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Number of Men to be enlifted fhall not exceed fuch Number as

Three fhs of the Eftihment in each Regiment, whether augmented or not.

A.D. 1809. "dulv difcharged. § 17. His Majeftv may iffue Orders to Lieuterants "of Counties and Commanding Officers, for executing the Act. § 18. "No Perlon thall be drafted from the Regiment in which he enlifted. "without his Confent, &c. § 19. On Production to Commanding "Officer of Certificates by Magiftrates of Enillment, Men fhall be "difcharged from the Lift of Men ferving for the County. § 20. "Adjutants of M litia fhall tranfmit Returns of Men enlifted to Cierks of Subdivifion Meetings, and, the Allowance to their Families fhail ceafe, &c. §21 A& tall not extend to London. § 22. Provi tions relating to Counti s and Regiments extended to Stewartries, Battalions, &c. § 23. A&t may be altered or repealed this "Seffion. § 24.

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An Act to allow a certain Proportion of the Militia in Ireland
voluntarily to enlift into His Majefty's Regular Forces.
[13th March 1809.]

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HEREAS it is neceffary that the most eff &ual Measures fhould be taken for augmenting His Majelly's Regular Forces; and it is therefore expedient to allow a certain Proportion of the • Militia in Ireland to enlift into His Majesty's Regular Forces, under certain Provifions and Restrictions; and to enable His Majesty to accept the Services of the Men fo voluntarily enlisting: May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted,' &c.

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"His Mjy, by Order, fignified by the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland. &c. may appoint Regiments of the Regular Forces into
"which Militia Men may
enlift. §.


II. And be it further enacted, That the Number of Private Men to be enlifted out of any Regiment of the faid Militia, fhall not in any Cafe exceed fuch Number of the Private Men of inch Militia as willave ferving, including Corporals, Three-fifths of the Number of will leave ving the Etablishment in Rank and File of fuch Regiment, according to the Etablishment thereof at the Time of fuch Enl ttm nt, whether fuch Ellablishment fhall have been augmented or not, under or by virtue of any A& in Force in Ireland tor that Pu pol; and in cafe the Militia of any County fhall confit of more than One Battalion, the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant or other Cef Governor or Governors of Ireland, fhall afcertain the Number of Private Men that may be allowed to enlift out of each fuch Battalion, by the Proportion which the Number of Private Men ferving in cach Battalion bears to the whole Number of Private Men actually ferving in the Militia of fuch County, and fhall fignify to the Commanding Officers of each of fuch Battalions, the Number of Private Men that may be allowed to enliit out of their respective Battalions.

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Mode and Periods of enliing. 3-S. (As under § 4-9. of 49 G. 3. c.4. refpecting the Britifs Militia. And fee 49 G.3. c. 55. 12. as to further Periods of enlifting.) Ditcharge of Men enlitted. §9. (As § 10. of 49 G. 3. c. 4.) Regulations refpe&iog Perfons in ConGnement, Clerks, Drummers, Serjeants, &c. &c. § 10-16. (As § 12 "—17 of 49 G. 3 c 4.) H's Majty may flue fuch Orders "through the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, &c. to Governors, &c. "of Counties, and to Commanding Officers, as he may think neceffary

" for

for executing this A. § 17. Account of the Number of Men difcharged from the Militia fhall be tranfmitted by Commanding "Officer to the Lord Lieutenant. § 18.



An Act for the Relief of Prifoners in Cuftody for Non-payment
of Money pursuant to Orders of Courts of Equity.
[13th March 1809.]


