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honeft gentleman, and, when his time comes, we fhall be ready to doe our duties to him, as we doe to you: butt, as long as you live, we are not willing to part with you, and therfore, I pray, Madame, doe not part with us."

When the boore had ended his fpeech, he waddled up to the Queen, without any ceremoney, tooke her by the hand, and shaked it heartily, and kift it two or three times; then turning his backe to her, he pulled out of his pocket a fowle handkercher, and wiped the tears from his eyes, and in the fame poiture as he came up he returned back to his own place againe. This was NATURE, and worth all the ceremonies which Art and Formality ever invented.

At a fubfequent audience of the Queen, her Majefty asked Whitelocke how he liked the manner and proceedings at the affembly of the ftates? to which he replied, that he thought they were conducted with the greatest gravity and folemnity that he ever faw in any public affembly; that her Majesty spoke and acted like herfelf; and that fhe was highly complimented by the feveral marshals, but, above all, by the honest boor.

Qu. Was you fo taken with his clownery?

Wh. It feemed to me as pure and cleer naturall eloquence, without any forced straine, as could be expreffed.

Qu. Indeed there was little elfe butt what was naturall, and by a well meaning man, who is understanding enough in his countrey


Wh. Whofoever shall confider his matter, more then his forme, will find that the man underilands his buifnes; and the garment or phrafe wherwith he clothed his matter, though it was rufticke, yett the variety and plaine elegancy, and reafon, could not butt affect his auditors.

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Qu. I thinke he fpake from his heart.

Wh. I believe he did, and acted fo too, especially when he wiped his eyes.

Qu. He showed his affection to me in that posture, more then greater men did in their spheres.

Wh. Madame, we must looke uppon all men to worke according to their prefent intereft; and fo I fuppofe doe the great men

heer as well as elsewhere.

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Qu. Heer I have had experience enough of fuch actings: I fhall trye what they doe in other places, and content mylelfe however I shall find it.

Wb. Your Majefty will not expect to find much difference in the humors of men, as to feeking themselves, and neglecting those from whom they have received favours.

Qu. It will be no otherwife then what I am armed to beare, and not to regard; butt your perticular refpects I fhall alwayes remember with gratefullnes.

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Wh. Your Majesty shal! ever find me your faithfull fervant. Doe you intend, Madame, to goe from hence to Pomerland?

Q. My intentions are to goe prefently after my refignation to the Spae; but wherefoever I am, you have a true friend of me.. Wh. There is no perion alive more cordially your Majefty's fer

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Q. I doe believe it, or else I should not have communicated to you fach things as I have done.

Wb. Your Majefty hath therin expressed much confidence in me, which I hope thall never deceive you, however my want of abilities may not anfwear your Majelly's favours to me.

Qu. I have noe doubt of your faithfullnes, and you have sufficiently manifefted your abilities. Give me leave to trouble you with the company of a gentleman, my fervant, whom I purpofe to fend over with you to England, to take care for those things which I defire to have from thence.

Wh. He shall be very wellcome to me and my company, and I hall give him my best affiitance for your Majesty's fervice.

2. I fhall thanke you for it, and commaund him to obey your directions.

Wb. Madame, if you pleafe to accept a fett of black English ftone borfes for your coach, I fhall take the boldnes to end them to your ftables; and pray your Majefty that the matter of your horfe may furnish me for my journey to Stockholme.

Qu. I doe thankfully accept your kindnes, and all mine are att your service.

• Wb. I have interrupted your Majefty too long. I defired the favour of this opportunity to prefent my most humble thankes to your Majefty for all your noble favours to me, and my company.

Q. I intreat your excufe for the meanness of my presents: I could not doe therin what I desired, nor after your merit.

Wh. Madame, there is nothing of my merit to be alleadged; butt your Majefty hath teftifyed much honor to the Protector and Common-wealth, whom I ferve.

Qu. England is a noble countrey, and your mafter is a gallane man: I defire you to affure him, on my part, of all affection and refpect towards him.

