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DEROGA TAKEN. May, 1775.

Proceedings in South Carolina, p. 552-In Georgia, 553 - Rising of the Men

of Vermont, 554-They cross Lake Champlain, 554 - Surprise of Ticonderoga,

555--The Commander surrenders, 555.

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Dunmore convenes the Virginia Legislature, p. 586- Opinions of Jefferson,

586-Last Use of the King's Veto Power, 587-The Governor temporizes, 587

- He withdraws, 587-Answer of the Burgesses to Lord North's Proposition,

588- Shelburne's Opinion on the Answer, 588-Vergennes, 589- Massachu-

setts asks of Congress leave to take up Government, 589-Congress to assume

the Army, 589-And elect a Generalissimo, 590-John Adams and Samuel

Adams advise the Choice of Washington, 590-Congress borrows Money, 591

— Its Policy, 591- The Twelve United Colonies, 591 - Advice to Massachusetts,

591 -Proclamation of Gage, 591-Martial Law established, 591 - His Advice to

the Ministry, 592-New York disclaims the Desire of Independence, 592 — The

General Congress appoints a Fast, 592— The American Continental Army, 593

- Washington chosen General, 593- His Person, 593-His Education, 593–

His Early Life, 594 - His Courage, 594 — Cheerfulness, 595- Liberality, 595 -

His Disinterestedness, 595 — His Passions and his Judgment, 595 — His Secrecy,

596- His Attention to Details, 596-His Comprehensiveness, 596 - His Mod-

eration, 596 — Washington a Southerner, 596- Washington the Representative

of his Country, 597- His Character Religious, 597-His Goodness, 597 - His

Ambition, 598 - His Love of Fame, 598- His Greatness, 598-He commands

Universal Confidence, 598 — The Difficulties before him, 599 — He accepts, 599

- Congress adheres to him, 599- His Commission, 600-His Trust in Provi-

dence, 600-Good Effect of his Appointment, 600.

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