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HEREAS it is juft and highly expedient that the Bench: of

an A, fed in the Thirty-fecond Year of the Reign of

his Late Majefty King George the Second, intituled, An Ad for Relief 32 G. 2. c. 28. of Debtors with refpell to the Imprisonment of their Perpus, and to

oblige Debtors, whofball continue in Execution in Prifn beyond a certain

Time, and for Sums not exceeding what are mentioned in the Ad, to make

Difcovery of, and deliver upon Oath, their flates for their Creditors Benefit; and of an Act, paffed in the Thirty-ther! Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad for the farther Relief 33 G. 3.c. 5. of D.btors with refped to the Imprisonment of hair Pons, and to oblige Debtors, who fall continue in Execution in Prifon beyond a certain

• Time, and for Sums not exceeding what are mentioned in the Act, to make Difcovery of, and deliver upon Oath, their Elates for their Creditors Benefit; and of an Act, palled in the Thirty-feventh Year of the

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Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, "An AR to amend fo much 37 G. 3. c. 95. of an A, made in the Thirty Second Year of the Reign of King George the Second, intituled, An Ad for the Relief of Deltors with refpect to the Imprisonment of their Perfons, and to oblige Debtors, who fall continue in Execution in Prifon beyond a certain Time, and for Sums * not exceeding what are mentioned in the A, to make Difcovery of, and • deliver upon Oath, their Eflates for their Creditors Benefit? as relates to the Weekly Sums thereby directed to be paid to Prifoners in Execution for Debt, in the Cafes therein mentioned;" fhould be extended to Prifoners in Cuftody for Contempt of Court, by not paying M ney ordered to be paid by Decrees or Orders of Courts of Equity;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the paffing of this A&t, all Perfons who are or fhall be in Cuttedy for Contempt of any Court of Equity, by not paying any Sum or Sums of Money or Cofts, ordered to be paid by any Decree or Order of any fuch Court, fhall be entitled to the Benefit of the faid feveral Acts of Parliament, and fhall be fubject to all the fame Terms and Conditions as are therein expreffed and declared with refpect to Prifoners for Debt only; and that it fhall be lawful for Perfons now in Cuftody for fuch Contempt to make Application for Relief under the faid Acts of Parliament, at any Time before the End of Michaelmas Term next.


An Act to prohibit the Distillation of Spirits from Corn or
Grain, in the United Kingdom for a limited Time.

[13th March 1809.]

Perfons in Custody for Contempt of Courts of Equity for Non-payment of Money or Cofts, fhall be entitled to the Benefit of the recited Acts.

WHEREAS the init the dormod (Ser 4.8 Geo. 3.

expedient to prohibit the Diftillation of Spirits from Corn or c. 118.] Grain, ftill exist; and it is therefore neceffary to continue the faid

C 4


In England, in
Accounts of
liable to Duties

48 G. 3. c. 152.
Credit thall be
given for 21
Gailons Spirits
to every 100

[Continued ill

25 March 1810, 49 G.8. c. 105.]

Prohibition, for a Time to be limited, and to enable His Majefty, by Proclamation, if he fhall judge it for the Benefit and Advantage of • His Kingdom, either to terminate or further continue fuch Prohibition for a Time to be limited:' Be it therefore enacted, &c.


"From the paffing of this Act Diftillation from Grain_prohibited "throughout the United Kingdom till Dec. 31, 1809. § 1. After "October 1, 1809, His Majefty by Proclamation, &c. may permit "Diftillation from Grain (except Wheat); or may continue the "Prohibition throughout the United Kingdom from Dec. 31, until Forty Days after the next Meeting of Parliament. § 2. Penalty "for ufing Grain for Diftillation during the Prohibition, 500l &c. § 3. "Diftillers taking into their Cuftody, during the Prohibition, Grain "which fhall have been ground (except Malt not exceeding Two "Quarters, or Wheat Meal or Flour not exceeding One Sack) fhall "forfeit 500l. and the Grain. § 4. Exemptions for Distillers who "are Millers. § 5. Diftillers may have in their Cuftody ground Grain at any Time within Twenty Days of the Expiration of the Pro"hibition. 6.

