenever any Militia Difcharging Men Man, after having been fworn and enrolled. fhall become unfit for from Regiments Service, it fhall be lawful for the Colonel or Commanding Officer of when unfit for any Regiment or Battalion to which fuch Militia Man hill belong, together with Two or more Deputy Governors of the County to which fuch Regiment or Battalion fhall belong, if the fad Regiment or Battalion fhall be then within the faid County, or for the laid Commanding Offi er alone, by the Order of the Officer commanding His Maj fty's Forces in Ireland, it the faid Regiment or Battalion fhall be abfent from fach County or County of a City, to difcharge any fuch Militia Man from fuch Regiment or Battalion: Provided always, that no Min shall be bailotted for to fupp'y the Vacancy caufed by any Mn being fo difcharged, until fuch Difcharge fhall be approved by the Deputy Governors, at a Meeting for the Subdivifion for which fuen Man to discharged was enrolled; and fuch Approbation fhall be entered and recorded in the Proceedings of fuch Subdivilion Meeting.

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CXXIV. And Whereas it may be more eligible that the neceffary • Number of Men for any Parth or Place, either at forming any Regiment or Battalion, or for fupplying any Vacancy or Vacancies therein, fhoud be rated by Mats of Affeffment than by Ballot;'

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may authorize Veftry Aff ments for raifing Men,

Be it therefore enacted That it fhall be lawful for the Inhabitants Lord Lieutenant of any Parith in Ireland. having one or more Churchwarden or Churchwardens, with the Confest and Approbation of the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, fignified by his or their Chief Secretary, at a Vetry Meeting to be held for that Parpole, of which Seven Days Publick Notice fhall be given, fpecifying the Caufe of calling fech Meeting, and which Meeting every Churchwarden of fuch Parish is hereby feverally required to fummen, to order to be levied by Affeffiment upon the Parifh fuch Sums as they fhall think proper, not exceeding in the Whole the Amount of the Average Price of a Subtitute (uch Average Price to be fixed in Manger bereit-after mentioned) for every Man directed to be raised as the Quota of fuch Parish, and to apply the fame as they fhall think fit for providing a fufficient Number of Men to ferve as Subtitutes or Volunteers for fuch Parish, according to the Quota fo to be raised in fuch Parish as aforefaid; and it shall be lawful for the 49 Geo. III. Kk faid

Fixing Price for

according to

Limitation by
Lord Lieutenant.

Volunteer Substitutes procured fhall be enrolled.

faid Inhabitants at the faid Veftry Meeting, to appoint one or more Perfon or Perfons to direct and fuperinterd the Application of fuch Sum for fuch Purposes. pursuant to the Order of such Veftry; and all fuch Sums fhall be forthwith raised and levied in like Manner, and by all fuch Means, Powers, Authorities, and P rfons, and with all fuch Remedies, in cafe of any Refufal or On.ffion to pay the fame, as any Parish Cefs may by Law be raised and levieð in Ireland, the Overplus (if any) or fuch Part as may from any Reason remain undifpofed of to be applied to any fuch parochial Purposes to which a Parish Cels may by Law be applied, as the Vettry of fuch Parith fhall at any future Meeting to be called for that Purpose direct.

CXXV. And be it further enacted, That the Governor or Go vernors, or Deputy Governors of each Courty or City, or fuch of them as fhall duly pretide at any General Meeting to be holden as herein-before directed for the Purposes of this Act, fhall, whenever they fhall think proper fɔ to do, fix and declare what in their Judgement thall appear to them to be a fair and reasonable Sum to be paid as the average Price of a Subftitute or Volunteer in the faid Militia; and fuch Sum fo fixed and declared shall be and continue lo be the average Price of fuch Subtitutes for fuch County or City, until the fame fhall be otherwise ordered at any fubfequent Meeting: Provided always, that it fhail and may be lawful to and for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, whenever he or they fhall think proper so to do, to fix and afcertain, either generally or for any particular County, or County of a City or Town, any Sum or Semis as a Limit or Limits above which refpetively fuch Average shall not be made.

CXXVI. And be it further enacted, That the Churchwardens of any Inhabitant of fuch Parish fhall and may produce fuch Substitutes or Volunteers fo provided as aforefaid, before any Deputy Governor of the Subdivilion, at any Time on or previous to the Day appointed for chooling the Men by Bailot in fuch Subdivion in pursuance of this A&t, and that it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfons to provide Volunteers to ferve for any Subdivifion, or any of the Districts therein, and to produce fuch Volunteers, or for any Perfons wiling to ferve to offer themselves to ferve for any fuch Divifion, and to appear before any fuch Deputy Governor within fuch Time and at fuch Place as aforefaid; and every Perlon fo produced or appearing, who fhall be approved of by the faid Deputy Governors as atorefaid, fhail and may be enrolled to ferve as one of the Quota of fuch Parish or Divifion; and fuch Deputy Governor before whom any fuch Volunteer fhall be enrolled, fhail caufe the Clerks of the Meetings for the refpective Subdivifions to enrol the Names of all fuch Volunteers as fhall be fo entered within the refpe&tive Subdivifions, before the Time appointed for ballotting the Men within the fame; provided however, that if the full Quota then required to be raised fhall not be raised by the Ways aforefaid, or by any of them, in or for any fuch Parish or Subdivifion, by or before the Time appointed for ballotting for fuch Parish or Divifion, the Men that fhall have been fo raised (if any) fhall be deemed and taken as Part of the Quota of fuch Parish or Divifion, and the Ballot thail proceed for the Refidue of fuch Quota.