Wh. Your Majefty may be confident of the like from his Highnes; and your humble fervant will heartily pray for your Majesty's profperity, where ever you are.

Q. I wish you a happy voyage and returne to your own countrey.'

In a few days after, the Prince fucceffor made his public entry into Upfal; of the particulars of which we have here an entertaining account. This Prince fhewed great marks of respect toward the Englifh Ambaffador, gave him feveral au diences, and even did him the honour to vifit him at his house. The Swedes appeared to be very well fatisfied with their new Monarch, who was a brave and martial man, poffeffed of many talents to make a good King: and Whitelocke, according to his plain-dealing manner, did not fail to offer his Royal Highnets his best advice for the falutary, and efpecially the religious, government of the kingdom. The Prince took this, as, indeed, well became him, very kindly, and promifed not to be unmindful of fuch good counfel.

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And now, the bufinefs of Whitelocke's ambaffy being happily compleated, he took his leave of the Queen, and of her illuftrious fucceflor; and fet aut for Stockholm, in order to take shipping there for England.

Being arrived at Stockholm, he gives a circumftantial defeription of that capital; and here he relates what paffed at the coronation of the new King.

From Stockholm he proceeded, by fea, and had a troublefome and dangerous voyage, through the Baltic, till he arrived. at Lubec; where he was received, by the lords of that city, with the highest honours, and every mark of distinction due to a perfon of his character and confequence. This celebrated place is alfo particularly defcribed; as well as the country belonging to it, which, with the city, comprehends a kind of free ftate: Lubec being the chief and moft ancient of the hanfe


From Lubec, the Ambaffador travelled, by land, to Hamburgh; defcribing, as his conftant manner is, the face of the country, the state of the roads, and what kind of accommodation and entertainment he every where met with: fo that to those who love to read books of voyages and travels, this part of our Author's Journal (and it is not a fmall part) will prove highly entertaining.

After defcribing Hamburgh, and giving a particular account of its government, laws, and cuftoms, with the manners of the inhabitants, and the ftate of trade in that famous commercial city (where he ftaid feven or eight days) the Ambaffador proceeded on his voyage, and, landing at Gluckstadt, gives us an account alfo of that town.

Arriving now in the open German Ocean, Whitelocke, with his little fleet (confifting of two frigates, with feveral merchantfhips under his convoy) was expofed to most terrible tempefts, in one of which they narrowly efcaped being caft away. Here we have a well-written, and very ftriking defcription of the horrible fituation of a fhip aground in a ftorm; and from the particulars here given, it appears that no fhip was ever in greater diftrefs, or more imminent danger, that did not actually perish. Providentially, however (and much is here very piously urged on this memorable occafion) they got off, and, in two days after, arrived fafe in the mouth of the Thames.

We fhall here conclude the article in the words of the fenfible and pious Author of this valuable and entertaining Journal:

The fume of all was, that, for a molt difficult and daungerous worke, faithfully and fuccessfully performed by Whitelocke, he had little thankes, and no recompence, from thofe who did imploy him; butt not long after was rewarded by them with an injury: they putt


him out of his office of Commiffioner of the Great Seale, bicause he would not betray the rights of the people, and, contrary to his owne knowledge, and the knowledge of thofe who impofed it, execute an ordinance of the Protector and his Councell, as if it had bin a lawe.

Batt, in a fucceding parlement, uppon the motion of his noble friend the Lord Broghill, Whitelocke had his arrears of his disbursements payd him, and fome recompence of his faithfull service allowed unto him.

His hopes were yet higher, and his expectation of acceptance was from a fuperior to all earthly powers; to whom only the prayle is due to of all our actions and indeavours, and who will certainly reward all his fervants with a recompence which will laft for ever.'

There is an Appendix to this Journal, containing the Author's Preface and Dedication, to his children, of his general work, entitled, "Whitelocke's Labours remembered in the Annals of his Life, for Inftruction to his Children;" alɔ a number of letters and state-papers relating to his ambaffy to Sweden; but we are forry to obferve the want of a proper Index; which, in a work fo voluminous, and containing fuch a variety of particulars, feems to be peculiarly neceffary.