VII. And be it further enacted, That every Officer of Excife in England having any Still or Still-houfe or other Place uled for the Purpofe of making or diftilling Spirits under his Survey, fhall keep exact Accounts in his Books of all Worts and Wash whereon the Duties are impofed by an Act made and paffed in the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An Act for granting certain Duties on Worts or Wafb made from Sugar during the Probilon of Diftillation from Corn or Grain in Great Britain, and fhall in his faid Books give unto the feveral Diftillers or Makers of Spirits under his Survey a Credit after the Rate or Proportion of Twenty One Gallons of Spirits of the Strength of One to Ten over Hydrometer Proof for every One Hudred Gallons of Wort or Wash brewed or made from Sugar by fuch Distiller or Diftillers, during fuch Time as fuch Diftiller or Diftillers fhall continue to work or diftil Spirits from Sugar.

"Former Acts, (except as hereby altered,) fhall remain in Force. § 8. "Penalties may be recovered and applied as under former Laws of "Excife. §9.

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An Act to fufpend the Importation of British or Irish made
Spirits into Great Britain or Ireland respectively, until the
First Day of June One thoufand eight hundred and nine.
[13th March 1809.]

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WHEREAS Doubts have arifen whether the Regulations under

which the Drawbacks and Countervailing Duties paid or payable on Spirits the Manufacture of Great Britain and Freund imported from either Country into the other, do not operate as a Bounty on the Exportation of Spirits from Great Britain to Ireland, and a Duty on the Exportation of Spirits from Ireland to Scotland, contrary to the Sixth Article of the Act of Union; and it is theres fore expedient to fufpend the Importation of Irish made Spirits into Great Britain, and of British made Spirits into Ireland for a Time to be limited, until proper Provifion can be made for regulating the Intercourfe between Great Britain and Ireland, in relation to • Spirits


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Spirits the Manufacture of either Country;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembied, and by the Authority of the fame, That, from and after the paffing of this Act, and until the First Day of June One thoufand eight hundred and nine, no Spirits diftilled or made in Ireland fhall be imported or brought into any Part of Great Britain, nor fhall any Spirits of British Manufacture be imported or brought into any Part of Ireland, on Pain of forfeiting all fuch Spirits fo imported or brought into either Country contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A&t, together with the Cafks or Packages containing the fame, and alfo the Ships, Boats, or Veffels, in which the fame fhall be brought or imported; and all fuch Spirits, Cafks, Packages, Ships, Boats, or Veffels, fhall and may be feized by any Officer or Officers of Cuftoms or Excife. "Penalty may be remitted by Commiffioners of "that the Veffels cleared out with the Spirits before "and on Security for the Re-exportation. § 2. "recovered as under former Excife Laws. § 3.


Excife, on Proof
March 8, 1809,
Penalties may be

An Act to grant Bounties on the Importation of Flax Seed into Ireland from Great Britain, until the Eighth Day of April One thoufand eight hundred and nine; and to amend the Laws for the Regulation of the Linen Manufacture in Ireland, fo far as relates to Importers of Flax Seed.

[13th March 1809.] "Bounty of Five Shillings for every Bufhel of Flax Seed imported "into Ireland, having been exported from Great Britain between 8th "March and 8th April 1809 §1. Bounty limited to the First 50,000 "Buthels imported. § 2. Regulations prefcribed by 42 Geo. 3. c. 75. "and 44 Geo. 3. c. 42. fhall be obferved in the Importation. § 3. Bounty fhall be paid by Collectors of Cuftoms under Orders of "the Commiffioners of Cuftoms. §.4.