CXXVII. And Whereas by reafon of certain Diftricts in the
County of Dublin being Extra-parochial, and also because certain
Parts of the faid County have been put under the Regulations


⚫ and

Places, &c.

and Afsessments of the Paving Board, and are thereby exonerated from paying Grand Jury Cefs for the Repair of the Highways in the faid County, fuch Aff-ffments cannot be made therein in Manner aforefaid for the railing the Number of Men allotted to fuch Dif. trics and Places to ferve as Subtitutes in the Militia of the faid County: And Whereas fimlar Difficulties occur in different Places and Parishes in Ireland, by reafon of fuch Places being Extra• parochial, or fuch Parishes not having any Churchwardens or regular Veftry therein, or otherwife;' Be it therefore enacted, That in Affeffiments for every fich Cafe the Treasurer of the County or County of a City fuch Purposes in fhall make out and deliver to any refident Inhabitant or Inhabitants Extra-parochial of fuch Town, Parish, or Place refpectively, his Warrants for railing from the Inhabitants thereo refpectively the Sums neceffary for procuring the Number of Subftitutes required of fuch Districts or Places relpectively, at the faid average Price thereof; and thereupon it shail and may be lawful for the faid refiding Inhabitant or Inhabitants, or any of them, within Three Days of the Time of ferving the faid Warrant, to caufe to be posted on the Dor of the Church of fuch Parish or of any Parish adjoining to fuch Place, a Notice, requiring at a Time and Place to be therein mentioned, not more than Five nor iefs than Three Days from the polting of fuch Notice, a Meeting of fuch Perfons within fuch District, Piace, or Parish, who would be entitled to compofe a Veltry, if any fuch there were, or if fuch Veftry were to meet therein, and to direct them to appoint Applotters to applot on the whole of fuch Piace or Parifh (whether under the Regulations of the Paving Board if in the County of Dublin or not) the Sum fo required to be levied by faid Warrant, fuch Applotment to be levied in the Manner in which Parifh Ceffes are applotted, and alfo to appoint any Perfon or Perfons to fuperintend the Application of the Sums fo to be raised, and to return the faid Applotment within Ten Days from the Date of the faid Notice to the faid Treasurer; and in cafe fuch Applotment fhall not be made and delivered to the faid Treafurer, or in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall not be fo nominated to fuperintend the Application of the Sums fo to be raifed, within the aforefaid Time, then and in either of such Cafes it shall and may be lawful for the faid Treasurer to direct and authorize any Perfon whom he shall think proper to make fuch Applotment himself, in like Manner as orelaid, and to verify the fame by Oath before any Magiftrate of faid County, that the fame was made to the best of his Skill and Knowledge; and it fhall also be lawful for the faid Treasurer to appoint fuch Perfon or Perfons as he fhall think proper to fuperintend the Application of the Sums to be levied; and it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon duly authorized by the faid Treafurer to levy the fame, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Perfons liable to pay the faid Affeffments, whether the Applotment fhall have been made by the Perfon appointed at fuch Meeting or by any Perfon appointed by the faid Treasurer as aforefaid; and in cafe any Part of any Sum fo raifed fhall by any Means remain unapplied to the faid Purpoles, the fame fhall be placed by the faid Treaturer to the Credit of fuch Place, as an Advance on account of any future publick Cefs, and in cafe any of the faid Perfons refpectively fhall refufe or neglect to perform all and every Matter required hereby, each of them fo offending fhall be fubject to a Penalty of One hundred

Kk 2


Pounds, to be recovered in any of His Majefty's fuperior Courts of

Record in Dublin.

Applotment of CXXVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if it shall fuch Allefliments. appear fitting to the Governors and Deputy Governors of any fuch County at a G neral Meeting duly affembled, they may by Writing under the Hands of any Three or more of them, direct the faid Treafurer to divide the Sum fo applotted to be levied at Two diftinct Periods within the Year, fuch Periods to be regulated according to the Times that the County Cefs is ufually colited and levied; ad in Cafes where Houfes or Buildings have been er & d on the whole or any Part of the feveral Parthos. Districts, or P aces in the Courty of Dublin, which have been laid out for the building of Streets, Squares, Lanes, Alleys, or Publick Pallages, the Applotters, or the Perfon fo appointed by the Treasurer, as the Cafe may be, are hereby required to applot a prop rtionable Part of the Sum to be collected for the faid Purpofe on the faid Houfes and Buildings, at a Rate not exceeding Two Shillings for every Five Pounds that they may eftimate the faid Houfca or Buildings to be worth annually.