ART. IV. Real Improvements in Agriculture (on the Principles of A. YOUNG, Efq;) recommended to accompany Improvements of Rents. In a Letter to Reade Peacock, Elg; Alderman of tuntingdon. To which is added, a Letter to Dr. Hunter, Phyfician in York, concerning the Rickets in Sheep. By T. Comber, Rector of Buckworth and Morborne, Hunts. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. Nicoll. 1772.

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S we think it incumbent on us to pay a fuperior degree of regard to fuch publications as are especially calculated for the benefit of our country, we fhall attend more particularly to the various contents of this production, than we ufually do, with refpect to thofe pieces which come under the denomination of pamphlets.

Mr. Comber's prefent performance is, in fome measure, local, as it primarily relates to the particular circumstances of the lordship of, in our Author's neighbourhood, wherein a confiderable advance of rent is about to take place, amidst the loud and various complaints of the tenants; who, on fuch occafions, may be naturally expected to alledge a fufficient number of grievances or hardfhips: fome, perhaps, with, and others without reafon. And hence our learned and public-fpirited Author was induced to make the important bufinefs of farming the object of his late reflections; efpecially, fays he, as I was tempted by humanity, in my late daily excurfions (which regard to my health obliges me to make) through part of that lordship, to fix my attention on the fcenes around me, and confider how far the complaints of the farmers feem well grounded,

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grounded, how far the faults of either landlord or tenant may affect the honest interests of the other, and how far those honeft interefts may be reconciled.'

The most part of this valuable tract is, however, of fo general a nature, and of fuch extenfive importance, that we confider it as calculated for univerfal obfervation and benefit, as well as for the emolunient of the landlord and tenants of that particular lordship in Huntingdonshire which gave birth to it. Some of our Author's more general hints and remarks we shall, therefore, point out, for the notice of our agricultural Readers. Mr. Comber fets out with animadverting on the particular complaints of the tenants of the lordship in queftion, and he gives us a number of very rational obfervations on-the various fizes of farms,-the proper families of farmers,-bad managers, -roads, the poor,-contiguity of lands,-affortment of lands, -commons,-tithes,-ploughing,-drainings-quantity of tilJage,-ox and horfe teams,-farmers dwelling houfes,-barns, &c.-leafes,-compoft-hills-hay-ftacks, and ftraw-foddering in pafture fields,-dairy farms, &c. &c. In the laft-mentioned branch, fpeaking of the ufe of cow ties, he with pleasure obferves (and we, with equal pleafure repeat it, for the fake of the poor animals) that it is the conftant practice in his neighbourhood-and he wishes his tenants in the North to imitate it, -to milk their kine without ties: which, fays he, evinces that the cow is an animal fo docile as, very generally, to be brought to ftand fufficiently ftill to be fafely milked.' Milking, he adds, is a natural operation, and muft, in general, be a pleasing reJief to a cow.' [It certainly is the highest relief to her, when her udder is painfully diftended, through the abundance of her milk.] But our Author proceeds; and remarks that on this account, he does not fay folely on this account, all animals love the young which fuck them.' In any cafe, fays Mr. Comber, the cow, or heifer, fhould not be tied by the legs, but by the head or horns; leaft of all fhould he be tied by a hairy rope, as the custom is in the North. Such an one will certainly give pain to the tender legs, rub off the hair, and create wounds or fores; and inftead of caufing the animal to bear any other pain patiently, will render her much more impatient. Brutes, as well as men, eafily take prejudices, especially from unusual pain; and a cow who will not ftand quietly to be milked without one tie, will foon not ftand without two, and ere long, a third must be applied to her fore legs. Thus have

If either naturally or accidentally, the udder or teats be fwelled, chopped, or otherwife painful, they fhould be eased by emollients. If there be any incurable foreness, the animal should be turned to feed,'

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