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that you, our beloved friends, are striving together with us in your prayers to God for us. And now, whilst in all the compassion of Christian sympathy, we would once more beseech those who neither pray for us nor themselves, "to be reconciled to God," we also entreat you, our Christian friends, to let your conversation be as becometh the Gospel of Christ, that whether we come and see you, or else be absent, we may hear of your affairs, how that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel. Then we shall be sure you will not cease to compassionate the poor heathen, who have no Gospel, nor will you fail to hold up the hands of your unworthy representatives as they labour to dispel the spiritual midnight that broods over this vast continent. Our united and sincere regard to you all, in Christian love till death. Again we say, farewell, farewell. MATTHEW LAIRD,

From the Philadelphian, May 1st.

Extracts of a letter addressed to the President of the Ladies' Association Auxiliary to the American Colonization Society, by Rev. J. B. Pinney, Colonial Agent, March 7th, 1834. MADAM:-Suffer the momentary interview which I had the honour to enjoy at a meeting of your Ladies' Association, during my late visit to America, to be an apology for this letter, though it be little more than one of complaint. God repay you an hundred fold for your deeds of love towards these poor May children. In their name, I would thank you a thousand times, and all the ladies who are associated with you in this good work.

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It will rejoice your heart to hear, that all the schools supported by you, are well conducted and prosperous. Mrs. Carsan's school, at Caldwell, I have been greatly delighted with. The children make rapid progress, and the inhabitants are becoming jealous lest the girls should all outstrip the boys, and become the best scholars. Mr. Eden, at New Georgia, is making some progress; much impeded, however, for want of a suitable room for conducting his school.

Mr. T

I regret to add, that we are about to lose the services of Mrs. Thomson, whose school is very large and flourishing, indeed too large.* has gone to Palmas and will doubtless soon send for Mrs. Do search Philadelphia, and send us two or three well qualified teachers; we cannot proceed in the instruction of the elder and more advanced scholars without them.

* The first girls' school, located at Monrovia. The present condition of the school is thus described by the teacher herself: "The number continues quite large, entirely too large for one teacher. Justice is not done to either class. I attempted to teach sewing, but was obliged to give that up. Although the school is so crowded, the people do not think but that all their children can come."


[From the Philadelphian, May 8.]

A few days since, Mr. John Hanson, merchant of this city, favoured us with a letter to himself, from Rev. James Eden, dated at New Georgia, in Liberia, in which he represents himself as pastor of a Presbyterian Church near that place.

His congregation, he says, is small, and for want of some better place regularly convenes in a place "where not only the public tribunal is held, but where the natives and strayed goats take up their lodging at nights; so that it is impossible to keep it clean." He solicits Mr. Hanson, therefore, as having been frequently present in their religious assemblies, and having been an eye witness of their necessities, to procure for them aid if practicable in America. Particularly he solicits some cups and plates to be employed in celebrating the Lord's supper. He does not expect, he 12

says, that they should be gold or silver; but he and his people will be thankful to receive just such a set as any one may please to give.

The Sabbath school, he says, in connexion with his church, is in a very flourishing condition; but greatly in want of some spelling books for the children, which are not to be found at the Colony. He wishes particularly that Mrs. Beaula Sansom, President of the Ladies' Society, Auxiliary to the American Colonization Society, may know, that the children of the recaptured Africans at New Georgia are almost without books, and that shortly there will be no supply for them, unless they are sent from America.


By a late arrival we have received a file of the Liberia Herald, from which we learn, with regret, the decease of Francis Devany, Esq. on the 11th of September. He was a colored man-originally a slave, belonging to Langdon Cheves, Esq. of Charleston, South Carolina, and emigrated to Liberia at an early period of its settlement. For many years past he has been engaged in commerce, and had accumulated a handsome fortune by his industry, perseverance and enterprise, when his earthly career was ended in the thirty-sixth year of his age. His disorder was consumption, and Liberia will have occasion to regret in him, the loss of one of its most valuable citizens. He held, for some time, the office of High Sheriff of the Colony, and in the various relations of life, sustained and deserved the reputation of an honest man. When in this country, a few years ago, he bore evidence, before a committee of the Congress of the United States, to the favorable prospects afforded to emigrants by the Liberia settlement. [New York Daily Advertiser.


[From the New York Commercial Advocate, May 7.]

We have recently received several letters from friends in, Western Africa, some extracts from which have been published. On a re-perusal, one remark struck us as worthy of public notice. The writer, after having been six weeks at Monrovia, says "I have not seen a person, in the least intoxicated since my arrival.' The Methodist Episcopal Missionaries have formed a "Conference" at Monrovia, called the Liberia Annual Conference, and at their first meeting fourteen members attended. After getting through with their church business, they formed a Society, called the "Conference Temperance Society;" thereby showing a determination to set a good example to the flock over which they are placed. The inhabitants have experienced great inconvenience from the scarcity of lumber, suitable for building-this, we are pleased to find, will soon be obviated by the erection of a saw mill. Perhaps as great an evil, as any, that prevails in this new African Colony, is a strong propensity to extravagance in living and dress.