Copies of

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CXXIX. And be it further epacted, That the Clerks of all Subdivifional Meetings fhall. within Eight Days after every Subdivision Meeting, tranfmit to the Cerk of the General Meeting of the County, fair and tru Copies of fuch Rolls as fhall be figned at fuch Meeting, and the other Proceedings thereof.

CXXX Proviced always, and be it further enacted, That whenever it fhall be neceffary to raise Men for the faid Mi'ina, or for any of the faid Regiments or Battalions thereot, not exceeding the original Numbers required by this A&t, either at the forming thereof, or to fill any Vacancy or Vacancies, it fhall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, to direct and appoint by any Order or Proclamation to be iffued for that Purpose. that the neceffary Number of Men, either for the whole or any Regiment or Battalion of the faid Militia, fhall be raised by the enrolling and receiving Volunteers ; and every fuch Order or Proclamation, if not extending to the whole of the faid Militia, fhali fpecify the feveral Regiments or Battalions for which fuch Men fhall be fo raifed, by the enroiling and receiving Volunteers.

CXXXI. And in order to carry fuch Order or Proclamation into Effect; Be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant or oth-r Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, to iflue his Orders to all or any of the several Colonels and other Commanding Officers of the refpective Regiments or Battalions of Militia in Ireland, or fuch of them as fhall be included in fuch Proclamation or Order, requiring him or them, without Delay, to proceed to enrol a certain Number of Volunteers, not exceeding in any Cafe the Etablishments of their respective Regiments or Battalions at the Time of fuch Order; and for that Purpose it fhall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, to iffue his Orders to the Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury of Ireland, requiring them to advance from Time to Time to fuch Colonels or other Commanding Officer or Officers of the different Regiments or Battalions of Militia in Ireland, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as may be


directed by fuch Order, not exceeding fuch Sum as fhall at fuch Time be fixed and declared as the average Price of a Subflitute, in Manner herein-before mentioned..

See $125.

CXXXII. And be it further enacted, That upon fuch Order being Commanders iflued as atorelaid, the feveral Colonels or Commanding Officer or thall proceed to Officers of the faid Regiments to whom the fame fhall extend, fhall raife Volunteers immediately proceed to calift and enroll within their refpective Counties on Bounty. or Counties of Cities fuch Volunteers, being able-bodied Men, not lefs than Five Feet Four Inches in Height, and not more than Fortyfive Years of Age, as can be procured, giving to each Man by way of Bunty, any Sum not exceeding the Price of a Subtitute as aforefaid, One Half of fuch Bounty to be paid to every fuch Volunteer at the Time of his enrolling himf lf in any fuch R-giment or Battalion of Militia, and the Refidue thereof to be paid to every fuch Volunteer on his fir Appearance at the Time and Place to be ap.. pointed for the affembling or exercifing of the Regiment or Battalion in which fuch Volunteer fhall be enrolled, which Sun the faid Colonels or Officers are hereby authorized to advance and pay to fuch Volun teers in Manner aforefaid; and it is hereby declared, that the faid Sum to be paid to every Man fo eurolied and enlifted is over and above and altogether diftinct from the Marching Guinea to which fuch Man, may be or become entitled.

advance the

Money for


CXXXIII. And be it further enacted, That whenever any fuch Lord Lieutenant Orders shall be iflard for enrolling Volunteers, it fhall be lawful for may require the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland Treafury to for the Time being, to iffue his or their Order or Orders to the Lords Comm fhioners of the Treafury of Ireland, requiring them to advance to the feveral Colonels or Commanding Officers of the different Regiments or Battalions of Militia in Ireland, for defraying the neceffary Expence of procuring and enrolling fuch Volunteers, any further Sum or Sums of Money which may be directed in any fuch Order, not exceeding the Rate of One Pound Oue Shilling for every private Man who may be from Time to Time fo enrolled, over and above the Bounty and the Marching Guinea to which fuch Volunteer may be entitled: Provided always, that no fuch Vlunteer fhall be entitled to or receive any Part of luch further Sum, nor any greater or higher Bounty than as aforefaid,

CXXXIV. Provided always, and be it enated. That it fhall not, No greater be lawful to or for any Colonel or other Commanding Officer or Bounty shall be Officers of any Regiment or Battalion of Militia, or to or for any other given. Perfon or Perfons whatsoever in his or their Behalf, to advance or to engage to advance, or give any greater or larger Sum of Money than as aforefaid, or to give or promife, or undertake to give any other or larger Bounty or Reward than the feveral Sums aforefaid, for the Purpose of inducing any Man to enrol himself as a Volunteer.

CXXXV. And be it further enacted, That every Man fo enrolled Volunteers shall fhall, in the Prefence of fome one Governor, Deputy Governor, be worn as Militia Men. Juftice of the Peace, or Magiftrate acting for the County or City to which the Regiment or Battalion in which he shall be enrolled fhall belong, take and fubfcribe the fame Oath, as is herein before directed to be taken by a Substitute or Volunteer in any Regiment or Battalion of the faid Militia.

CXXXVI. And be it further enacted, That the feveral Colonels or other Commanding Officer or Officers fhall keep or caufe to be



Colonels fhall tranfmit Lifts of

Volunteers to

Chief Secretary's


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