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V. And Whereas it is expedient that the faid Act, made in the Forty-fecond Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An • Ad to amend the Laws for the better Regulation of the Linen Manufacture in Ireland, fhould be amended in Manner herein-after mentioned; Be it therefore enacted, That when any Perfon fhall have imported or fhall import any Flax Seed into Ireland, and fuch Flax Seed fhall have been or fhall be duly infpected and examined, branded and marked as found and fit for fowing, according to the Directions and Provitions contained in the faid recited A&t of the Forty-fecond Year aforefaid, the Importer of any fuch Flax Seed fhall not be fubject or liable to the Penalty of Ten Pounds Ten Shillings, under the faid recited Act, for or in refpect of any fuch Seed fo branded and marked for its being bad, mixed, or damnified Flax Seed, or Flax Seed unfit for fowing, which fuch Importer fhall fell at any Time after the paffing of this Act, between the Twenty-fifth Day of March and the First Day of July in any Year, nor to the Forfeiture of any fuch Flax Seed, nor the Calks or Packages containing the fame, nor of the Price thereof when fold: Provided always, that fuch Importer fo felling

Indiana University, Law Library


Until June 1,

1909, no Irish Spirits fhall be imported into Great Britain, nor British Spirits

imported into



Importer of
Flax Seed tha
not be fubject to
101. 10s. under
Penalty of
42 G. 3. c. 75.
§ 7. for Seed
unfit for fowing,

if fold between
25 March and
1 July in any
Year, &c.

fuch Flax Seed fhall, at the Time of felling the fame, deliver to the Buyer thereof a Certificate in Writing, fubfcribed by fuch Importer, expreffing truly the Quantities and Price of the Seed fo imported and fold, and the Port from whence the fame was imported, and the Year of its Growth, whether fuch Certificate fhail have been demanded on Behalf of fuch Buyer or not, and that fuch Certificate fhall be true in all its Circumftances, and that fuch Seed fhall not have been removed by fuch Importer fo felling the fame from or out of the Cafk or Package in which the fame was originally imported and branded with the word "Sound," in Manner required by the faid recited Act, and fhall be fold in fuch entire Cafk or Package without dividing or feling the fame in any fmalier Quantity.

"Before 8th April 18c9, any Infpe&tor of the Linen and I mpen "Manufactures in Ireland may examine Flax Seed in the Ports of "Great Britain, and brand and mark the Cafks Sound," &c 6.

"Fee of One Penny per Buthel may be taken by fuch Inipector. § 7"A&t may be altered this Seffion. § 8.

CA P. X.

An Act to continue fo much of an Act of the Forty-feventh Year of His prefent Majefty, as allows a Bounty upon double refined Sugar exported, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thoufand eight hundred and eleven; and fo much of the fame Act as allows a Bounty on Raw Sugar exported, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thoufand eight hundred and ten. [20th March 1809.]

"So much of 47 G. 3. c. 22. as relates to Bounties on double refined "Sugar continued to 25th March 1811: and fo much of the faid A&t "as relates to Bounties on raw Sugars (as continued and amended by "48 G. 3. c. 12.) further continued to 25th March 1810.


An Act for further continuing, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and ten, certain Bounties and Drawbacks on the Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain; and for fufpending the Countervailing Duties and Bounties on Sugar when the Dutics impofed by an Act of the Forty-fixth Year of His prefent Majefty fhall be fufpended. [20th March 1809.]


"Recital of Acts 43 G. 3. c. 11; 45 G. 3. c. 93; 46 G. 3. c. 10; "47 G. 3. ft. 1. c. 29; 48 G. 3. c. 16. Drawbacks and Bounties in "Schedule to recited A&t 45 G. 3. c. 93. fhall be paid. § 1. If, "on 5th May, 5th September 1809, or 5th January 1810, the Average "Prices of Brown or Mufcovado Sugar fhall not have exceeded Seventy Shillings per Cwt. the Drawback or Bounty in the Schedule "to 45 G.3. c. 93. correfponding with the Price fhall be paid, &c. § 2. "Whenever under 46 G. 3. c. 42. § 10. the Treafury fhall fufperd "the Payment of any Part of the Duty on raw Sugar impofed by "that Act, they fhall alfo fufpend a like Proportion of the Coun"tervailing Duties on Irib refined Sugar imported, and of the Draw


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