[From the Philadelphian, May 8.]

Mr. Brown, lately returned from Liberia, has informed us that a large number of the recaptured Africans settled at New Georgia, have intermarried with the female emigrants from the United States; and that in this way civilization is extending a little into the interior of the country. Their wives introduce something of domestic industry and comfort, while their husbands cultivate the earth, and are the market people who in a measure supply Monrovia. Through these connections the desire of being modest

ly clothed is beginning to be extensively spread; in this way preparation is made for civilization and commerce, especially in cotton fabrics. The Colony has hitherto done but little in the line of extending Christianity in Africa; but much for the introduction of trade and the arts of civilized life. In this way something of an opening has been made for the future introduction of the Gospel into that world of coloured people.


Extracts from the proceedings of the Board of

Managers, May 8, 1834.

Resolved, That as the additional accounts

and vouchers for the various drafts from the Colony during the last year have been lately received, the Committee appointed on the subject of Mr. Breckenridge's Resolution, adopted at the last Annual Meeting, and who reported in part on the 20th of February, be instructed to prepare a report as early as practicable, on the other matters called for by said Resolution.


philanthropy, and has been cherished with no other sentiments than those of the most pure and exalted benevolence.

The grand object was to plant upon the coast of Africa, a Christian Colony of colored persons who might voluntarily emigrate thither. This purpose early avowed, has never been departed from. And was there any thing objectionable in this? No man had been compelled to go there [From the New York Spectator, May 8.]—and a fundamental principle of the Pursuant to arrangement, a meeting of the Colonization Society of the city of New York, was held yesterday afternoon, at the Chatham st. Chapel. At the appointed hour, the spacious area and galleries were filled to overflowing. The meeting was called to order by William L. Stone, who nominated, in the absence of President Duer, Dr. James Milnor, one of the Vice Presidents of the Society, to the chair. The nomination was confirmed, and Dr. John Stearns, appointed Secretary. After an appropriate prayer by Dr. De Witt, the meeting was addressed by the Rev. R. R. Gurley, Secretary of the American Colonization Society. The subject upon which the meeting was assembled, was one, he said, of grave and solemn interest to this nation; and after what had taken place yesterday, he felt that he would be glad to speak two or three hours upon it, and then leave it unexhausted. But as others were to follow, he would endeavor to be brief.

Any person who would refer to the history of this Institution, and will judge of it with candor, must be convinced that it was founded in

Colony was freedom of the will. The Society has already found 3,000 persons, animated by this spirit of freedom, and who have embarked for Liberia. He would admit that evils and discouragements have existed there, and that some existed still; but whatever they were, they were fewer and less formidable than those that were presented at the settlement of Jamestown or Plymouth, by our ancestors. Letters had also been recently received that the depression that had existed was passing away, and measures for the reform and prevention of the evils complained of had been promptly taken. It was due, he said, to state of the Board of Managers at Washington, that no body of men could be found more sincerely intent to establish a nation on the coast of Africa upon Christian principles. They are men willing to be taught by experience, and every subject presented to them in relation to the interests of the Society, has received deep and earnest consideration.

Mr. G. was aware that this subject was necessarily connected with the slave question; and it involves the welfare of three million blacks, and

Resolved, That this meeting invite the Clergy of all denominations throughout this State, to enforce the claims of this Society from their pulpits on the Fourth of July, or some Sabbath near to it, annually, and to take up collections in their congregations in aid of the cause of African Colonization.

of more than half of the Union. He The Rev. Mr. Jackson next rose had been astonished when he had and submitted the following resoluseen with what ruthlessness men, tion:who had never examined the subject, or been upon the spot, undertook to propound doctrines which threaten the destruction of this great confederacy. He had heard it yesterday declared, that the slaveholder was worse than the original kidnap- The occasion, he said, led him to per. He would admit that those recall some of the most pleasing rewho hold slaves now, on the princi- collections of by-gone days. He reple of those who kidnapped them at membered well the time the first first, are equally guilty. But the sail was unfurled for this enterprise, whole condition of the case is alter- and that when Burgess and Mills ed. A vast majority of present slave- walked down to the wharf, they holders act in this matter involunta- were accompanied by a single indirily. It is a burthen cast upon them vidual-but 'a little one has become -an unblest inheritance that has a thousand, and a strong one a great fallen upon them. Much had been nation.' The results have surpassed said upon the point that the Coloni- the expectations of the most sanzation Society had been founded on guine; and we have the most cheera cherished prejudice against the co- ing prospect that the enterprise will lored people. This, to say the least go on until that land, like our own, of it, was erroneous. It was found- will become the 'land of the free and ed on the belief that, by changing the home of the brave.' The Socitheir location, the disadvantages un-ety had passed through evil report, der which they labor here might be removed. Burke saw the increased energy of character which had been infused into the Americans by a departure from their native land, and predicted the results that followed. The same change of place may elevate the blacks, if we can transfer them to a country where they may be the builders of their own fortunes, and bring out the native energies of their character. It had been objected that it was impracticable to construct permanent institutions upon the African coast, out of such materials as were sent thither. But if the African character could be sufficiently elevated here, for participation in civil government, can it not there? But it was not the purpose of the Colonization Society to set down the emigrants upon the African coasts forlorn and abandoned; but to educate them and fit them for a higher destiny. Mr. G. adverted to several other positions assumed by the opposers of the Colonization Society, which he successfully exposed and refuted.

and through good report. It had been opposed by interests diametrically antagonist, and with arguments as conflicting as those interests.

On the one hand, it was said, that it was a device to rivet more securely the shackles of the slave-on the other, that it was an insidious project for the abolition of slavery. But it had preserved a happy medium between extremes, and it had generally been found that truth lies there, as well in theology as in politics.If it was contended that the Society was beset with difficulties, he would admit it. But difficulties in a good cause were not to be yielded to, but to be surmounted, and whilst this Society had a hand for relief as tender as the down of innocence, it was shod with brass to spurn at difficulties. Although their path was not strewed with flowers, every difficulty would vanish before the wand of perseverance. It was an enterprise for the benefit of two continents, and calculated to bless countless millions with the triumphant emblems of the plough, the cap of liberty, and the

erted in bettering the condition, and

cross. It promised emancipation to the whole African race from the brightening the prospects of the thraldom of ignorance, despotism, and degradation. The consequences already attained were most auspi


slave, and preparing the mind of the master for early emancipation. He alluded particularly to the free and open discussion of the slave question In Africa, the number of slave fac- in Virginia-to the progress made in tories had been greatly diminished, Kentucky-and to the efforts and apand in our own country, within the propriations made by the Legislalast sixteen years, the rights of the ture of Maryland for the avowed purcolored people had been more cor- pose of making that a free State.rectly appreciated, and their condi- These results had been produced by tion greatly improved. It was im- the fact, that the Society had inspir possible to deny that in producing ed hope by showing a channel thro' this result, the Colonization Society which slavery might be ultimately had a prominent agency. Why then abolished with safety, and this had seek to injure us? Is the array of diminished the fear which had shut battle to be encountered because the their eyes to conviction, and their good we have done is less than we hands from effort. The question was could have wished? Let us at least put upon the resolution, and it was go on undisturbed in our achieve-adopted. ments, at least until something more than a shadow is offered in lieu of a substance. If we are to rely on some great moral impulse to achieve the liberation of the blacks, are all other means in the mean time to be laid aside? Suppose a Society were to be formed in Russia for the relief of the sufferings of the Poles-should its operations be suspended until a great moral impulse can be excited to effect their universal emancipa- the subject, that the friends and enetion? Let those who oppose this un-mies of Colonization were divided dertaking beware, lest haply they into the friends and enemies of slavefind at last that they have been fight- ry. It was true that the action of ing against God. Mr. J. made ma- the Society upon slavery was indiny eloquent and pertinent remarks which we have not time nor room to insert. The resolution he offered was passed.

A. H. Twining, Esq. of New-Haven, then submitted the following resolution:

The Rev. John Breckenridge offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That a true regard to the best interests of the people of colour in this country, and to the present and future good of the population of Africa, urges the members of this Society to renewed and more enlarged measures to found Christian States upon the African coast, which shall show the value and power of Education, Liberty, and our holy Religion.

He said it was a mistaken view of

rect; and abolition, in any other than the slave holding States, whether immediate or progressive, could legally assume no other form. It was a known and conceded fact, whether right or wrong, good or bad, this Union was formed upon the basis that to the state sovereignties, and to them alone, the whole subject of slave regulation was reserved. Congress has no right to intermeddle—and there is no alternative between the dissolution of the Union, and the concession to the States of those powers which the Constitution left in their hands. If we wish to effect emanci

Resolved, That powerful motives are presented, in the progress and success of the American Colonization Society, to every man who would aid the establishment of Christian Colonies of free men of colour, who may choose to emigrate, on the African coast, for more vigorous and extended effort. He enforced the propriety of the resolution by many apposite remarks, which our limits will not enable us to record. He dwelt at considera-pation, and help the colored man, we ble length upon the beneficial moral must do so by individual influence, influences which the Society had ex- or through the instrumentality of the

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